#include "base/types.hh"
#include "cpu/static_inst_fwd.hh"
-namespace LittleEndianGuest {}
+//namespace LittleEndianGuest {}
+namespace BigEndianGuest {}
namespace PowerISA
-using namespace LittleEndianGuest;
+//using namespace LittleEndianGuest;
+using namespace BigEndianGuest;
StaticInstPtr decodeInst(ExtMachInst);
#include "arch/power/linux/system.hh"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <cstring>
#include "arch/vtophys.hh"
#include "base/loader/dtb_object.hh"
#include "base/loader/object_file.hh"
bool kernel_has_fdt_support =
kernelSymtab->findAddress("unflatten_device_tree", addr);
bool dtb_file_specified = params()->dtb_filename != "";
+ kernel_has_fdt_support = true;
if (kernel_has_fdt_support && dtb_file_specified) {
// Kernel supports flattened device tree and dtb file specified.
// Using Device Tree Blob to describe system configuration.
delete dtb_file;
+ if (kernel){
+ inform("Loading kernel: %s at address %#x\n",params()->kernel,
+ 0x20000000);
+ kernel->setTextBase(0x20000000);
+ kernel->loadSections(physProxy);
+ }
+ if (!params()->skiboot.empty()){
+ inform("Loading skiboot: %s at address %#x\n",params()->skiboot,
+ 0x0);
+ ObjectFile *skiboot_file = createObjectFile(params()->skiboot,true);
+ if (!skiboot_file){
+ fatal("Could not load skiboot\n");
+ }
+ skiboot_file->setTextBase(0x0);
+ skiboot_file->loadSections(physProxy);
+ }
+ if (!params()->initramfs.empty()){
+ inform("Loading initramfs: %s at address %#x\n",params()->initramfs,
+ 0x28000000);
+ int fd = open(params()->initramfs.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd < 0){
+ fatal("Couldn't open %s file\n",params()->initramfs);
+ }
+ off_t off = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+ fatal_if(off < 0,
+ "Failed to determine size of the object file %s\n",
+ params()->initramfs);
+ auto len = static_cast<size_t>(off);
+ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(len + 1);
+ if (!buffer){
+ fatal("Malloc failed\n");
+ }
+ lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);
+ int sz = read(fd, buffer, len);
+ if (sz != len){
+ fatal("Reading the initramfs file"
+ "failed len :: %d read :: %d\n",len,sz);
+ }
+ //buffer[len+1] = '\0';
+ //const uint8_t *blob = (uint8_t *)malloc(len + 1);
+ //strncpy()
+ // load the file in memory
+ //physProxy.memsetBlob(0x28000000,(const uint8_t *)buffer,len);
+ physProxy.writeBlobPhys(0x28000000, 0, buffer,len);
+ close(fd);
+ }
LinuxPowerSystem *
#include "arch/power/tlb.hh"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
- std::printf("System call number = %lu\n", tc->readIntReg(0));
+ //std::printf("System call number = %lu\n", tc->readIntReg(0));
if (tc->readIntReg(0) == 4){
stdout_buf_length = (int)tc->readIntReg(5);
stdout_buf_addr = tc->readIntReg(4);
bool flag = false;
while (getline(stream, addr_str)) {
if (!flag){
- if (addr_str.find("<log_store>:") != string::npos) {
+ if (addr_str.find("<log_store>:") != string::npos
+ || addr_str.find("<log_store.isra.1>:") != string::npos
+ || addr_str.find("<.log_store>:") != string::npos) {
flag = true;
Msr msr = tc->readIntReg(INTREG_MSR);
if (mode == Execute){
+ //0x20000000
+ /* if (vaddr == 0x30005214){
+ int fd = open("device_tree.dtb", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY,0644);
+ //uint64_t i;
+ int index = 0;
+ //uint64_t start_addr = (uint64_t)tc->readIntReg(3);
+ std::printf("r3(device tree start) 0x%016lx\n",
+ tc->readIntReg(4));
+ uint64_t start_addr = (uint64_t)tc->readIntReg(4); //- 0x1000;
+ uint8_t buf[10745];
+ for (index=0; index<10745; index++){
+ buf[index] = (uint8_t)rwalk->readPhysMem(
+ start_addr + index,8);
+ if (index < 8){
+ std::printf("buf[0x%016lx] = %02x\n",
+ start_addr + index,(unsigned int)buf[index]);
+ }
+ }
+ int len = write(fd,buf,10745);
+ std::printf("Written to the device_tree.dtb :: len %d\n",len);
+ }*/
if (msr.ir){
//printf("MSR: %lx\n",(uint64_t)msr);
Fault fault = rwalk->start(tc,req, mode);
std::printf("%lu [KERN LOG] %s\n",curTick(),buf);
+ if (paddr == 0x30012fd4){
