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+# llvm_wrapper library
+Wraps the LLVM API, exposing LLVM's C API through `llvm_wrapper.h` and wrapping the portions of LLVM that are not exposed through the C API.
+## `llvm_wrapper/llvm_wrapper.h`
+### `llvm_wrapper::Wrapper<T, Deleter>`
+Template designed to behave the same as `std::unique_ptr` except that `T` must be the held pointer type instead of the type pointed to:
+`Wrapper<A *, A_deleter>` instead of `std::unique_ptr<A, A_deleter>`.
+Useful because all the object handle typedefs used by LLVM's C API already are pointers instead of being typedefs for the pointed-to object, avoiding needing to dereference the pointer type before we can use it with `std::unique_ptr`.
+### `llvm_wrapper::LLVM_string`
+Wrapper for `LLVMCreateMessage` and `LLVMDisposeMessage`.
+### `llvm_wrapper::Context`
+Wrapper for `LLVMContextRef`.
+- `init`: initialize the LLVM library. Called by `Context::create`, and `Target`'s static functions.
+- `create`: create a LLVM context.
+### `llvm_wrapper::Target`
+Wrapper for `LLVMTargetRef`.
+- `get_default_target_triple`: wrapper for `LLVMGetDefaultTargetTriple`
+- `get_process_target_triple`: wrapper for `llvm::sys::getProcessTriple`
+- `get_host_cpu_name`: wrapper for `llvm::sys::getHostCPUName`
+- `get_host_cpu_name`: wrapper for `llvm::sys::getHostCPUName`
+- `get_host_cpu_features`: wrapper for `llvm::sys::getHostCPUFeatures`. Returns the feature list in the format used for the `target-features` LLVM function annotation.
+- `get_target_from_target_triple`: wrapper for `LLVMGetTargetFromTriple`. returns the `Target` if successful, otherwise returns an `LLVM_string` containing the error message.
+- `get_native_target`: returns the `Target` corresponding to the value returned by `Target::get_process_target_triple`.
+### `llvm_wrapper::Target_data`
+Wrapper for `LLVMTargetDataRef`
+- `to_string`: wrapper for `LLVMCopyStringRepOfTargetData`
+- `from_string`: wrapper for `LLVMCreateTargetData`
+- `get_pointer_alignment`: wrapper for `llvm::TargetData::getPointerABIAlignment`
+### `llvm_wrapper::Target_machine`
+Wrapper for `LLVMTargetMachineRef`
+- `create_native_target_machine`: creates a target machine for JIT compiling
+- `get_target`: wrapper for `LLVMGetTargetMachineTarget`
+- `get_target_triple`: wrapper for `LLVMGetTargetMachineTriple`
+- `create_target_data_layout`: wrapper for `LLVMCreateTargetDataLayout`
+- `get_cpu`: wrapper for `LLVMGetTargetMachineCPU`
+- `get_feature_string`: wrapper for `LLVMGetTargetMachineFeatureString`
+- `get_code_gen_opt_level`: wrapper for `llvm::TargetMachine::getOptLevel`
+- `get_biggest_vector_register_bit_width`: gets the bit-width for the largest supported vector register. Use to determine how much to vectorize by.
+### `llvm_wrapper::Module`
+Wrapper for `LLVMModuleRef`
+- `create`: wrapper for `LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext`
+- `create_with_target_machine`: calls `create` then `set_target_machine`.
+- `set_target_machine`: sets the target-specific parts of a LLVM `Module` to the values in the provided `Target_machine`.
+- `set_function_target_machine`: sets the target-specific parts of a LLVM `Function` to the values in the provided `Target_machine`.
+### `llvm_wrapper::print_type_to_string`
+Wrapper for `LLVMPrintTypeToString`
+### `llvm_wrapper::Builder`
+Wrapper for `LLVMBuilderRef`
+- `create`: creates a `Builder`.
+- `build_smod`: builds the code needed to implement the SPIR-V `OpSMod` instruction.
+### `llvm_wrapper::Pass_manager`
+Wrapper for `LLVMPassManagerRef`
+- `create_module_pass_manager`
+- `create_function_pass_manager`
+### `llvm_wrapper::get_scalar_or_vector_element_type`
+Utility function that helps with vector type manipulation.
+If the passed in type is a vector type, returns the element type of that vector type,
+otherwise, returns the passed in type.
+### `llvm_wrapper::Orc_jit_stack`
+Wrapper for `LLVMOrcJITStackRef`.
+Note that the code that was using this has been switched to using `llvm_wrapper::Orc_compile_stack` instead.
+- `create`: create a ORC JIT compiler stack.
+- `add_eagerly_compiled_ir`: wrapper for `LLVMOrcAddEagerlyCompiledIR`.
+- `get_symbol_address`: wrapper for `LLVMOrcGetSymbolAddress`
+### `llvm_wrapper::Create_llvm_type<T>`
+Template Functor that returns the LLVM type for `T`
+- `::LLVMTypeRef operator()(::LLVMContextRef context) const`: return the LLVM type for `T`.
+## `llvm_wrapper/orc_compile_stack.h`
+### `llvm_wrapper::Orc_compile_stack`
+Custom ORC-based LLVM JIT compiler stack. Replaces `llvm_wrapper::Orc_jit_stack`
+- `create`: create a new compiler stack.
+- `add_eagerly_compiled_ir`: optimize IR code then compile it to machine code, setting it up to run in-process.
+- `get_symbol_address`: return the address of a JIT compiled symbol.