};/* class IntStat */
+ * The value for an AverageStat is the running average of (e1, e_2, ..., e_n),
+ * (e1 + e_2 + ... + e_n)/n,
+ * where e_i is an entry added by an addEntry(e_i) call.
+ * The value is initially always 0.
+ * (This is to avoid making parsers confused.)
+ */
+class AverageStat : public BackedStat<double> {
+ uint32_t n;
+ AverageStat(const std::string& s) :
+ BackedStat<double>(s, 0.0 ), n(0) {
+ }
+ void addEntry(double e){
+ double oldSum = n*getData();
+ ++n;
+ double newSum = oldSum + e;
+ setData(newSum / n);
+ }
+};/* class AverageStat */
// some utility functions for ::timespec
inline ::timespec& operator+=(::timespec& a, const ::timespec& b) {
// assumes a.tv_nsec and b.tv_nsec are in range