type reg_type is record
state : state_t;
invalid : std_ulogic;
negate : std_ulogic;
longmask : std_ulogic;
+ divext : std_ulogic;
+ divmod : std_ulogic;
+ is_signed : std_ulogic;
+ int_ovf : std_ulogic;
+ div_close : std_ulogic;
+ inc_quot : std_ulogic;
+ a_hi : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ a_lo : std_ulogic_vector(55 downto 0);
end record;
type lookup_table is array(0 to 1023) of std_ulogic_vector(17 downto 0);
signal lost_bits : std_ulogic;
signal r_hi_nz : std_ulogic;
signal r_lo_nz : std_ulogic;
+ signal r_gt_1 : std_ulogic;
signal s_nz : std_ulogic;
signal misc_sel : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal f_to_multiply : MultiplyInputType;
variable msb : std_ulogic;
variable is_add : std_ulogic;
variable set_a : std_ulogic;
+ variable set_a_exp : std_ulogic;
+ variable set_a_mant : std_ulogic;
+ variable set_a_hi : std_ulogic;
+ variable set_a_lo : std_ulogic;
variable set_b : std_ulogic;
+ variable set_b_mant : std_ulogic;
variable set_c : std_ulogic;
variable set_y : std_ulogic;
variable set_s : std_ulogic;
variable px_nz : std_ulogic;
variable pcmpb_eq : std_ulogic;
variable pcmpb_lt : std_ulogic;
+ variable pcmpc_eq : std_ulogic;
+ variable pcmpc_lt : std_ulogic;
variable pshift : std_ulogic;
variable renorm_sqrt : std_ulogic;
variable sqrt_exp : signed(EXP_BITS-1 downto 0);
variable shiftin : std_ulogic;
+ variable shiftin0 : std_ulogic;
variable mulexp : signed(EXP_BITS-1 downto 0);
variable maddend : std_ulogic_vector(127 downto 0);
variable sum : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
v.is_sqrt := '0';
v.add_bsmall := '0';
v.doing_ftdiv := "00";
+ v.divext := e_in.insn(8) and not e_in.insn(7);
+ v.divmod := not e_in.insn(8);
+ v.is_signed := e_in.is_signed;
+ v.int_ovf := '0';
+ v.div_close := '0';
adec := decode_dp(e_in.fra, int_input);
bdec := decode_dp(e_in.frb, int_input);
if (adec.exponent + cdec.exponent + 1) >= bdec.exponent then
v.madd_cmp := '1';
end if;
+ v.a_hi := 8x"0";
+ v.a_lo := 56x"0";
end if;
r_hi_nz <= or (r.r(UNIT_BIT + 1 downto SP_LSB));
r_lo_nz <= or (r.r(SP_LSB - 1 downto DP_LSB));
+ r_gt_1 <= or (r.r(63 downto 1));
s_nz <= or (r.s);
if r.single_prec = '0' then
if unsigned(r.p(59 downto 4)) < unsigned(r.b.mantissa(UNIT_BIT + 1 downto DP_RBIT)) then
pcmpb_lt := '1';
end if;
+ pcmpc_eq := '0';
+ if r.p = r.c.mantissa then
+ pcmpc_eq := '1';
+ end if;
+ pcmpc_lt := '0';
+ if unsigned(r.p) < unsigned(r.c.mantissa) then
+ pcmpc_lt := '1';
+ end if;
v.update_fprf := '0';
v.shift := to_signed(0, EXP_BITS);
set_x := '0';
qnan_result := '0';
set_a := '0';
+ set_a_exp := '0';
+ set_a_mant := '0';
+ set_a_hi := '0';
+ set_a_lo := '0';
set_b := '0';
+ set_b_mant := '0';
set_c := '0';
set_s := '0';
f_to_multiply.is_32bit <= '0';
pshift := '0';
renorm_sqrt := '0';
shiftin := '0';
+ shiftin0 := '0';
rbit_inc := '0';
mult_mask := '0';
int_result := '0';
v.state := DO_FRI;
end if;
+ when "01001" =>
+ -- integer divides and mods, major opcode 31
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_B;
+ v.state := DO_IDIVMOD;
when "01100" =>
v.opsel_a := AIN_B;
v.state := DO_FRSP;
end case;
arith_done := '1';
+ when DO_IDIVMOD =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_B
+ v.result_sign := r.is_signed and (r.a.negative xor (r.b.negative and not r.divmod));
+ if r.b.class = ZERO then
