--- /dev/null
+# Recursive make is bad, but in this case we're cross compiling which is a
+# pretty unusual use case.
+CC = $(RISCV)/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc
+OBJCOPY = $(RISCV)/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy
+%.o: %.S
+ $(CC) -c $<
+debug_rom: debug_rom.o
+ $(CC) -nostdlib -nostartfiles -Tlink.ld -o $@ $^
+debug_rom.raw: debug_rom
+ $(OBJCOPY) -O binary --only-section .text debug_rom debug_rom.raw
+ rm -f debug_rom debug_rom.o debug_rom.raw
--- /dev/null
+# This code should be functional. Doesn't have to be optimal.
+# I'm writing it to prove that it can be done.
+# TODO: Update these constants once they're finalized in the doc.
+#define DCSR 0x790
+#define DSCRATCH 0x792
+#define MCPUID 0xf00
+#define MHARTID 0xf10
+#define DEBUG_RAM 0x400
+#define DEBUG_RAM_SIZE 64
+#define SETHALTNOT 0x100
+#define CLEARHALTNOT 0x104
+#define CLEARDEBINT 0x108
+ .global entry
+ .global resume
+ # Automatically called when Debug Mode is first entered.
+entry: j _entry
+ # Should be called by Debug RAM code that has finished execution and
+ # wants to return to Debug Mode.
+ # Clear debug interrupt.
+ csrr s1, MHARTID
+ sw s1, CLEARDEBINT(zero)
+ csrr s1, DCSR
+ andi s1, s1, (1<<DCSR_DEBUGINT_OFFSET)
+ bnez s1, wait_for_interrupt
+ # Restore s1.
+ csrr s1, MCPUID
+ bltz s1, restore_not_32
+ lw s1, (DEBUG_RAM + DEBUG_RAM_SIZE - 4)(zero)
+ j check_halt
+ slli s1, s1, 1
+ bltz s1, restore_128
+ ld s1, (DEBUG_RAM + DEBUG_RAM_SIZE - 8)(zero)
+ j check_halt
+ nop #lq s1, (DEBUG_RAM + DEBUG_RAM_SIZE - 16)(zero)
+ csrr s0, DCSR
+ andi s0, s0, (1<<DCSR_HALT_OFFSET)
+ beqz s0, exit
+ j wait_for_interrupt
+ # Restore s0.
+ csrr s0, DSCRATCH
+ eret
+ # Save s0 in DSCRATCH
+ csrw DSCRATCH, s0
+ # Check why we're here
+ csrr s0, DCSR
+ # cause is in bits 2:0 of dcsr
+ andi s0, s0, 7
+ addi s0, s0, -DCSR_CAUSE_DEBINT
+ bnez s0, spontaneous_halt
+ # Save s1 so that the debug program can use two registers.
+ csrr s0, MCPUID
+ bltz s0, save_not_32
+ sw s1, (DEBUG_RAM + DEBUG_RAM_SIZE - 4)(zero)
+ jr zero, DEBUG_RAM
+ slli s0, s0, 1
+ bltz s0, save_128
+ sd s1, (DEBUG_RAM + DEBUG_RAM_SIZE - 8)(zero)
+ jr zero, DEBUG_RAM
+ nop #sq s1, (DEBUG_RAM + DEBUG_RAM_SIZE - 16)(zero)
+ jr zero, DEBUG_RAM
+ csrr s0, MHARTID
+ sw s0, SETHALTNOT(zero)
+ csrr s0, DCSR
+ andi s0, s0, (1<<DCSR_DEBUGINT_OFFSET)
+ beqz s0, wait_for_interrupt
+ j jdebugram