CellTypes ct;
SigMap sigmap;
RTLIL::Module *module;
- bool bvmode, memmode, wiresmode, verbose, statebv, statedt;
+ bool bvmode, memmode, wiresmode, verbose, statebv, statedt, forallmode;
dict<IdString, int> &mod_stbv_width;
- int idcounter, statebv_width;
+ int idcounter = 0, statebv_width = 0;
std::vector<std::string> decls, trans, hier, dtmembers;
std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, RTLIL::Cell*> bit_driver;
pool<Cell*> recursive_cells, registers;
pool<SigBit> clock_posedge, clock_negedge;
+ vector<string> ex_state_eq, ex_input_eq;
std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, std::pair<int, int>> fcache;
std::map<Cell*, int> memarrays;
decls.push_back(decl_str + "\n");
- Smt2Worker(RTLIL::Module *module, bool bvmode, bool memmode, bool wiresmode, bool verbose, bool statebv, bool statedt,
+ Smt2Worker(RTLIL::Module *module, bool bvmode, bool memmode, bool wiresmode, bool verbose, bool statebv, bool statedt, bool forallmode,
dict<IdString, int> &mod_stbv_width, dict<IdString, dict<IdString, pair<bool, bool>>> &mod_clk_cache) :
ct(module->design), sigmap(module), module(module), bvmode(bvmode), memmode(memmode), wiresmode(wiresmode),
- verbose(verbose), statebv(statebv), statedt(statedt), mod_stbv_width(mod_stbv_width), idcounter(0), statebv_width(0)
+ verbose(verbose), statebv(statebv), statedt(statedt), forallmode(forallmode), mod_stbv_width(mod_stbv_width)
pool<SigBit> noclock;
- if (cell->type.in("$anyconst", "$anyseq"))
+ if (cell->type.in("$anyconst", "$anyseq", "$allconst", "$allseq"))
string infostr = cell->attributes.count("\\src") ? cell->attributes.at("\\src").decode_string().c_str() : get_id(cell);
if (cell->attributes.count("\\reg"))
infostr += " " + cell->attributes.at("\\reg").decode_string();
- decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-%s %s#%d %s\n", cell->type.c_str() + 1, get_id(module), idcounter, infostr.c_str()));
+ decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-%s %s#%d %d %s\n", cell->type.c_str() + 1, get_id(module), idcounter, GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")), infostr.c_str()));
makebits(stringf("%s#%d", get_id(module), idcounter), GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")), log_signal(cell->getPort("\\Y")));
+ if (cell->type == "$anyseq")
+ ex_input_eq.push_back(stringf(" (= (|%s#%d| state) (|%s#%d| other_state))", get_id(module), idcounter, get_id(module), idcounter));
register_bv(cell->getPort("\\Y"), idcounter++);
if (bvmode && GetSize(sig) > 1) {
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_n %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) %s)\n",
get_id(module), get_id(wire), get_id(module), GetSize(sig), get_bv(sig).c_str()));
+ if (wire->port_input)
+ ex_input_eq.push_back(stringf(" (= (|%s_n %s| state) (|%s_n %s| other_state))",
+ get_id(module), get_id(wire), get_id(module), get_id(wire)));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++)
- if (GetSize(sig) > 1)
+ if (GetSize(sig) > 1) {
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_n %s %d| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool %s)\n",
get_id(module), get_id(wire), i, get_id(module), get_bool(sig[i]).c_str()));
- else
+ if (wire->port_input)
+ ex_input_eq.push_back(stringf(" (= (|%s_n %s %d| state) (|%s_n %s %d| other_state))",