+ -- B is zero, signal overflow
+ v.int_ovf := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_ZERO;
+ elsif r.a.class = ZERO then
+ -- A is zero, result is zero (both for div and for mod)
+ v.state := IDIV_ZERO;
+ else
+ -- take absolute value for signed division, and
+ -- normalize and round up B to 8.56 format, like fcfid[u]
+ if r.is_signed = '1' and r.b.negative = '1' then
+ opsel_ainv <= '1';
+ carry_in <= '1';
+ end if;
+ v.result_class := FINITE;
+ v.result_exp := to_signed(UNIT_BIT, EXP_BITS);
+ v.state := IDIV_NORMB;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_NORMB =>
+ -- do count-leading-zeroes on B (now in R)
+ renormalize := '1';
+ -- save the original value of B or |B| in C
+ set_c := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_NORMB2;
+ when IDIV_NORMB2 =>
+ -- get B into the range [1, 2) in 8.56 format
+ set_x := '1'; -- record if any 1 bits shifted out
+ opsel_r <= RES_SHIFT;
+ v.state := IDIV_NORMB3;
+ when IDIV_NORMB3 =>
+ -- add the X bit onto R to round up B
+ carry_in <= r.x;
+ -- prepare to do count-leading-zeroes on A
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_A;
+ v.state := IDIV_CLZA;
+ when IDIV_CLZA =>
+ set_b := '1'; -- put R back into B
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_A
+ if r.is_signed = '1' and r.a.negative = '1' then
+ opsel_ainv <= '1';
+ carry_in <= '1';
+ end if;
+ v.result_exp := to_signed(UNIT_BIT, EXP_BITS);
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_C;
+ v.state := IDIV_CLZA2;
+ when IDIV_CLZA2 =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_C
+ renormalize := '1';
+ -- write the dividend back into A in case we negated it
+ set_a_mant := '1';
+ -- while doing the count-leading-zeroes on A,
+ -- also compute A - B to tell us whether A >= B
+ -- (using the original value of B, which is now in C)
+ opsel_b <= BIN_R;
+ opsel_ainv <= '1';
+ carry_in <= '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_CLZA3;
+ when IDIV_CLZA3 =>
+ -- save the exponent of A (but don't overwrite the mantissa)
+ v.a.exponent := new_exp;
+ v.div_close := '0';
+ if new_exp = r.b.exponent then
+ v.div_close := '1';
+ end if;
+ v.state := IDIV_NR0;
+ if new_exp > r.b.exponent or (v.div_close = '1' and r.r(63) = '0') then
+ -- A >= B, overflow if extended division
+ if r.divext = '1' then
+ v.int_ovf := '1';
+ -- return 0 in overflow cases
+ v.state := IDIV_ZERO;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- A < B, result is zero for normal division
+ if r.divmod = '0' and r.divext = '0' then
+ v.state := IDIV_ZERO;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_NR0 =>
+ -- reduce number of Newton-Raphson iterations for small A
+ if r.divext = '1' or new_exp >= to_signed(32, EXP_BITS) then
+ v.count := "00";
+ elsif new_exp >= to_signed(16, EXP_BITS) then
+ v.count := "01";
+ else
+ v.count := "10";
+ end if;
+ -- first NR iteration does Y = LUT; P = 2 - B * LUT
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_B;
+ msel_add <= MULADD_CONST;
+ msel_inv <= '1';
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_LUT;
+ set_y := '1';
+ if r.b.mantissa(UNIT_BIT + 1) = '1' then
+ -- rounding up of the mantissa caused overflow, meaning the
+ -- normalized B is 2.0. Since this is outside the range
+ -- of the LUT, just use 0.5 as the estimated inverse.
