--- /dev/null
+# scripts/elfdump.py
+# A clone of 'elfdump' in Python, based on the pyelftools library
+# Eli Bendersky (eliben@gmail.com)
+# Yann Rouillard (yann@pleiades.fr.eu.org)
+# This code is in the public domain
+import os, sys
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import string
+# For running from development directory. It should take precedence over the
+# installed pyelftools.
+sys.path.insert(0, '.')
+from elftools import __version__
+from elftools.common.exceptions import ELFError
+from elftools.common.py3compat import (
+ ifilter, byte2int, bytes2str, itervalues, str2bytes)
+from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
+from elftools.elf.dynamic import DynamicSection, DynamicSegment
+from elftools.elf.enums import ENUM_D_TAG
+from elftools.elf.constants import SYMINF0_FLAGS
+from elftools.elf.segments import InterpSegment
+from elftools.elf.sections import SUNWSyminfoTableSection
+from elftools.elf.relocation import RelocationSection
+from elftools.elf.descriptions import (
+ describe_ei_class, describe_ei_data, describe_ei_version,
+ describe_ei_osabi, describe_e_type, describe_e_machine,
+ describe_e_version_numeric, describe_p_type, describe_p_flags,
+ describe_sh_type, describe_sh_flags,
+ describe_symbol_type, describe_symbol_bind, describe_symbol_visibility,
+ describe_symbol_shndx, describe_reloc_type, describe_dyn_tag,
+ describe_syminfo_flags,
+ )
+from elftools.dwarf.dwarfinfo import DWARFInfo
+from elftools.dwarf.descriptions import (
+ describe_reg_name, describe_attr_value, set_global_machine_arch,
+ describe_CFI_instructions, describe_CFI_register_rule,
+ describe_CFI_CFA_rule,
+ )
+from elftools.dwarf.constants import (
+ DW_LNS_copy, DW_LNS_set_file, DW_LNE_define_file)
+from elftools.dwarf.callframe import CIE, FDE
+class Elfdump(object):
+ """ display_* methods are used to emit output into the output stream
+ """
+ def __init__(self, file, output):
+ """ file:
+ stream object with the ELF file to read
+ output:
+ output stream to write to
+ """
+ self.elffile = ELFFile(file)
+ self.output = output
+ def display_syminfo_table(self):
+ """ Display the SUNW syminfo tables contained in the file
+ """
+ # The symbol table section pointed to in sh_link
+ dyntable = self.elffile.get_section_by_name('.dynamic')
+ for section in self.elffile.iter_sections():
+ if not isinstance(section, SUNWSyminfoTableSection):
+ continue
+ if section['sh_entsize'] == 0:
+ self._emitline("\nSymbol table '%s' has a sh_entsize of zero!" % (
+ bytes2str(section.name)))
+ continue
+ # The symbol table section pointed to in sh_link
+ symtable = self.elffile.get_section(section['sh_link'])
+ self._emitline("\nSyminfo Section: %s" % bytes2str(section.name))
+ self._emitline(' index flags bound to symbol')
+ for nsym, syminfo in enumerate(section.iter_symbols()):
+ # elfdump doesn't display anything for this kind of symbols
+ symbol = symtable.get_symbol(nsym + 1)
+ if (symbol['st_info']['type'] == 'STT_NOTYPE' and
+ symbol['st_shndx'] == 'SHN_UNDEF'):
+ continue
+ index = ''
+ if syminfo['si_flags'] & SYMINF0_FLAGS.SYMINFO_FLG_CAP:
+ boundto = '<symbol capabilities>'
+ elif syminfo['si_boundto'] == 0xffff:
+ boundto = '<self>'
+ elif syminfo['si_boundto'] == 0xfffe:
+ boundto = '<parent>'
+ elif syminfo['si_boundto'] == 0xfffd:
+ boundto = ''
+ else:
+ boundto = bytes2str(dyntable.get_tag(syminfo['si_boundto']).needed)
+ index = '[%d]' % syminfo['si_boundto']
+ # syminfo names are truncated to 25 chars, similarly to readelf
+ self._emitline('%10s %-5s %10s %-24s %s' % (
+ '[%d]' % (int(nsym) + 1),
+ describe_syminfo_flags(syminfo['si_flags']),
+ index,
+ boundto,
+ bytes2str(syminfo.name)))
+ def _emit(self, s=''):
+ """ Emit an object to output
+ """
+ self.output.write(str(s))
+ def _emitline(self, s=''):
+ """ Emit an object to output, followed by a newline
+ """
+ self.output.write(str(s) + '\n')
+SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION = 'Dumps selected parts of an object file'
+VERSION_STRING = '%%prog: based on pyelftools %s' % __version__
+def main(stream=None):
+ # parse the command-line arguments and invoke ReadElf
+ optparser = OptionParser(
+ usage='usage: %prog [options] <elf-file>',
+ add_help_option=False, # -h is a real option of readelf
+ prog='elfdump.py',
+ optparser.add_option('--help',
+ action='store_true', dest='help',
+ help='Display this information')
+ optparser.add_option('-y',
+ action='store_true', dest='show_syminfo',
+ help='dump the contents of the .SUNW_syminfo section')
+ options, args = optparser.parse_args()
+ if options.help or len(args) == 0:
+ optparser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ with open(args[0], 'rb') as file:
+ try:
+ readelf = Elfdump(file, stream or sys.stdout)
+ if options.show_syminfo:
+ readelf.display_syminfo_table()
+ except ELFError as ex:
+ sys.stderr.write('ELF error: %s\n' % ex)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def profile_main():
+ # Run 'main' redirecting its output to readelfout.txt
+ # Saves profiling information in readelf.profile
+ PROFFILE = 'elfdump.profile'
+ import cProfile
+ cProfile.run('main(open("elfdumpout.txt", "w"))', PROFFILE)
+ # Dig in some profiling stats
+ import pstats
+ p = pstats.Stats(PROFFILE)
+ p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(25)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+ #profile_main()