#10961: Grub2 fails to build for x86_64 when BR2_SSP_ALL is
+2018.02.3, Released June 18th, 2018
+ Important / security related fixes.
+ Various fixes for building on modern distributions (GCC 8.x,
+ no rpcgen utility).
+ ARM: Default to binutils 2.28 and warn about newer binutils
+ versions, which are known to cause boot failures for Linux
+ kernels built in thumb mode.
+ Busybox/mdev: Fix module autoloading.
+ Busybox/sysvinit: inittab: Add /dev/{stdin,stdout,stderr}
+ symlinks, call swapon -a to activate any configured swap
+ devices.
+ Dependencies: Check that PATH does not contain current working
+ directory, which triggers a number of build failures.
+ Infrastructure: Error out for packages erroneously using the
+ 'local' site method but not defining a _SITE.
+ Linux: Fix cuImage.<dtb> / simpleImage.<dtb> handling. Ensure
+ kconfig uses ncurses from the host to fix a ncurses/ncursesw
+ mixup, causing menuconfig display corruption.
+ Toolchain: Workarounds for fix-rpath issues with binutils and
+ elf2flt.
+ Util-linux: Fix blocking on getrandom() issue with recent
+ kernels.
+ Remove broken freescale_imx31_3stack,
+ freescale_imx6sololiteevk and freescale_imx6ulevk defconfigs.
+ Updated/fixed packages: apr-util, asterisk, attr, audit,
+ autofs, binutils, busybox, cifs-utils, cups-filters, dash,
+ ebtables, exim, expect, f2fs-tools, faketime, file, gdb, git,
+ glibc, gnupg, gnupg2, gst1-plugins-bad, imagemagick, jamvm,
+ jpeg-turbo, libcap, libcoap, libcurl, libgcrypt, libjpeg,
+ libnss, libressl, libtirpc, libvncserver, libvorbis, libxslt,
+ log4cplus, lrzsz, ltrace, lynx, mariadb, mbedtls, mpg123,
+ nasm, netplug, network-manager, nfs-utils, nodejs,
+ openvmtools, patch, perl, php-amqp, poppler, procps-ng,
+ python, python-websockets, quota, redis, samba4, sysvinit,
+ transmission, triggerhappy, util-linux, wavpack, wget,
+ wireshark, xen, zmqpp
+ Issues resolved (http://bugs.uclibc.org):
+ #10986: Installing package attr when already supplied by busybox..
+ #11031: ld-elf2flt: host/bin/ld.real': execvp: No such file or..
2018.02.2, Released May 4th, 2018
Important / security related fixes.