setup_type("$fa", {A, B, C}, {X, Y}, true);
setup_type("$assert", {A, EN}, pool<RTLIL::IdString>(), true);
+ setup_type("$assume", {A, EN}, pool<RTLIL::IdString>(), true);
setup_type("$equiv", {A, B}, {Y}, true);
std::string prefix;
SigPool initial_state;
std::map<std::string, RTLIL::SigSpec> asserts_a, asserts_en;
+ std::map<std::string, RTLIL::SigSpec> assumes_a, assumes_en;
std::map<std::string, std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, int>> imported_signals;
bool ignore_div_by_zero;
bool model_undef;
sig_en = asserts_en[pf];
+ void getAssumes(RTLIL::SigSpec &sig_a, RTLIL::SigSpec &sig_en, int timestep = -1)
+ {
+ std::string pf = prefix + (timestep == -1 ? "" : stringf("@%d:", timestep));
+ sig_a = assumes_a[pf];
+ sig_en = assumes_en[pf];
+ }
int importAsserts(int timestep = -1)
std::vector<int> check_bits, enable_bits;
return ez->vec_reduce_and(ez->vec_or(check_bits, ez->vec_not(enable_bits)));
+ int importAssumes(int timestep = -1)
+ {
+ std::vector<int> check_bits, enable_bits;
+ std::string pf = prefix + (timestep == -1 ? "" : stringf("@%d:", timestep));
+ if (model_undef) {
+ check_bits = ez->vec_and(ez->vec_not(importUndefSigSpec(assumes_a[pf], timestep)), importDefSigSpec(assumes_a[pf], timestep));
+ enable_bits = ez->vec_and(ez->vec_not(importUndefSigSpec(assumes_en[pf], timestep)), importDefSigSpec(assumes_en[pf], timestep));
+ } else {
+ check_bits = importDefSigSpec(assumes_a[pf], timestep);
+ enable_bits = importDefSigSpec(assumes_en[pf], timestep);
+ }
+ return ez->vec_reduce_and(ez->vec_or(check_bits, ez->vec_not(enable_bits)));
+ }
int signals_eq(RTLIL::SigSpec lhs, RTLIL::SigSpec rhs, int timestep_lhs = -1, int timestep_rhs = -1)
if (timestep_rhs < 0)
return true;
+ if (cell->type == "$assume")
+ {
+ std::string pf = prefix + (timestep == -1 ? "" : stringf("@%d:", timestep));
+ assumes_a[pf].append((*sigmap)(cell->getPort("\\A")));
+ assumes_en[pf].append((*sigmap)(cell->getPort("\\EN")));
+ return true;
+ }
// Unsupported internal cell types: $pow $lut
// .. and all sequential cells except $dff and $_DFF_[NP]_
return false;
always @* begin
if (A !== 1'b1 && EN === 1'b1) begin
- $display("Assertation failed!");
+ $display("Assertation %m failed!");
+ $stop;
+ end
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+module \$assume (A, EN);
+input A, EN;
+always @* begin
+ if (A !== 1'b1 && EN === 1'b1) begin
+ $display("Assumption %m failed!");