--- /dev/null
+plugins = nose2.plugins.mp
+processes = 1
+always-on = True
--- /dev/null
+import contextlib
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
+ARTIFACTS_URL = "http://autobuild.buildroot.net/artefacts/"
+def smart_open(filename=None):
+ """
+ Return a file-like object that can be written to using the 'with'
+ keyword, as in the example:
+ with infra.smart_open("test.log") as outfile:
+ outfile.write("Hello, world!\n")
+ """
+ if filename and filename != '-':
+ fhandle = open(filename, 'a+')
+ else:
+ fhandle = sys.stdout
+ try:
+ yield fhandle
+ finally:
+ if fhandle is not sys.stdout:
+ fhandle.close()
+def filepath(relpath):
+ return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "support/testing", relpath)
+def download(dldir, filename):
+ finalpath = os.path.join(dldir, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(finalpath):
+ return finalpath
+ if not os.path.exists(dldir):
+ os.makedirs(dldir)
+ tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp(dir=dldir)
+ print "Downloading to {}".format(tmpfile)
+ try:
+ url_fh = urlopen(os.path.join(ARTIFACTS_URL, filename))
+ with open(tmpfile, "w+") as tmpfile_fh:
+ tmpfile_fh.write(url_fh.read())
+ except (HTTPError, URLError), err:
+ os.unlink(tmpfile)
+ raise err
+ print "Renaming from %s to %s" % (tmpfile, finalpath)
+ os.rename(tmpfile, finalpath)
+ return finalpath
+def get_elf_arch_tag(builddir, prefix, fpath, tag):
+ """
+ Runs the cross readelf on 'fpath', then extracts the value of tag 'tag'.
+ Example:
+ >>> get_elf_arch_tag('output', 'arm-none-linux-gnueabi-',
+ 'bin/busybox', 'Tag_CPU_arch')
+ v5TEJ
+ >>>
+ """
+ cmd = ["host/usr/bin/{}-readelf".format(prefix),
+ "-A", os.path.join("target", fpath)]
+ out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=builddir, env={"LANG": "C"})
+ regexp = re.compile("^ {}: (.*)$".format(tag))
+ for line in out.splitlines():
+ m = regexp.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ return m.group(1)
+ return None
+def get_file_arch(builddir, prefix, fpath):
+ return get_elf_arch_tag(builddir, prefix, fpath, "Tag_CPU_arch")
+def get_elf_prog_interpreter(builddir, prefix, fpath):
+ cmd = ["host/usr/bin/{}-readelf".format(prefix),
+ "-l", os.path.join("target", fpath)]
+ out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=builddir, env={"LANG": "C"})
+ regexp = re.compile("^ *\[Requesting program interpreter: (.*)\]$")
+ for line in out.splitlines():
+ m = regexp.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ return m.group(1)
+ return None
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import os
+import datetime
+from infra.builder import Builder
+from infra.emulator import Emulator
+# BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX is not set
+# BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR is not set
+class BRTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ config = None
+ downloaddir = None
+ outputdir = None
+ logtofile = True
+ keepbuilds = False
+ def show_msg(self, msg):
+ print "[%s/%s/%s] %s" % (os.path.basename(self.__class__.outputdir),
+ self.testname,
+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
+ msg)
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.testname = self.__class__.__name__
+ self.builddir = os.path.join(self.__class__.outputdir, self.testname)
+ self.runlog = self.builddir + "-run.log"
+ self.emulator = None
+ self.show_msg("Starting")
+ self.b = Builder(self.__class__.config, self.builddir, self.logtofile)
+ if not self.keepbuilds:
+ self.b.delete()
+ if not self.b.is_finished():
+ self.show_msg("Building")
+ self.b.build()
+ self.show_msg("Building done")
+ self.emulator = Emulator(self.builddir, self.downloaddir, self.logtofile)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.show_msg("Cleaning up")
+ if self.emulator:
+ self.emulator.stop()
+ if self.b and not self.keepbuilds:
+ self.b.delete()
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import infra
+class Builder(object):
+ def __init__(self, config, builddir, logtofile):
+ self.config = config
+ self.builddir = builddir
+ self.logtofile = logtofile
+ def build(self):
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.builddir):
+ os.makedirs(self.builddir)
+ log = "{}-build.log".format(self.builddir)
+ if not self.logtofile:
+ log = None
+ config_file = os.path.join(self.builddir, ".config")
+ with open(config_file, "w+") as cf:
+ cf.write(self.config)
+ cmd = ["make",
+ "O={}".format(self.builddir),
+ "olddefconfig"]
+ with infra.smart_open(log) as log_fh:
+ ret = subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=log_fh, stderr=log_fh)
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise SystemError("Cannot olddefconfig")
+ cmd = ["make", "-C", self.builddir]
+ with infra.smart_open(log) as log_fh:
+ ret = subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=log_fh, stderr=log_fh)
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise SystemError("Build failed")
+ open(self.stamp_path(), 'a').close()
+ def stamp_path(self):
+ return os.path.join(self.builddir, "build-done")
+ def is_finished(self):
+ return os.path.exists(self.stamp_path())
+ def delete(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.builddir):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.builddir)
--- /dev/null
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import telnetlib
+import infra
+import infra.basetest
+# TODO: Most of the telnet stuff need to be replaced by stdio/pexpect to discuss
+# with the qemu machine.
+class Emulator(object):
+ def __init__(self, builddir, downloaddir, logtofile):
+ self.qemu = None
+ self.__tn = None
+ self.downloaddir = downloaddir
+ self.log = ""
+ self.log_file = "{}-run.log".format(builddir)
+ if logtofile is None:
+ self.log_file = None
+ # Start Qemu to boot the system
+ #
+ # arch: Qemu architecture to use
+ #
+ # kernel: path to the kernel image, or the special string
+ # 'builtin'. 'builtin' means a pre-built kernel image will be
+ # downloaded from ARTEFACTS_URL and suitable options are
+ # automatically passed to qemu and added to the kernel cmdline. So
+ # far only armv5, armv7 and i386 builtin kernels are available.
