self.add_case(Program(lst, bigendian),
initial_regs, initial_sprs, expected=e)
+ def case_addme_subfme_ca_propagation(self):
+ for flags in range(1 << 2):
+ ca = flags & 1
+ is_sub = (flags >> 1) & 1
+ if is_sub:
+ prog = Program(["subfmeo 3, 4"], bigendian)
+ else:
+ prog = Program(["addmeo 3, 4"], bigendian)
+ for i in range(-2, 3):
+ ra = i % 2 ** 64
+ with self.subTest(ra=hex(ra), ca=ca, is_sub=is_sub):
+ initial_regs = [0] * 32
+ initial_regs[4] = ra
+ initial_sprs = {}
+ xer = SelectableInt(0, 64)
+ xer[XER_bits['CA']] = ca
+ initial_sprs[special_sprs['XER']] = xer
+ e = ExpectedState(pc=4)
+ e.intregs[4] = ra
+ rb = 2 ** 64 - 1 # add 0xfff...fff *not* -1
+ expected = ca + rb
+ expected32 = ca + (rb % 2 ** 32)
+ inv_ra = ra
+ if is_sub:
+ # 64-bit bitwise not
+ inv_ra = ~ra % 2 ** 64
+ expected += inv_ra
+ expected32 += inv_ra % 2 ** 32
+ e.intregs[3] = expected % 2 ** 64
+ ca = bool(expected >> 64)
+ ca32 = bool(expected32 >> 32)
+ = (ca32 << 1) | ca
+ # use algorithm from microwatt's calc_ov
+ #
+ axb = inv_ra ^ rb
+ emsb = (expected >> 63) & 1
+ ov = ca ^ emsb and not (axb >> 63) & 1
+ e32msb = (expected32 >> 31) & 1
+ ov32 = ca32 ^ e32msb and not (axb >> 31) & 1
+ e.ov = (ov32 << 1) | ov
+ self.add_case(prog, initial_regs, initial_sprs,
+ expected=e)
def case_addze(self):
insns = ["addze", "addze.", "addzeo", "addzeo."]
for choice in insns: