It's so poorly understood there's not much to do in this commit, sadly.
Signed-off-by: Alyssa Rosenzweig <>
Reviewed-by: Tomeu Vizoso <>
Part-of: <>
meta->sampler_count = ctx->sampler_count[st];
if (dev->quirks & IS_BIFROST) {
- meta->bifrost1.unk1 = 0x800000;
+ struct mali_bifrost_properties_packed prop;
+ pan_pack(&prop, BIFROST_PROPERTIES, cfg) {
+ cfg.unknown = 0x800000; /* XXX */
+ cfg.uniform_buffer_count = panfrost_ubo_count(ctx, st);
+ }
+ memcpy(&meta->bifrost_props, &prop, sizeof(prop));
meta->bifrost2.preload_regs = 0xC0;
meta->bifrost2.uniform_count = ss->uniform_count;
- meta->bifrost1.uniform_buffer_count = panfrost_ubo_count(ctx, st);
} else {
struct mali_midgard_properties_packed prop;
fragmeta->sampler_count = ctx->sampler_count[PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT];
if (dev->quirks & IS_BIFROST) {
- /* First clause ATEST |= 0x4000000.
- * Lefs than 32 regs |= 0x200 */
- fragmeta->bifrost1.unk1 = 0x950020;
+ struct mali_bifrost_properties_packed prop;
+ bool no_blend = true;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < rt_count; ++i)
+ no_blend &= (!blend[i].load_dest | blend[i].no_colour);
+ pan_pack(&prop, BIFROST_PROPERTIES, cfg) {
+ cfg.unknown = 0x950020; /* XXX */
+ cfg.uniform_buffer_count = panfrost_ubo_count(ctx, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
+ cfg.early_z_enable = !fs->can_discard && !fs->writes_depth && no_blend;
+ }
+ memcpy(&fragmeta->bifrost_props, &prop, sizeof(prop));
- fragmeta->bifrost1.uniform_buffer_count = panfrost_ubo_count(ctx, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
fragmeta->bifrost2.preload_regs = 0x1;
SET_BIT(fragmeta->bifrost2.preload_regs, 0x10, fs->reads_frag_coord);
- if (dev->quirks & IS_BIFROST) {
- bool no_blend = true;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < rt_count; ++i)
- no_blend &= (!blend[i].load_dest | blend[i].no_colour);
- SET_BIT(fragmeta->bifrost1.unk1, MALI_BIFROST_EARLY_Z,
- !fs->can_discard && !fs->writes_depth && no_blend);
- }
.shader = shader->gpu,
.attribute_count = 1,
.varying_count = 1,
- .bifrost1 = {
- .unk1 = 0x800200,
- .uniform_buffer_count = 1,
- },
+ .bifrost_props = { .opaque = { 0x80020001 } },
.bifrost2 = {
.unk3 = 0x0,
.preload_regs = 0xc0,
#define MALI_EXTRACT_BITS(fmt) (fmt & 0x7)
-/* Flags for bifrost1.unk1 */
-/* Shader uses less than 32 registers, partitioned as [R0, R15] U [R48, R63],
- * allowing for full thread count. If clear, the full [R0, R63] register set is
- * available at half thread count */
-#define MALI_BIFROST_FULL_THREAD (1 << 9)
-/* Enable early-z testing (presumably). This flag may not be set if the shader:
- *
- * - Uses blending
- * - Uses discard
- * - Writes gl_FragDepth
- *
- * This differs from Midgard which sets the MALI_EARLY_Z flag even with
- * blending, although I've begun to suspect that flag does not in fact enable
- * EARLY_Z alone. */
-#define MALI_BIFROST_EARLY_Z (1 << 15)
-/* First clause type is ATEST */
-#define MALI_BIFROST_FIRST_ATEST (1 << 26)
/* The raw Midgard blend payload can either be an equation or a shader
* address, depending on the context */
u16 varying_count;
union {
- struct {
- u32 uniform_buffer_count : 4;
- u32 unk1 : 28; // = 0x800000 for vertex, 0x958020 for tiler
- } bifrost1;
+ struct mali_bifrost_properties_packed bifrost_props;
struct mali_midgard_properties_packed midgard_props;
#undef FLAG_INFO
-#define FLAG_INFO(flag) { MALI_BIFROST_##flag, "MALI_BIFROST_" #flag }
-static const struct pandecode_flag_info shader_bifrost_info [] = {
- {}
-#undef FLAG_INFO
#define FLAG_INFO(flag) { MALI_MFBD_##flag, "MALI_MFBD_" #flag }
static const struct pandecode_flag_info mfbd_flag_info [] = {
info = pandecode_shader_disassemble(s->shader & ~0xF, job_no, job_type, is_bifrost, gpu_id);
struct MALI_MIDGARD_PROPERTIES midg_props;
+ struct MALI_BIFROST_PROPERTIES bi_props;
pandecode_log("struct mali_shader_meta shader_meta_%"PRIx64"_%d%s = {\n", p->shader, job_no, suffix);
sampler_count = s->sampler_count;
if (is_bifrost) {
+ uint32_t opaque = s->bifrost_props.opaque[0];
+ MALI_BIFROST_PROPERTIES_unpack((const uint8_t *) &opaque, &bi_props);
uniform_count = s->bifrost2.uniform_count;
- uniform_buffer_count = s->bifrost1.uniform_buffer_count;
+ uniform_buffer_count = bi_props.uniform_buffer_count;
} else {
uint32_t opaque = s->midgard_props.opaque[0];
MALI_MIDGARD_PROPERTIES_unpack((const uint8_t *) &opaque, &midg_props);
pandecode_shader_prop("attribute_count", s->attribute_count, info.attribute_count, false);
pandecode_shader_prop("varying_count", s->varying_count, info.varying_count, false);
- if (is_bifrost) {
- pandecode_log("bifrost1.unk1 = ");
- pandecode_log_decoded_flags(shader_bifrost_info, s->bifrost1.unk1);
- pandecode_log_cont(",\n");
- } else {
+ if (is_bifrost)
+ MALI_BIFROST_PROPERTIES_print(pandecode_dump_stream, &bi_props, 2);
+ else
MALI_MIDGARD_PROPERTIES_print(pandecode_dump_stream, &midg_props, 2);
- }
if (s->depth_units || s->depth_factor) {
pandecode_prop("depth_factor = %f", s->depth_factor);
<field name="Suppress Inf/NaN" size="1" start="29" type="bool"/>
+ <struct name="Bifrost Properties" size="1">
+ <field name="Uniform buffer count" size="8" start="0" type="uint"/>
+ <!--- If set, disables registers [R16, R47] for full thread count -->
+ <field name="Full thread" size="1" start="13" type="bool" default="false"/>
+ <field name="Early-z enable" size="1" start="19" type="bool" default="false"/>
+ <field name="First ATEST" size="1" start="30" type="bool" default="false"/>
+ <!-- XXX: This is awful -->
+ <field name="Unknown" size="32" start="0" type="uint"/>
+ </struct>
<struct name="Stencil">
<field name="Reference Value" size="8" start="0" type="uint"/>
<field name="Mask" size="8" start="8" type="uint" default="0xFF"/>