+2019.08-rc2, not yet released
+ Fixes all over the tree.
+ Compile fixes for a number of defconfigs.
+ Updated/fixed packages: apache, autofs, batctl, batman-adv,
+ bind, collectd, cwiid, dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools, daq,
+ dehydrated, dhcp, dtc, efl, enlightenment, evtest, gnutls, go,
+ gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-base, gst1-plugins-bad,
+ gst1-plugins-base, gst1-rtsp-server, gtkmm3, gupnp, harfbuzz,
+ imagemagick, lftp, libbsd, libcpprestsdk, libdnet, libfm,
+ libgit2, libgtk2, libgtk3, libpri, librsvg, libss7, libssh2,
+ libwpe, lua-cqueues, metacity, micropython, mpd, mpg123, musl,
+ mpv, openblas, openbox, opencv, pango, pcmanfm, piglit,
+ pigpio, pinentry, postgresql, qemu, qt5base, qt5enginio,
+ qt5multimedia, qt5serialbus, quazip, rrdtool, rygel, samba4,
+ stellarium, tcpreplay, ti-gfx, vte, wampcc,
+ wilink-bt-firmware, wireless-regdb, wpebackend-fdo,
+ xscreensaver
+ Removed packages: libamcodec, odroid-mali, odroid-scripts
+ Issues resolved (http://bugs.uclibc.org):
+ #9481: NetworkManager/Ping unable to resolve domains
+ #10566: php.mk is missing option --with-pgsql
+ #10861: Package batman_adv Makefile is missing include header direct..
+ #11641: linux kernel .config timestamp always out of date fixed with..
+ #11671: russian locale ru_RU:145: LC_TIME: syntax error
+ #11701: recuuring of usr and in bin shortcuts are created
+ #11741: pigpio does not build host-pigpio
+ #11876: automount using host mount/umount
+ #11881: Build breaks with lftp package enabled and libexpat1-dev inst..
+ #11921: dahdi fails to build
+ #11936: libcpprestsdk should install to staging
+ #11946: wilink-bt-firmware: moved from github to http://git.ti.com/ti-bt
+ #11961: libpri build failure
+ #12086: dhcp shared libraries not installed to target
+ #12096: tcpreplay: build fails if libdumbnet-dev is installed in the..
+ #12106: daq: build fails if libdumbnet-dev is installed in the host
+ #12126: vc4 has neon as hard dependency
2019.08-rc1, released August 9th, 2019
Fixes all over the tree and new features.