For some reason, we didn't have any SMT-LIB (or rather SyGuS) example files for the SyGuS examples yet.
This PR adds these missing examples.
+ ../../examples/api/smtlib/
+ ../../examples/api/smtlib/
+ ../../examples/api/smtlib/
'.java': {'title': 'Java', 'lang': 'java'},
'.py': {'title': 'Python', 'lang': 'python'},
'.smt2': {'title': 'SMT-LIBv2', 'lang': 'smtlib'},
+ '.sy': {'title': 'SyGuS', 'lang': 'smtlib'},
# The "arguments" are actually the content of the directive
# collect everything in a list of strings
content = ['.. tabs::', '']
- remaining = set(self.exts.keys())
+ remaining = set([self.exts[e]['lang'] for e in self.exts])
location = '{}:{}'.format(*self.get_source_info())
for file in self.content:
if ext in self.exts:
title = self.exts[ext]['title']
lang = self.exts[ext]['lang']
- remaining.remove(ext)
+ remaining.remove(lang)
self.logger.warning(f'{location} is using unknown file extension "{ext}"')
title = ext
--- /dev/null
+; The printed output for this example should be equivalent to:
+; (
+; (define-fun max ((x Int) (y Int)) Int (ite (<= x y) y x))
+; (define-fun min ((x Int) (y Int)) Int (ite (<= x y) x y))
+; )
+(set-logic LIA)
+(synth-fun max ((x Int) (y Int)) Int
+ ((Start Int) (StartBool Bool))
+ ((Start Int (0 1 x y
+ (+ Start Start)
+ (- Start Start)
+ (ite StartBool Start Start)))
+ (StartBool Bool ((and StartBool StartBool)
+ (not StartBool)
+ (<= Start Start)))))
+(synth-fun min ((x Int) (y Int)) Int)
+(declare-var x Int)
+(declare-var y Int)
+(constraint (>= (max x y) x))
+(constraint (>= (max x y) y))
+(constraint (or (= x (max x y)) (= y (max x y))))
+(constraint (= (+ (max x y) (min x y)) (+ x y)))
--- /dev/null
+; The printed output for this example should look like:
+; (
+; (define-fun id1 ((x Int)) Int (+ x (+ x (- x))))
+; (define-fun id2 ((x Int)) Int x)
+; (define-fun id3 ((x Int)) Int (+ x 0))
+; (define-fun id4 ((x Int)) Int (+ x (+ x (- x))))
+; )
+(set-logic LIA)
+(synth-fun id1 ((x Int)) Int ((Start Int)) ((Start Int ((- x) (+ x Start)))))
+(synth-fun id2 ((x Int)) Int ((Start Int)) ((Start Int ((Variable Int) (- x) (+ x Start)))))
+(synth-fun id3 ((x Int)) Int ((Start Int)) ((Start Int (0 (- x) (+ x Start)))))
+(synth-fun id4 ((x Int)) Int ((Start Int)) ((Start Int ((- x) (+ x Start)))))
+(declare-var x Int)
+(constraint (= (id1 x) (id2 x) (id3 x) (id4 x) x))
--- /dev/null
+; The printed output for this example should be equivalent to:
+; (
+; (define-fun inv-f ((x Int)) Bool (not (>= x 11)))
+; )
+(set-logic LIA)
+(synth-inv inv-f ((x Int)))
+(define-fun pre-f ((x Int)) Bool (= x 0))
+(define-fun trans-f ((x Int) (xp Int)) Bool (ite (< x 10) (= xp (+ x 1)) (= xp x)))
+(define-fun post-f ((x Int)) Bool (<= x 10))
+(inv-constraint inv-f pre-f trans-f post-f)
size_t getNumIndicesHelper() const;
- * Helper for operator[](size_t i).
- * @param i position of the index. Should be less than getNumIndicesHelper().
- * @return the index at position i
+ * Helper for operator[](size_t index).
+ * @param index position of the index. Should be less than getNumIndicesHelper().
+ * @return the index at position index
Term getIndexHelper(size_t index) const;