+ v.state := IDIV_USE0_5;
+ else
+ -- start the first multiply now
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= '1';
+ -- note we don't set v.first, thus the following IDIV_NR1
+ -- state doesn't start a multiply (we already did that)
+ v.state := IDIV_NR1;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_NR1 =>
+ -- subsequent NR iterations do Y = P; P = 2 - B * P
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_B;
+ msel_add <= MULADD_CONST;
+ msel_inv <= '1';
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_P;
+ set_y := r.first;
+ pshift := '1';
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= r.first;
+ if multiply_to_f.valid = '1' then
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.count := r.count + 1;
+ v.state := IDIV_NR2;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_NR2 =>
+ -- compute P = Y * P
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_Y;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_P;
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= r.first;
+ pshift := '1';
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_A;
+ v.shift := to_signed(64, EXP_BITS);
+ -- Get 0.5 into R in case the inverse estimate turns out to be
+ -- less than 0.5, in which case we want to use 0.5, to avoid
+ -- infinite loops in some cases.
+ opsel_r <= RES_MISC;
+ misc_sel <= "0001";
+ if multiply_to_f.valid = '1' then
+ v.first := '1';
+ if r.count = "11" then
+ v.state := IDIV_DODIV;
+ else
+ v.state := IDIV_NR1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_USE0_5 =>
+ -- Get 0.5 into R; it turns out the generated
+ -- QNaN mantissa is actually what we want
+ opsel_r <= RES_MISC;
+ misc_sel <= "0001";
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_A;
+ v.shift := to_signed(64, EXP_BITS);
+ v.state := IDIV_DODIV;
+ when IDIV_DODIV =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_A
+ -- r.shift = 64
+ -- inverse estimate is in P or in R; copy it to Y
+ if r.b.mantissa(UNIT_BIT + 1) = '1' or
+ (r.p(UNIT_BIT) = '0' and r.p(UNIT_BIT - 1) = '0') then
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_R;
+ else
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_P;
+ end if;
+ set_y := '1';
+ -- shift_res is 0 because r.shift = 64;
+ -- put that into B, which now holds the quotient
+ set_b_mant := '1';
+ if r.divext = '0' then
+ v.shift := to_signed(-UNIT_BIT, EXP_BITS);
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV;
+ elsif r.div_close = '0' then
+ v.shift := to_signed(64 - UNIT_BIT, EXP_BITS);
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV;
+ else
+ -- handle top bit of quotient specially
+ -- for this we need the divisor left-justified in B
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_C;
+ v.state := IDIV_EXT_TBH;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_DIV =>
+ -- Dividing A by C, r.shift = -56; A is in R
+ -- Put A into the bottom 64 bits of Ahi/A/Alo
+ set_a_mant := r.first;
+ set_a_lo := r.first;
+ -- compute R = R * Y (quotient estimate)
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_Y;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_R;
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= r.first;
+ pshift := '1';
+ opsel_r <= RES_MULT;
+ v.shift := - r.b.exponent;
+ if multiply_to_f.valid = '1' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV2;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_DIV2 =>
+ -- r.shift = - b.exponent
+ -- shift the quotient estimate right by b.exponent bits
+ opsel_r <= RES_SHIFT;
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV3;
+ when IDIV_DIV3 =>
+ -- quotient (so far) is in R; multiply by C and subtract from A
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_R;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_C;
+ msel_add <= MULADD_A;
+ msel_inv <= '1';
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= r.first;
+ -- store the current quotient estimate in B
+ set_b_mant := r.first;
+ opsel_r <= RES_MULT;
+ opsel_s <= S_MULT;
+ set_s := '1';
+ if multiply_to_f.valid = '1' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV4;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_DIV4 =>
+ -- remainder is in R/S and P
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_Y;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_P;
+ v.inc_quot := not pcmpc_lt and not r.divmod;
+ if r.divmod = '0' then
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_B;