+ int len = (int)tc->readIntReg(5);
+ char buf[len];
+ int i;
+ char read;
+ for (i=0; i<len; i++){
+ read = (char)rwalk->readPhysMem((tc->readIntReg(4)
+ & 0x0fffffffffffffff)+ i, 8);
+ buf[i] = read;
+ }
+ buf[i] = '\0';
+ //DPRINTF(TLB, "[KERN LOG] %s\n",buf);
+ std::printf("%lu [OPAL LOG] %s\n",curTick(),buf);
+ std::fflush(stdout);
+ }
return fault;
std::printf("%lu [KERN LOG] %s\n",curTick(),buf);
+ if (paddr == 0x30012fd4){
+ int len = (int)tc->readIntReg(5);
+ char buf[len];
+ int i;
+ char read;
+ for (i=0; i<len; i++){
+ read = (char)rwalk->readPhysMem((tc->readIntReg(4)
+ & 0x0fffffffffffffff)+ i, 8);
+ buf[i] = read;
+ }
+ buf[i] = '\0';
+ //DPRINTF(TLB, "[KERN LOG] %s\n",buf);
+ std::printf("%lu [OPAL LOG] %s\n",curTick(),buf);
+ std::fflush(stdout);
+ }
return NoFault;
} else if (ehdr.e_machine == EM_PPC64 &&
ehdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS64) {
arch = Power;
- if (ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB) {
+ //if (ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB) {
+ if (ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2MSB) {
fatal("The binary you're trying to load is compiled for "
- "big endian Power.\ngem5 only supports little "
+ "little endian Power.\ngem5 only supports big "
"endian Power. Please recompile your binary.\n");
} else if (ehdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS64) {
- warn_once("Don't know what interrupt to post for console.\n");
+ //warn_once("Don't know what interrupt to post for console.\n");
+ cout<<"Post console intr\n";
+ this->intrctrl->post(2,0);
//panic("Need implementation\n");
- warn_once("Don't know what interrupt to clear for console.\n");
+ //warn_once("Don't know what interrupt to clear for console.\n");
+ //cout<<"Clear console intr\n";
+ this->intrctrl->clear(2,0);
//panic("Need implementation\n");
return new G500(this);
\ No newline at end of file
DPRINTF(TerminalVerbose, "in: \'%c\' %#02x more: %d\n",
isprint(c) ? c : ' ', c, !rxbuf.empty());
+ //printf("------Read: \'%c\' %#02x more: %d\n",
+ // isprint(c) ? c : ' ', c, !rxbuf.empty());
return c;
DPRINTF(TerminalVerbose, "console_in: return: %#x\n", value);
+ //printf("console_in: return: 0x%lx\n", value);
return value;
if (outfile)
+ //printf("-------Written out: \'%c\' %#02x\n",
+ // isprint(c) ? c : ' ', (int)c);
DPRINTF(TerminalVerbose, "out: \'%c\' %#02x\n",
isprint(c) ? c : ' ', (int)c);
static const Tick interval = 225 * SimClock::Int::ns;
DPRINTF(Uart, "Scheduling IER interrupt for %s, at cycle %lld\n",
event->name(), curTick() + interval);
+ cout << "Scheduling IER interrupt for "
+ <<event->name()<< " at cycle" << curTick() + interval <<"\n";
+ //if (event->name().compare("TX.wrapped_function_event") == 0)
+ // return;
if (!event->scheduled())
schedule(event, curTick() + interval);
Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;
DPRINTF(Uart, " read register %#x\n", daddr);
+ printf("read address 0x%lx\n", daddr);
switch (daddr) {
case 0x0:
if (!(LCR & 0x80)) { // read byte
// A limited amount of these are ok.
DPRINTF(Uart, "empty read of RX register\n");
- printf("empty read of Rx register\n");
+ //printf("empty read of Rx register\n");
status &= ~RX_INT;
case 0x2: // Intr Identification Register (IIR)
DPRINTF(Uart, "IIR Read, status = %#x\n", (uint32_t)status);
- printf("IIR Read, status = %#x\n", (uint32_t)status);
- if (status & RX_INT) /* Rx data interrupt has a higher priority */
- pkt->set(IIR_RXID);
+ //printf("IIR Read, status = %#x\n", (uint32_t)status);
+ if (status & RX_INT){ /* Rx data interrupt has a higher priority */
+ //printf("RX data interrupt detected\n");
+ pkt->set(IIR_RXID);
+ }
else if (status & TX_INT) {
+ //printf("Tx data interrupt detected\n");
//Tx interrupts are cleared on IIR reads
status &= ~TX_INT;
case 0x1:
if (!(LCR & 0x80)) { // Intr Enable Register(IER)
IER = pkt->get<uint8_t>();
- if (UART_IER_THRI & IER & 0)
DPRINTF(Uart, "IER: IER_THRI set, scheduling TX intrrupt\n");
if (curTick() - lastTxInt > 225 * SimClock::Int::ns) {