$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/intel_alm/common,techlibs/intel_alm/common/arith_alm_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/intel_alm/common,techlibs/intel_alm/common/dff_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/intel_alm/common,techlibs/intel_alm/common/dff_sim.v))
+$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/intel_alm/common,techlibs/intel_alm/common/dsp_sim.v))
+$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/intel_alm/common,techlibs/intel_alm/common/dsp_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/intel_alm/common,techlibs/intel_alm/common/mem_sim.v))
--- /dev/null
+module __MUL27X27(A, B, Y);
+parameter A_SIGNED = 1;
+parameter B_SIGNED = 1;
+parameter A_WIDTH = 27;
+parameter B_WIDTH = 27;
+parameter Y_WIDTH = 54;
+input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A;
+input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B;
+output [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y;
+module __MUL18X18(A, B, Y);
+parameter A_SIGNED = 1;
+parameter B_SIGNED = 1;
+parameter A_WIDTH = 18;
+parameter B_WIDTH = 18;
+parameter Y_WIDTH = 36;
+input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A;
+input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B;
+output [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y;
+module __MUL9X9(A, B, Y);
+parameter A_SIGNED = 1;
+parameter B_SIGNED = 1;
+parameter A_WIDTH = 9;
+parameter B_WIDTH = 9;
+parameter Y_WIDTH = 18;
+input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A;
+input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B;
+output [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y;
--- /dev/null
+(* abc9_box *)
+module MISTRAL_MUL27x27(input [26:0] A, input [26:0] B, output [53:0] Y);
+ (A *> Y) = 4057;
+ (B *> Y) = 4057;
+assign Y = $signed(A) * $signed(B);
+(* abc9_box *)
+module MISTRAL_MUL18X18(input [17:0] A, input [17:0] B, output [35:0] Y);
+ (A *> Y) = 4057;
+ (B *> Y) = 4057;
+assign Y = $signed(A) * $signed(B);
+(* abc9_box *)
+module MISTRAL_MUL9X9(input [8:0] A, input [8:0] B, output [17:0] Y);
+ (A *> Y) = 4057;
+ (B *> Y) = 4057;
+assign Y = $signed(A) * $signed(B);
input ena0, clk0, clk1;
+(* blackbox *)
+module cyclonev_mac(ax, ay, resulta);
+parameter ax_width = 9;
+parameter ay_scan_in_width = 9;
+parameter result_a_width = 18;
+parameter operation_mode = "M9x9";
+input [ax_width-1:0] ax;
+input [ay_scan_in_width-1:0] ay;
+output [result_a_width-1:0] resulta;
+(* blackbox *)
+module cyclone10gx_mac(ax, ay, resulta);
+parameter ax_width = 18;
+parameter ay_scan_in_width = 18;
+parameter result_a_width = 36;
+parameter operation_mode = "M18X18_FULL";
+input [ax_width-1:0] ax;
+input [ay_scan_in_width-1:0] ay;
+output [result_a_width-1:0] resulta;
\ No newline at end of file
`ifdef cyclonev
`define LCELL cyclonev_lcell_comb
+`define MAC cyclonev_mac
`define MLAB cyclonev_mlab_cell
`ifdef cyclone10gx
`define LCELL cyclone10gx_lcell_comb
+`define MAC cyclone10gx_mac
`define MLAB cyclone10gx_mlab_cell
+module MISTRAL_MUL27X27(input [26:0] A, B, output [53:0] Y);
+`MAC #(.ax_width(27), .ay_scan_in_width(27), .result_a_width(54), .operation_mode("M27x27")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.ax(A), .ay(B), .resulta(Y));
+module MISTRAL_MUL18X18(input [17:0] A, B, output [35:0] Y);
+`MAC #(.ax_width(18), .ay_scan_in_width(18), .result_a_width(36), .operation_mode("M18x18_FULL")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.ax(B), .ay(A), .resulta(Y));
+module MISTRAL_MUL9X9(input [8:0] A, B, output [17:0] Y);
+`MAC #(.ax_width(9), .ay_scan_in_width(9), .result_a_width(18), .operation_mode("M9x9")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.ax(A), .ay(B), .resulta(Y));
log(" -nobram\n");
log(" do not use block RAM cells in output netlist\n");
+ log(" -nodsp\n");
+ log(" do not map multipliers to MISTRAL_MUL cells\n");