+ end if;
+ v.shift := to_signed(UNIT_BIT, EXP_BITS);
+ if pcmpc_lt = '1' or pcmpc_eq = '1' then
+ if r.divmod = '0' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DIVADJ;
+ elsif pcmpc_eq = '1' then
+ v.state := IDIV_ZERO;
+ else
+ v.state := IDIV_MODADJ;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- need to do another iteration, compute P * Y
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV5;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_DIV5 =>
+ pshift := '1';
+ opsel_r <= RES_MULT;
+ v.shift := - r.b.exponent;
+ if multiply_to_f.valid = '1' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV6;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_DIV6 =>
+ -- r.shift = - b.exponent
+ -- shift the quotient estimate right by b.exponent bits
+ opsel_r <= RES_SHIFT;
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_B;
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV7;
+ when IDIV_DIV7 =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_B
+ -- add shifted quotient delta onto the total quotient
+ opsel_b <= BIN_R;
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV8;
+ when IDIV_DIV8 =>
+ -- quotient (so far) is in R; multiply by C and subtract from A
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_R;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_C;
+ msel_add <= MULADD_A;
+ msel_inv <= '1';
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= r.first;
+ -- store the current quotient estimate in B
+ set_b_mant := r.first;
+ opsel_r <= RES_MULT;
+ opsel_s <= S_MULT;
+ set_s := '1';
+ if multiply_to_f.valid = '1' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DIV9;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_DIV9 =>
+ -- remainder is in R/S and P
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_Y;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_P;
+ v.inc_quot := not pcmpc_lt and not r.divmod;
+ if r.divmod = '0' then
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_B;
+ end if;
+ v.shift := to_signed(UNIT_BIT, EXP_BITS);
+ if r.divmod = '0' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DIVADJ;
+ elsif pcmpc_eq = '1' then
+ v.state := IDIV_ZERO;
+ else
+ v.state := IDIV_MODADJ;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_EXT_TBH =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_C; get divisor into R and prepare to shift left
+ v.shift := to_signed(63, EXP_BITS) - r.b.exponent;
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_A;
+ v.state := IDIV_EXT_TBH2;
+ when IDIV_EXT_TBH2 =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_A; divisor is in R
+ -- r.shift = 63 - b.exponent; shift and put into B
+ set_b_mant := '1';
+ v.shift := to_signed(64 - UNIT_BIT, EXP_BITS);
+ v.state := IDIV_EXT_TBH3;
+ when IDIV_EXT_TBH3 =>
+ -- Dividing (A << 64) by C
+ -- r.shift = 8
+ -- Put A in the top 64 bits of Ahi/A/Alo
+ set_a_hi := '1';
+ set_a_mant := '1';
+ v.shift := to_signed(64, EXP_BITS) - r.b.exponent;
+ v.state := IDIV_EXT_TBH4;
+ when IDIV_EXT_TBH4 =>
+ -- dividend (A) is in R
+ -- r.shift = 64 - B.exponent, so is at least 1
+ opsel_r <= RES_SHIFT;
+ -- top bit of A gets lost in the shift, so handle it specially
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_B;
+ v.shift := to_signed(63, EXP_BITS);
+ v.state := IDIV_EXT_TBH5;
+ when IDIV_EXT_TBH5 =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_B, r.shift = 63
+ -- shifted dividend is in R, subtract left-justified divisor
+ opsel_b <= BIN_R;
+ opsel_ainv <= '1';
+ carry_in <= '1';
+ -- and put 1<<63 into B as the divisor (S is still 0)
+ shiftin0 := '1';
+ set_b_mant := '1';
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV2;
+ when IDIV_EXTDIV =>
+ -- Dividing (A << 64) by C
+ -- r.shift = 8
+ -- Put A in the top 64 bits of Ahi/A/Alo
+ set_a_hi := '1';
+ set_a_mant := '1';
+ v.shift := to_signed(64, EXP_BITS) - r.b.exponent;
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV1;
+ when IDIV_EXTDIV1 =>
+ -- dividend is in R
+ -- r.shift = 64 - B.exponent
+ opsel_r <= RES_SHIFT;
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV2;
+ when IDIV_EXTDIV2 =>
+ -- shifted remainder is in R; compute R = R * Y (quotient estimate)
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_Y;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_R;
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= r.first;
+ pshift := '1';
