* <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=574>
* <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=558#c47>
+Normal SVP64 Mode covers Arithmetic and Logical operations
+to provide suitable additional behaviour.
Table of contents:
# Mode
Mode is an augmentation of SV behaviour, providing additional
-functionslity. Some of these alterations are element-based (saturation), others involve post-analysis (predicate result) and others are Vector-based (mapreduce, fail-on-first).
+functionality. Some of these alterations are element-based (saturation), others involve post-analysis (predicate result) and others are Vector-based (mapreduce, fail-on-first).
-These are the modes for everything except [[sv/ldst]],
-[[sv/cr_ops]] and [[sv/branches]] which are covered separately:
+[[sv/cr_ops]] and [[sv/branches]] are covered separately: the following
+Modes apply to Arithmetic and Logical SVP64 operations:
* **normal** mode is straight vectorisation. no augmentations: the vector comprises an array of independently created results.
* **ffirst** or data-dependent fail-on-first: see separate section. the vector may be truncated depending on certain criteria.
For LD/ST Modes, see [[sv/ldst]]. For Condition Registers
see [[sv/cr_ops]].
-For Branch modes, see [[sv/branches]] Immediate and Indexed LD/ST
-are both different, in order to support a large range of features
-normally found in Vector ISAs.
+For Branch modes, see [[sv/branches]].
# Rounding, clamp and saturate
-see [[av_opcodes]].
+See [[av_opcodes]] for relevant opcodes and use-cases.
To help ensure that audio quality is not compromised by overflow,
"saturation" is provided, as well as a way to detect when saturation