+ log("\n");
log("The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:\n");
string top_opt, family_opt, bram_type, vout_file;
- bool flatten, quartus, nolutram, nobram, dff;
+ bool flatten, quartus, nolutram, nobram, dff, nodsp;
void clear_flags() override
nolutram = false;
nobram = false;
dff = false;
+ nodsp = false;
void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) override
nobram = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-nodsp") {
+ nodsp = true;
+ continue;
+ }
if (args[argidx] == "-noflatten") {
flatten = false;
if (check_label("begin")) {
- run(stringf("read_verilog -sv -lib +/intel/%s/cells_sim.v", family_opt.c_str()));
+ if (family_opt == "cyclonev")
+ run(stringf("read_verilog -sv -lib +/intel/%s/cells_sim.v", family_opt.c_str()));
run(stringf("read_verilog -specify -lib -D %s +/intel_alm/common/alm_sim.v", family_opt.c_str()));
run(stringf("read_verilog -specify -lib -D %s +/intel_alm/common/dff_sim.v", family_opt.c_str()));
+ run(stringf("read_verilog -specify -lib -D %s +/intel_alm/common/dsp_sim.v", family_opt.c_str()));
run(stringf("read_verilog -specify -lib -D %s +/intel_alm/common/mem_sim.v", family_opt.c_str()));
run(stringf("read_verilog -specify -lib -D %s -icells +/intel_alm/common/abc9_model.v", family_opt.c_str()));
run(stringf("hierarchy -check %s", help_mode ? "-top <top>" : top_opt.c_str()));
- if (flatten && check_label("flatten", "(unless -noflatten)")) {
+ if (check_label("coarse")) {
- run("flatten");
+ if (flatten || help_mode)
+ run("flatten", "(skip if -noflatten)");
run("tribuf -logic");
- }
- if (check_label("coarse")) {
- run("synth -run coarse -lut 6");
- run("techmap -map +/intel_alm/common/arith_alm_map.v");
+ run("opt_expr");
+ run("opt_clean");
+ run("check");
+ run("opt");
+ run("wreduce");
+ run("peepopt");
+ run("opt_clean");
+ run("share");
+ run("techmap -map +/cmp2lut.v -D LUT_WIDTH=6");
+ run("opt_expr");
+ run("opt_clean");
+ if (help_mode) {
+ run("techmap -map +/mul2dsp.v [...]", "(unless -nodsp)");
+ } else if (!nodsp) {
+ // Cyclone V supports 9x9 multiplication, Cyclone 10 GX does not.
+ run("techmap -map +/mul2dsp.v -D DSP_A_MAXWIDTH=27 -D DSP_B_MAXWIDTH=27 -D DSP_A_MINWIDTH=19 -D DSP_B_MINWIDTH=19 -D DSP_SIGNEDONLY -D DSP_NAME=__MUL27X27");
+ run("chtype -set $mul t:$__soft_mul");
+ if (family_opt == "cyclonev") {
+ run("techmap -map +/mul2dsp.v -D DSP_A_MAXWIDTH=18 -D DSP_B_MAXWIDTH=18 -D DSP_A_MINWIDTH=10 -D DSP_B_MINWIDTH=10 -D DSP_SIGNEDONLY -D DSP_NAME=__MUL18X18");
+ run("chtype -set $mul t:$__soft_mul");
+ run("chtype -set $mul t:$__soft_mul");
+ } else if (family_opt == "cyclone10gx") {
+ run("techmap -map +/mul2dsp.v -D DSP_A_MAXWIDTH=18 -D DSP_B_MAXWIDTH=18 -D DSP_A_MINWIDTH=4 -D DSP_B_MINWIDTH=4 -D DSP_SIGNEDONLY -D DSP_NAME=__MUL18X18");
+ run("chtype -set $mul t:$__soft_mul");
+ }
+ }
+ run("alumacc");
+ run("techmap -map +/intel_alm/common/arith_alm_map.v -map +/intel_alm/common/dsp_map.v");
+ run("opt");
+ run("fsm");
+ run("opt -fast");
+ run("memory -nomap");
+ run("opt_clean");
if (!nobram && check_label("map_bram", "(skip if -nobram)")) {
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog ../common/mul.v
+hierarchy -top top
+equiv_opt -assert -map +/intel_alm/common/dsp_sim.v synth_intel_alm -family cyclonev # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd top # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 1 t:MISTRAL_MUL9X9
+select -assert-none t:MISTRAL_MUL9X9 %% t:* %D
+design -reset
+read_verilog ../common/mul.v
+hierarchy -top top
+equiv_opt -assert -map +/intel_alm/common/dsp_sim.v synth_intel_alm -family cyclone10gx # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd top # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+# Cyclone 10 GX does not have 9x9 multipliers, so we use 18x18.
+select -assert-count 1 t:MISTRAL_MUL18X18
+select -assert-none t:MISTRAL_MUL18X18 %% t:* %D