--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import warnings
+from ._utils import get_linter_option
+__all__ = ["UnusedMustUse", "MustUse"]
+class UnusedMustUse(Warning):
+ pass
+class MustUse:
+ _MustUse__silence = False
+ _MustUse__warning = UnusedMustUse
+ def __new__(cls, *args, src_loc_at=0, **kwargs):
+ frame = sys._getframe(1 + src_loc_at)
+ self = super().__new__(cls)
+ self._MustUse__used = False
+ self._MustUse__context = dict(
+ filename=frame.f_code.co_filename,
+ lineno=frame.f_lineno,
+ source=self)
+ return self
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self._MustUse__silence:
+ return
+ if hasattr(self, "_MustUse__used") and not self._MustUse__used:
+ if get_linter_option(self._MustUse__context["filename"],
+ self._MustUse__warning.__name__, bool, True):
+ warnings.warn_explicit(
+ "{!r} created but never used".format(self), self._MustUse__warning,
+ **self._MustUse__context)
+_old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
+def _silence_elaboratable(type, value, traceback):
+ # Don't show anything if the interpreter crashed; that'd just obscure the exception
+ # traceback instead of helping.
+ MustUse._MustUse__silence = True
+ _old_excepthook(type, value, traceback)
+sys.excepthook = _silence_elaboratable
import sys
from .._utils import *
+from .._unused import *
from .ast import *
from .cd import *
__all__ = ["UnusedElaboratable", "Elaboratable", "DriverConflict", "Fragment", "Instance"]
-class UnusedElaboratable(Warning):
+class UnusedElaboratable(UnusedMustUse):
-class Elaboratable(metaclass=ABCMeta):
- _Elaboratable__silence = False
- def __new__(cls, *args, src_loc_at=0, **kwargs):
- frame = sys._getframe(1 + src_loc_at)
- self = super().__new__(cls)
- self._Elaboratable__used = False
- self._Elaboratable__context = dict(
- filename=frame.f_code.co_filename,
- lineno=frame.f_lineno,
- source=self)
- return self
- def __del__(self):
- if self._Elaboratable__silence:
- return
- if hasattr(self, "_Elaboratable__used") and not self._Elaboratable__used:
- if get_linter_option(self._Elaboratable__context["filename"],
- "UnusedElaboratable", bool, True):
- warnings.warn_explicit(
- "{!r} created but never used".format(self), UnusedElaboratable,
- **self._Elaboratable__context)
-_old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
-def _silence_elaboratable(type, value, traceback):
- # Don't show anything if the interpreter crashed; that'd just obscure the exception
- # traceback instead of helping.
- Elaboratable._Elaboratable__silence = True
- _old_excepthook(type, value, traceback)
-sys.excepthook = _silence_elaboratable
+class Elaboratable(MustUse, metaclass=ABCMeta):
+ _MustUse__warning = UnusedElaboratable
class DriverConflict(UserWarning):
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, Elaboratable):
code = obj.elaborate.__code__
- obj._Elaboratable__used = True
+ obj._MustUse__used = True
obj = obj.elaborate(platform)
elif hasattr(obj, "elaborate"):