column (second matrix), and move to next row (first and result matrices).
If there are no more rows left, result matrix has been fully computed.
4. Repeat step 2.
-4. Move to the next row of the first matrix, and next column of the second matrix.
This for-loop uses the indices as shown above
- for i in range(mat_X_num_rows):
+ for i in range(0, mat_X_num_rows):
for k in range(0, mat_Y_num_cols):
for j in range(0, mat_X_num_cols): # or mat_Y_num_rows
mat_Z[i][k] += mat_X[i][j] * mat_Y[j][k]
*(Need to check if first arg of svremap correct, then one shown works with
svshape 2, 2, 3, 0, 0
svremap 31, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0
sv.maddld *0, *16, *32, *0
## svshape
+ svremap 31, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0
+Assigns the configured SVSHAPEs to the relevant operand/result registers
+of the consecutive instruction/s (depending on if REMAP is set to persistent).
+## maddld - Multiply-Add Low Doubleword VA-form
+ sv.maddld *0, *16, *32, *0
+A standard instruction available since version 3.0 of PowerISA.
+*Temporary note:* maddld (Multiply-Add Low Doubleword) in the 3.1b version
+of the PowerISA spec is in the Linux Compliancy Subset, not SFS or SFFS.
+See page 1477 of the document, or page 1503 of the pdf.
+This instruction can be used as a multiply-add accumulate by setting the
+third operand to be the same as the result register, which functions as
+an accumulator.
## Appendix