--- /dev/null
+\title{Open 3D Alliance RISC-V}
+\author{Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton}
+ \begin{center}
+ \huge{Open 3D Alliance: RISC-V}\\
+ \vspace{32pt}
+ \Large{An open invitation to collaborate on 3D Graphics}\\
+ \Large{Hardware and Software}\\
+ \Large{for mobile, embedded, and innovative purposes}\\
+ \vspace{24pt}
+ \Large{With thanks to Pixilica, GoWin, and Western Digital}\\
+ \vspace{16pt}
+ \large{\today}
+ \end{center}
+\frame{\frametitle{Why collaborate?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item 3D is hard. It's also not the same as HPC\vspace{15pt}
+ \item NVIDIA, AMD, Imagination - cannot meet "unusual" needs\vspace{15pt}
+ \item Working together on flexible standards, everyone wins\vspace{15pt}
+ \item Without collaboration: 10-20 man-years development\vspace{10pt}
+ \item With collaboration: cross-verification (avoids mistakes)
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{What is the goal?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item You get to decide! No, really!\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Outlined here: some ideas and cost/time-saving approaches\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Two new platforms: 3D "Embedded", 3D "UNIX"\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Flexible optional extensions (Transcendentals, Vectors,\\
+ Texturisation, Pixel/Z-Buffers - all optional)\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Good software support absolutely essential\\
+ (basically, that means Vulkan)\vspace{15pt}
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{Libre RISC-V Team}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Small team, sponsored by Purism and the NLNet Foundation\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Therefore, focus is on efficiency: leap-frogging ahead\\
+ without requiring huge resources.\vspace{8pt}
+ \item OpenGL API? Gallium3D / Vulkan is better\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Gallium3D turns out to be a single-threaded interpreter\\
+ (Vulkan is compiled, and can be parallelised)\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Independent teams have provided OpenGL to Vulkan adaptors\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Same approach on hardware: seek highest bang-per-buck\\
+ Save design time, save implementation time\vspace{8pt}
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{What (optional) things are needed?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Vectorisation. (SIMD? RVV? Other?)\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Transcendentals (SIN, COS, EXP, LOG)\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Texture opcodes, Pixel/Z-Buffers\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Pixel conversion (YUV/RGB etc.)\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Optional accuracy (embedded space needs less accuracy)\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Options give implementors flexibility. No imposition:\\
+ imposition risks fragmentation (however, collaboration does\\
+ need some hard easily-logically-justifiable rules)
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{What is essential (not really optional)}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The software, basically. Anything other than Vulkan\\
+ is a 10+ man-year effort\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Respecting that standards are hard to get right\\
+ (and that consequences of mistakes are severe:\\
+ no opportunity for corrections after a freeze)\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Respecting that, for collaboration and interoperability,\\
+ some things go into a standard that you might not "need"\vspace{12pt}
+ \item Mutually respectful open and fully transparent collaboration.\\
+ No NDAs, no "closed forums". We need the help of experts\\
+ (such as Mitch Alsup) in this highly technical specialist area.
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{What has our team done already?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Decided to go the "Hybrid" Route (Separate GPUs requires a\\
+ full-blown RPC/IPC mechanism to transfer all 3D API calls\\
+ to and from userspace memory to GPU memory... and back).
