Unforunately the Appveyor -> SourceForge connection seems a bit
unreliable, causing frequent build failures while downloading
winflexbison (approx once every 2 days).
Fetching winflexbison archive into Appveyor's cache should eliminate
Fetching Python modules from PyPI doesn't seem to be a problem, so they
are left alone for now, though they could eventually get the same
clone_depth: 5
+- win_flex_bison-2.4.5.zip
- llvm-3.3.1-msvc2013-mtd.7z
+ WINFLEXBISON_ARCHIVE: win_flex_bison-2.4.5.zip
LLVM_ARCHIVE: llvm-3.3.1-msvc2013-mtd.7z
-# Install pip
+# Check pip
- python --version
-- python -m ensurepip
+- python -m pip --version
# Install Mako
- python -m pip install --egg Mako
# Install SCons
- python -m pip install --egg scons==2.4.1
- scons --version
# Install flex/bison
-- cinst winflexbison -y
+- if not exist "%WINFLEXBISON_ARCHIVE%" appveyor DownloadFile "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/winflexbison/%WINFLEXBISON_ARCHIVE%"
+- 7z x -y -owinflexbison\ "%WINFLEXBISON_ARCHIVE%" > nul
+- set Path=%CD%\winflexbison;%Path%
- win_flex --version
- win_bison --version
# Download and extract LLVM