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_B;
+ opsel_r <= RES_MULT;
+ if multiply_to_f.valid = '1' then
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV3;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_EXTDIV3 =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_B
+ -- delta quotient is in R; add it to B
+ opsel_b <= BIN_R;
+ v.first := '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV4;
+ when IDIV_EXTDIV4 =>
+ -- quotient is in R; put it in B and compute remainder
+ set_b_mant := r.first;
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_R;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_C;
+ msel_add <= MULADD_A;
+ msel_inv <= '1';
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= r.first;
+ opsel_r <= RES_MULT;
+ opsel_s <= S_MULT;
+ set_s := '1';
+ v.shift := to_signed(UNIT_BIT, EXP_BITS) - r.b.exponent;
+ if multiply_to_f.valid = '1' then
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV5;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_EXTDIV5 =>
+ -- r.shift = r.b.exponent - 56
+ -- remainder is in R/S; shift it right r.b.exponent bits
+ opsel_r <= RES_SHIFT;
+ -- test LS 64b of remainder in P against divisor in C
+ v.inc_quot := not pcmpc_lt;
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_B;
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV6;
+ when IDIV_EXTDIV6 =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_B
+ -- shifted remainder is in R, see if it is > 1
+ -- and compute R = R * Y if so
+ msel_1 <= MUL1_Y;
+ msel_2 <= MUL2_R;
+ pshift := '1';
+ if r_gt_1 = '1' then
+ f_to_multiply.valid <= '1';
+ v.state := IDIV_EXTDIV2;
+ else
+ v.state := IDIV_DIVADJ;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_MODADJ =>
+ -- r.shift = 56
+ -- result is in R/S
+ opsel_r <= RES_SHIFT;
+ if pcmpc_lt = '0' then
+ v.opsel_a := AIN_C;
+ v.state := IDIV_MODSUB;
+ elsif r.result_sign = '0' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DONE;
+ else
+ v.state := IDIV_DIVADJ;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_MODSUB =>
+ -- r.opsel_a = AIN_C
+ -- Subtract divisor from remainder
+ opsel_ainv <= '1';
+ carry_in <= '1';
+ opsel_b <= BIN_R;
+ if r.result_sign = '0' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DONE;
+ else
+ v.state := IDIV_DIVADJ;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_DIVADJ =>
+ -- result (so far) is on the A input of the adder
+ -- set carry to increment quotient if needed
+ -- and also negate R if the answer is negative
+ opsel_ainv <= r.result_sign;
+ carry_in <= r.inc_quot xor r.result_sign;
+ if r.is_signed = '0' then
+ v.state := IDIV_DONE;
+ else
+ v.state := IDIV_OVFCHK;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_OVFCHK =>
+ v.int_ovf := r.r(63) xor r.result_sign;
+ if v.int_ovf = '1' then
+ v.state := IDIV_ZERO;
+ else
+ v.state := IDIV_DONE;
+ end if;
+ when IDIV_DONE =>
+ int_result := '1';
+ v.writing_fpr := '1';
+ v.instr_done := '1';
+ when IDIV_ZERO =>
+ opsel_r <= RES_MISC;
+ misc_sel <= "0101";
+ int_result := '1';
+ v.writing_fpr := '1';
+ v.instr_done := '1';
end case;
if zero_divide = '1' then
end if;
when MULADD_A =>
-- addend is A in 16.112 format
+ maddend(127 downto UNIT_BIT + 64) := r.a_hi;
maddend(UNIT_BIT + 63 downto UNIT_BIT) := r.a.mantissa;
+ maddend(UNIT_BIT - 1 downto 0) := r.a_lo;
when MULADD_RS =>
-- addend is concatenation of R and S in 16.112 format
maddend(UNIT_BIT + 63 downto UNIT_BIT) := r.r;
end if;
in_b <= in_b0;
if r.shift >= to_signed(-64, EXP_BITS) and r.shift <= to_signed(63, EXP_BITS) then
- shift_res := shifter_64(r.r & (shiftin or r.s(55)) & r.s(54 downto 0),
+ shift_res := shifter_64(r.r(63 downto 1) & (shiftin0 or r.r(0)) &
+ (shiftin or r.s(55)) & r.s(54 downto 0),
std_ulogic_vector(r.shift(6 downto 0)));
shift_res := (others => '0');
end case;
end if;
- if set_a = '1' then
+ if set_a = '1' or set_a_exp = '1' then
v.a.exponent := new_exp;
+ end if;
+ if set_a = '1' or set_a_mant = '1' then
v.a.mantissa := shift_res;
end if;
+ if e_in.valid = '1' then
+ v.a_hi := (others => '0');
+ v.a_lo := (others => '0');
+ else
+ if set_a_hi = '1' then
+ v.a_hi := r.r(63 downto 56);
+ end if;
+ if set_a_lo = '1' then
+ v.a_lo := r.r(55 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ end if;
if set_b = '1' then
v.b.exponent := new_exp;
+ end if;
+ if set_b = '1' or set_b_mant = '1' then
v.b.mantissa := shift_res;
end if;
if set_c = '1' then