- bool blackbox = box_module->get_blackbox_attribute(true /* ignore_wb */);
// Fully pad all unused input connections of this box cell with S0
// Fully pad all undriven output connections of this box cell with anonymous wires
for (auto port_name : r.first->second) {
if (holes_module) {
- // NB: fixup_ports() will sort ports by name
- //holes_module->fixup_ports();
- holes_module->check();
- // Cannot techmap/aigmap/check all lib_whitebox-es outside of write_xaiger
- // since boxes may contain parameters in which case `flatten` would have
- // created a new $paramod ...
- Pass::call_on_module(holes_module->design, holes_module, "wbflip");
- Pass::call_on_module(holes_module->design, holes_module, "flatten -wb; techmap; aigmap");
- dict<SigSig, SigSig> replace;
- for (auto it = holes_module->cells_.begin(); it != holes_module->cells_.end(); ) {
- auto cell = it->second;
- if (cell->type.in("$_DFF_N_", "$_DFF_NN0_", "$_DFF_NN1_", "$_DFF_NP0_", "$_DFF_NP1_",
- "$_DFF_P_", "$_DFF_PN0_", "$_DFF_PN1", "$_DFF_PP0_", "$_DFF_PP1_")) {
- SigBit D = cell->getPort("\\D");
- SigBit Q = cell->getPort("\\Q");
- // Remove the DFF cell from what needs to be a combinatorial box
- it = holes_module->cells_.erase(it);
- Wire *port;
- if (GetSize(Q.wire) == 1)
- port = holes_module->wire(stringf("$abc%s", Q.wire->name.c_str()));
- else
- port = holes_module->wire(stringf("$abc%s[%d]", Q.wire->name.c_str(), Q.offset));
- log_assert(port);
- // Prepare to replace "assign <port> = DFF.Q;" with "assign <port> = DFF.D;"
- // in order to extract the combinatorial control logic that feeds the box
- // (i.e. clock enable, synchronous reset, etc.)
- replace.insert(std::make_pair(SigSig(port,Q), SigSig(port,D)));
- // Since `flatten` above would have created wires named "<cell>.Q",
- // extract the pre-techmap cell name
- auto pos = Q.wire->name.str().rfind(".");
- log_assert(pos != std::string::npos);
- IdString driver = Q.wire->name.substr(0, pos);
- // And drive the signal that was previously driven by "DFF.Q" (typically
- // used to implement clock-enable functionality) with the "<cell>.abc9_ff.Q"
- // wire (which itself is driven an input port) we inserted above
- Wire *currQ = holes_module->wire(stringf("%s.abc9_ff.Q", driver.c_str()));
- log_assert(currQ);
- holes_module->connect(Q, currQ);
- continue;
- }
- else if (!cell->type.in("$_NOT_", "$_AND_"))
- log_error("Whitebox contents cannot be represented as AIG. Please verify whiteboxes are synthesisable.\n");
- ++it;
- }
- for (auto &conn : holes_module->connections_) {
- auto it = replace.find(conn);
- if (it != replace.end())
- conn = it->second;
- }
// Move into a new (temporary) design so that "clean" will only
// operate (and run checks on) this one module
RTLIL::Design *holes_design = new RTLIL::Design;
- Pass::call(holes_design, "opt -purge");
std::stringstream a_buffer;
XAigerWriter writer(holes_module);
void script() YS_OVERRIDE
run("scc -set_attr abc9_scc_id {}");
- run("abc9_ops -break_scc"/*" -prep_holes"*/);
-// run("flatten -wb @abc9_holes");
-// run("techmap @abc9_holes");
+ run("abc9_ops -break_scc");
run("abc9_ops -prep_holes");
+ run("select -set abc9_holes A:abc9_holes");
+ run("flatten -wb @abc9_holes");
+ run("techmap @abc9_holes");
+ run("aigmap @abc9_holes");
if (dff_mode)
run("abc9_ops -prep_dff");
-// run("opt -purge @abc9_holes");
- run("select -set abc9_holes A:abc9_holes");
+ run("opt -purge @abc9_holes");
run("wbflip @abc9_holes");
auto selected_modules = active_design->selected_modules();