+ # If None, then no kernel is used, and we assume a bootable device
+ # will be specified.
+ #
+ # kernel_cmdline: array of kernel arguments to pass to Qemu -append option
+ #
+ # options: array of command line options to pass to Qemu
+ #
+ def boot(self, arch, kernel=None, kernel_cmdline=None, options=None):
+ if arch in ["armv7", "armv5"]:
+ qemu_arch = "arm"
+ else:
+ qemu_arch = arch
+ qemu_cmd = ["qemu-system-{}".format(qemu_arch),
+ "-serial", "telnet::1234,server",
+ "-display", "none"]
+ if options:
+ qemu_cmd += options
+ if kernel_cmdline is None:
+ kernel_cmdline = []
+ if kernel:
+ if kernel == "builtin":
+ if arch in ["armv7", "armv5"]:
+ kernel_cmdline.append("console=ttyAMA0")
+ if arch == "armv7":
+ kernel = infra.download(self.downloaddir,
+ "kernel-vexpress")
+ dtb = infra.download(self.downloaddir,
+ "vexpress-v2p-ca9.dtb")
+ qemu_cmd += ["-dtb", dtb]
+ qemu_cmd += ["-M", "vexpress-a9"]
+ elif arch == "armv5":
+ kernel = infra.download(self.downloaddir,
+ "kernel-versatile")
+ qemu_cmd += ["-M", "versatilepb"]
+ qemu_cmd += ["-kernel", kernel]
+ if kernel_cmdline:
+ qemu_cmd += ["-append", " ".join(kernel_cmdline)]
+ with infra.smart_open(self.log_file) as lfh:
+ lfh.write("> starting qemu with '%s'\n" % " ".join(qemu_cmd))
+ self.qemu = subprocess.Popen(qemu_cmd, stdout=lfh, stderr=lfh)
+ # Wait for the telnet port to appear and connect to it.
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.__tn = telnetlib.Telnet("localhost", 1234)
+ if self.__tn:
+ break
+ except socket.error:
+ continue
+ def __read_until(self, waitstr, timeout=5):
+ data = self.__tn.read_until(waitstr, timeout)
+ self.log += data
+ with infra.smart_open(self.log_file) as lfh:
+ lfh.write(data)
+ return data
+ def __write(self, wstr):
+ self.__tn.write(wstr)
+ # Wait for the login prompt to appear, and then login as root with
+ # the provided password, or no password if not specified.
+ def login(self, password=None):
+ self.__read_until("buildroot login:", 10)
+ if "buildroot login:" not in self.log:
+ with infra.smart_open(self.log_file) as lfh:
+ lfh.write("==> System does not boot")
+ raise SystemError("System does not boot")
+ self.__write("root\n")
+ if password:
+ self.__read_until("Password:")
+ self.__write(password + "\n")
+ self.__read_until("# ")
+ if "# " not in self.log:
+ raise SystemError("Cannot login")
+ self.run("dmesg -n 1")
+ # Run the given 'cmd' on the target
+ # return a tuple (output, exit_code)
+ def run(self, cmd):
+ self.__write(cmd + "\n")
+ output = self.__read_until("# ")
+ output = output.strip().splitlines()
+ output = output[1:len(output)-1]
+ self.__write("echo $?\n")
+ exit_code = self.__read_until("# ")
+ exit_code = exit_code.strip().splitlines()[1]
+ exit_code = int(exit_code)
+ return output, exit_code
+ def stop(self):
+ if self.qemu is None:
+ return
+ self.qemu.terminate()
+ self.qemu.kill()
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+import argparse
+import sys
+import os
+import nose2
+from infra.basetest import BRTest
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run Buildroot tests')
+ parser.add_argument('testname', nargs='*',
+ help='list of test cases to execute')
+ parser.add_argument('--list', '-l', action='store_true',
+ help='list of available test cases')
+ parser.add_argument('--all', '-a', action='store_true',
+ help='execute all test cases')
+ parser.add_argument('--stdout', '-s', action='store_true',
+ help='log everything to stdout')
+ parser.add_argument('--output', '-o',
+ help='output directory')
+ parser.add_argument('--download', '-d',
+ help='download directory')
+ parser.add_argument('--keep', '-k',
+ help='keep build directories',
+ action='store_true')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ script_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
+ test_dir = os.path.dirname(script_path)
+ if args.stdout:
+ BRTest.logtofile = False
+ if args.list:
+ print "List of tests"
+ nose2.discover(argv=[script_path,
+ "-s", test_dir,
+ "-v",
+ "--collect-only"],
+ plugins=["nose2.plugins.collect"])
+ return 0
+ if args.download is None:
+ args.download = os.getenv("BR2_DL_DIR")
+ if args.download is None:
+ print "Missing download directory, please use -d/--download"
+ print ""
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ BRTest.downloaddir = os.path.abspath(args.download)
+ if args.output is None:
+ print "Missing output directory, please use -o/--output"
+ print ""
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ if not os.path.exists(args.output):
+ os.mkdir(args.output)
+ BRTest.outputdir = os.path.abspath(args.output)
+ if args.all is False and len(args.testname) == 0:
+ print "No test selected"
+ print ""
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ BRTest.keepbuilds = args.keep
+ nose2_args = ["-v",
+ "-s", "support/testing",
+ "-c", "support/testing/conf/unittest.cfg"]
+ if len(args.testname) != 0:
+ nose2_args += args.testname
+ nose2.discover(argv=nose2_args)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())