import "ocidl.idl";
import "d3d10_1.idl";
-HRESULT __stdcall GalliumD3D10DeviceCreate1(struct pipe_screen* screen, struct pipe_context* context, BOOL owns_context, unsigned creation_flags, IDXGIAdapter* adapter, ID3D10Device1** ppDevice);
+// just adding __stdcall to the function makes at least one version of widl crash
+[object, local]
+interface IDummyInterfaceToPutWidlInComModeForGalliumD3D10
+HRESULT GalliumD3D10DeviceCreate1(struct pipe_screen* screen, struct pipe_context* context, BOOL owns_context, unsigned creation_flags, IDXGIAdapter* adapter, ID3D10Device1** ppDevice);
import "ocidl.idl";
import "d3d11.idl";
-HRESULT __stdcall GalliumD3D11DeviceCreate(struct pipe_screen* screen, struct pipe_context* context, BOOL owns_context, unsigned creation_flags, IDXGIAdapter* adapter, ID3D11Device** ppDevice);
+// just adding __stdcall to the function makes at least one version of widl crash
+[object, local]
+interface IDummyInterfaceToPutWidlInComModeForGalliumD3D11
+HRESULT GalliumD3D11DeviceCreate(struct pipe_screen* screen, struct pipe_context* context, BOOL owns_context, unsigned creation_flags, IDXGIAdapter* adapter, ID3D11Device** ppDevice);