+ get_id(module), get_id(wire), i, get_id(module), get_id(wire), i));
+ } else {
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_n %s| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool %s)\n",
get_id(module), get_id(wire), get_id(module), get_bool(sig[i]).c_str()));
+ if (wire->port_input)
+ ex_input_eq.push_back(stringf(" (= (|%s_n %s| state) (|%s_n %s| other_state))",
+ get_id(module), get_id(wire), get_id(module), get_id(wire)));
+ }
std::string expr_d = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\D"));
std::string expr_q = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\Q"), "next_state");
trans.push_back(stringf(" (= %s %s) ; %s %s\n", expr_d.c_str(), expr_q.c_str(), get_id(cell), log_signal(cell->getPort("\\Q"))));
+ ex_state_eq.push_back(stringf("(= %s %s)", get_bool(cell->getPort("\\Q")).c_str(), get_bool(cell->getPort("\\Q"), "other_state").c_str()));
if (cell->type.in("$ff", "$dff"))
std::string expr_d = get_bv(cell->getPort("\\D"));
std::string expr_q = get_bv(cell->getPort("\\Q"), "next_state");
trans.push_back(stringf(" (= %s %s) ; %s %s\n", expr_d.c_str(), expr_q.c_str(), get_id(cell), log_signal(cell->getPort("\\Q"))));
+ ex_state_eq.push_back(stringf("(= %s %s)", get_bv(cell->getPort("\\Q")).c_str(), get_bv(cell->getPort("\\Q"), "other_state").c_str()));
- if (cell->type == "$anyconst")
+ if (cell->type.in("$anyconst", "$allconst"))
std::string expr_d = get_bv(cell->getPort("\\Y"));
std::string expr_q = get_bv(cell->getPort("\\Y"), "next_state");
trans.push_back(stringf(" (= %s %s) ; %s %s\n", expr_d.c_str(), expr_q.c_str(), get_id(cell), log_signal(cell->getPort("\\Y"))));
+ if (cell->type == "$anyconst")
+ ex_state_eq.push_back(stringf("(= %s %s)", get_bv(cell->getPort("\\Y")).c_str(), get_bv(cell->getPort("\\Y"), "other_state").c_str()));
if (cell->type == "$mem")
std::string expr_d = stringf("(|%s#%d#%d| state)", get_id(module), arrayid, wr_ports);
std::string expr_q = stringf("(|%s#%d#0| next_state)", get_id(module), arrayid);
trans.push_back(stringf(" (= %s %s) ; %s\n", expr_d.c_str(), expr_q.c_str(), get_id(cell)));
+ ex_state_eq.push_back(stringf("(= (|%s#%d#0| state) (|%s#%d#0| other_state))", get_id(module), arrayid, get_id(module), arrayid));
if (async_read)
hier.push_back(stringf(" (= %s (|%s| state)) ; %s\n", expr_d.c_str(), final_memstate.c_str(), get_id(cell)));
hier.push_back(stringf(" (|%s_h| (|%s_h %s| state))\n", get_id(c->type), get_id(module), get_id(c->name)));
trans.push_back(stringf(" (|%s_t| (|%s_h %s| state) (|%s_h %s| next_state))\n",
get_id(c->type), get_id(module), get_id(c->name), get_id(module), get_id(c->name)));
+ ex_state_eq.push_back(stringf("(|%s_ex_state_eq| (|%s_h %s| state) (|%s_h %s| other_state))\n",
+ get_id(c->type), get_id(module), get_id(c->name), get_id(module), get_id(c->name)));
+ }
+ if (forallmode)
+ {
+ string expr = ex_state_eq.empty() ? "true" : "(and";
+ if (!ex_state_eq.empty()) {
+ if (GetSize(ex_state_eq) == 1) {
+ expr = "\n " + ex_state_eq.front() + "\n";
+ } else {
+ for (auto &str : ex_state_eq)
+ expr += stringf("\n %s", str.c_str());
+ expr += "\n)";
+ }
+ }
+ decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_ex_state_eq| ((state |%s_s|) (other_state |%s_s|)) Bool %s)\n",
+ get_id(module), get_id(module), get_id(module), expr.c_str()));
+ expr = ex_input_eq.empty() ? "true" : "(and";
+ if (!ex_input_eq.empty()) {
