See architectural details [here](./architecture)
-# "Gaddie Pitch" for LibreSOC
+# "Gaddie Pitch" (1) for LibreSOC
| What we do | Benefits | Feelings |
| ------------------------ | --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| in a fully-transparent | Full transparency | stops complaining, |
| fashion. | for their customers | Risk and worry gone. |
+## You know how...
+You know how for computers, you really have no idea how they work? And
+how you keep having to replace them with upgrades? Turns out that
+it's very difficult for medium-sized businesses to design lower-cost products
+because the only cheap processors (almost always from China) do not respect
+Copyright law and provide almost zero documentation.
+## Well what we do is...
+Well, what we do is: design processors that have full transparency
+## In fact...
+# "Gaddie Pitch" (2) for LibreSOC
# Hybrid 3D GPU / CPU / VPU
Creating a trustworthy processor for the world.