brw_find_live_channel(struct brw_codegen *p, struct brw_reg dst)
const struct brw_device_info *devinfo = p->devinfo;
+ const unsigned exec_size = 1 << brw_inst_exec_size(devinfo, p->current);
brw_inst *inst;
assert(devinfo->gen >= 7);
brw_MOV(p, flag, brw_imm_ud(0));
- /* Run a 16-wide instruction returning zero with execution masking
- * and a conditional modifier enabled in order to get the current
- * execution mask in f1.0.
+ /* Run enough instructions returning zero with execution masking and
+ * a conditional modifier enabled in order to get the full execution
+ * mask in f1.0. We could use a single 32-wide move here if it
+ * weren't because of the hardware bug that causes channel enables to
+ * be applied incorrectly to the second half of 32-wide instructions
+ * on Gen7.
- inst = brw_MOV(p, brw_null_reg(), brw_imm_ud(0));
- brw_inst_set_exec_size(devinfo, inst, BRW_EXECUTE_16);
- brw_inst_set_mask_control(devinfo, inst, BRW_MASK_ENABLE);
- brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(devinfo, inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_Z);
- brw_inst_set_flag_reg_nr(devinfo, inst, 1);
+ const unsigned lower_size = MIN2(16, exec_size);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < exec_size / lower_size; i++) {
+ inst = brw_MOV(p, retype(brw_null_reg(), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW),
+ brw_imm_uw(0));
+ brw_inst_set_mask_control(devinfo, inst, BRW_MASK_ENABLE);
+ brw_inst_set_group(devinfo, inst, lower_size * i);
+ brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(devinfo, inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_Z);
+ brw_inst_set_flag_reg_nr(devinfo, inst, 1);
+ brw_inst_set_exec_size(devinfo, inst, cvt(lower_size) - 1);
+ }
brw_FBL(p, vec1(dst), flag);