+ \item Developed Simple-V (a "Parallelising API)\\
+ (Simple-V is very hard to describe, because it is unique:\\
+ there is no common Computer Science terminology)
+ \item Started on Kazan (a Vulkan SPIR-V to LLVM compiler)
+ \item Started work on a highly flexible IEEE754 FPU
+ \item Started work on a "Precise" CDC 6600 style OoO Engine,\\
+ with help from Mitch Alsup, the designer of the M68000
+ \item Variable-issue, predicated SIMD backend, Vector front-end\\
+ "precise" exceptions, branch shadowing, much more
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{Why Simple-V? Why not RVV?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item RVV is designed exclusively for supercomputing\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Like SIMD, RVV uses dedicated opcodes\\
+ (google "SIMD considered harmful")\vspace{8pt}
+ \item 98\% of FP opcodes are duplicated in RVV. Large portion\\
+ of BitManip opcodes duplicated in predicate Masks\vspace{8pt}
+ \item OP32 space is extremely precious: 48 and 64 bit opcode space\\
+ comes with an inherent I-Cache power consumption penalty\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Simple-V "prefixes" scalar opcodes (all of them)\\
+ No need for any new "vector" opcodes (at all).\\
+ Can therefore use the RVV major opcode for 3D\vspace{8pt}
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{Simple-V "Prefixing"}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item SV "Prefix" does exactly that: takes RVC and OP32 opcodes\\
+ and "prefixes" them with predication and a "vector" tag\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Three prefix types: SV P32 (prefixed RVC), P48 and P64\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Prefixed RVC takes 3 "Custom" OP32 opcodes.\\
+ P48 takes standard OP32 scalar opcodes and "prefixes" them\\
+ P64 adds additional vector context on top of P48\\
+ \vspace{8pt}
+ \item "Prefixing" is a bit like SIMD. Vectors may be specified\\
+ of length 2 to 4, elements may be "packed" into registers,\\
+ opcode element widths over-ridden.\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Convenient, but not very space-efficient (and VBLOCK is)\vspace{8pt}
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{VBLOCK Format}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Again: hard to describe. It is a bit like VLIW (only not really)\\
+ A "block" of instructions is "prefixed" with register "tags"\\
+ which give extra context to scalar instructions within the block
+ \item Sub-blocks include: Vector Length, Swizzling, Vector/Width\\
+ overrides, and predication. All this is added to scalar opcodes!\\
+ \textbf{There are NO vector opcodes} (and no need for any)
+ \item In the "context", it goes like this: "if a register is used\\
+ by a scalar opcode, and the register is listed in the "context",\\
+ SV mode is "activated"
+ \item "Activation" results in a hardware-level "for-loop" issuing\\
+ \textbf{multiple} contiguous scalar operations (instead of just one).
+ \item Implementors are free to implement the "loop" in any fashion\\
+ they see fit. SIMD, Multi-issue, single-execution: anything.
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{Other Standard Proposals}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Ztrans and Ztrig* - Transcendentals and Trigonometrics\\
+ (optional so that Embedded implementors have some leeway)
+ \item ISAMUX / ISANS - stops arguments over OP32 space\\
+ (also allows clean "paging" of new opcodes into e.g. RVC)
+ \item MV.SWIZZLE and MV.X - RV does not have a MV opcode.
+ \item Zfacc - dynamic FP accuracy. Needed for "fast" Vulkan native\\
+ and to switch between fast 3D accuracy and IEEE754 modes.
+ \item These - and more - need your input! 3D is hard!
+ \item The key strategic premise: these are required as \textbf{public}\\
+ standards, because the \textbf{software} is to be public.
+ \item This is \textbf{not} understood by the RISC-V Foundation.\\
+ ("custom" status not appropriate for high-profile mass-volume\\
+ end-user APIs such as Vulkan).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item 3D is hard (and pure Vectorisation gets you 25\% of \\
+ commercially-acceptable performance).
+ \item Layered optional extensions are going to be key to\\
+ acceptance by a wide variety of 3D Alliance Members.
+ \item With a custom specialised SPIR-V (Vulkan) Compiler\\
+ being an absolutely critical strategic requirement,\\
+ RVV and its associated compiler (still not developed)\\
+ is, surprisingly, of marginal value.
+ \item Question everything! Your input, and a willingness to\\
+ take active responsibility for tasks that your Company\\
+ is critically dependent on, are extremely important.
+ \item Public and transparent Collaboration is key. There is simply\\
+ too much to do.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{center}
+ {\Huge \vspace{20pt}
+ The end\vspace{20pt}\\
+ Thank you\vspace{20pt}\\
+ }
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/
+ \item http://libre-riscv.org/simple\_v\_extension/abridged\_spec/
+ \item https://libre-riscv.org/ztrans\_proposal/
+ \item https://libre-riscv.org/simple\_v\_extension/specification/mv.x/
+ \end{itemize}