local download = require("luarocks.download")
local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
-buildroot.help_summary = "generate buildroot package files of a rock."
-buildroot.help_arguments = "rockname [brname]"
-buildroot.help = [[
+function buildroot.add_to_parser(parser)
+ local cmd = parser:command("buildroot", [[
This addon generates Buildroot package files of a rock.
First argument is the name of a rock, the second argument is optional
and needed when Buildroot uses another name (usually prefixed by lua-).
Files are generated with the source content of the rock and more
especially the rockspec. So, the rock is downloaded and unpacked.
+]], util.see_also())
+ :summary("generate buildroot package files of a rock.")
+ cmd:argument("rockname", "the name of a rock to be fetched and unpacked.")
+ cmd:argument("brname", "the name used by Buildroot.")
+ :args("?")
local function brname (name)
return name:upper():gsub('-', '_')
--- Driver function for the "buildroot" command.
--- @param rockname string: the name of a rock to be fetched and unpacked.
--- @param brname string: the name used by Buildroot (optional)
-- @return boolean: true if successful
-function buildroot.command(flags, rockname, fsname)
- if type(rockname) ~= 'string' then
- return nil, "Argument missing. "..util.see_help('buildroot')
- end
- fsname = fsname or rockname
- assert(type(fsname) == 'string')
+function buildroot.command(args)
+ local rockname = assert(args.rockname)
+ local fsname = args.brname or rockname
local query = queries.new(rockname:lower(), nil, false, 'src')
local url, err = search.find_suitable_rock(query)