sets {\tt \$0\textbackslash{}q[0:0]} to the value of {\tt \textbackslash{}d} if {\tt
\textbackslash{}enable} is active (lines $6 \dots 11$).
+A case can specify zero or more compare values that will determine whether it matches. Each of the compare values
+must be the exact same width as the control signal. When more than one compare value is specified, the case matches
+if any of them matches the control signal; when zero compare values are specified, the case always matches (i.e.
+it is the default case).
+A switch prioritizes cases from first to last: multiple cases can match, but only the first matched case becomes
+active. This normally synthesizes to a priority encoder. The {\tt parallel\_case} attribute allows passes to assume
+that no more than one case will match, and {\tt full\_case} attribute allows passes to assume that exactly one
+case will match; if these invariants are ever dynamically violated, the behavior is undefined. These attributes
+are useful when an invariant invisible to the synthesizer causes the control signal to never take certain
+bit patterns.
The lines $13 \dots 16$ then cause {\tt \textbackslash{}q} to be updated whenever there is
a positive clock edge on {\tt \textbackslash{}clock} or {\tt \textbackslash{}reset}.