--- /dev/null
+# demo executable
+## `demo/demo.cpp`
+### `test::load_file`
+loads a SPIR-V shader into memory, swapping the endian if needed.
+### `test::dump_words`
+dumps a SPIR-V shader's binary form to `stderr`. Displays the individual bytes in little-endian format to promote readability of SPIR-V strings.
+### `test::load_shader`
+loads a SPIR-V shader, creating a `pipeline::Shader_module`.
+### `test::make_pipeline_layout`
+creates the `pipeline::Pipeline_layout` object.
+### `test::parse_unsigned_integer`
+utility function to parse an unsigned integer.
+### `test::test_main`
+the main function. Builds a `pipeline::Graphics_pipeline`, draws to an image, then saves the image to `output.bmp`