+ if (GetSize(ex_input_eq) == 1) {
+ expr = "\n " + ex_input_eq.front() + "\n";
+ } else {
+ for (auto &str : ex_input_eq)
+ expr += stringf("\n %s", str.c_str());
+ expr += "\n)";
+ }
+ }
+ decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_ex_input_eq| ((state |%s_s|) (other_state |%s_s|)) Bool %s)\n",
+ get_id(module), get_id(module), get_id(module), expr.c_str()));
string assert_expr = assert_list.empty() ? "true" : "(and";
std::ifstream template_f;
bool bvmode = true, memmode = true, wiresmode = false, verbose = false, statebv = false, statedt = false;
+ bool forallmode = false;
log_header(design, "Executing SMT2 backend.\n");
Module *topmod = design->top_module();
std::string topmod_id;
+ for (auto module : sorted_modules)
+ for (auto cell : module->cells())
+ if (cell->type.in("$allconst", "$allseq"))
+ goto found_forall;
+ if (0) {
+ found_forall:
+ forallmode = true;
+ *f << stringf("; yosys-smt2-forall\n");
+ if (!statebv && !statedt)
+ log_error("Forall-exists problems are only supported in -stbv or -stdt mode.\n");
+ }
for (auto module : sorted_modules)
if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox") || module->has_memories_warn() || module->has_processes_warn())
log("Creating SMT-LIBv2 representation of module %s.\n", log_id(module));
- Smt2Worker worker(module, bvmode, memmode, wiresmode, verbose, statebv, statedt, mod_stbv_width, mod_clk_cache);
+ Smt2Worker worker(module, bvmode, memmode, wiresmode, verbose, statebv, statedt, forallmode, mod_stbv_width, mod_clk_cache);
for fun, info in smt.modinfo[mod].anyconsts.items():
if info[1] is None:
- print_msg("Value for anyconst in %s (%s): %d" % (path, info, smt.bv2int(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (fun, state)))))
+ print_msg("Value for anyconst in %s (%s): %d" % (path, info[0], smt.bv2int(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (fun, state)))))
print_msg("Value for anyconst %s.%s (%s): %d" % (path, info[1], info[0], smt.bv2int(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (fun, state)))))
return cover_expr, cover_desc
+states = list()
+asserts_antecedent_cache = [list()]
+asserts_consequent_cache = [list()]
+asserts_cache_dirty = False
+def smt_state(step):
+ smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () |%s_s|)" % (step, topmod))
+ states.append("s%d" % step)
+def smt_assert_antecedent(expr):
+ if expr == "true":
+ return
+ smt.write("(assert %s)" % expr)
+ global asserts_cache_dirty
+ asserts_cache_dirty = True
+ asserts_antecedent_cache[-1].append(expr)
+def smt_assert_consequent(expr):
+ if expr == "true":
+ return
+ smt.write("(assert %s)" % expr)
+ global asserts_cache_dirty
+ asserts_cache_dirty = True
+ asserts_consequent_cache[-1].append(expr)
+def smt_forall_assert():
+ if not smt.forall:
+ return
+ global asserts_cache_dirty
+ asserts_cache_dirty = False
+ def make_assert_expr(asserts_cache):
+ expr = list()
+ for lst in asserts_cache:
+ expr += lst
+ assert len(expr) != 0
+ if len(expr) == 1:
+ expr = expr[0]
+ else:
+ expr = "(and %s)" % (" ".join(expr))
+ return expr
+ antecedent_expr = make_assert_expr(asserts_antecedent_cache)
+ consequent_expr = make_assert_expr(asserts_consequent_cache)
+ states_db = set(states)
+ used_states_db = set()
+ new_antecedent_expr = list()
+ new_consequent_expr = list()
+ assert_expr = list()
+ def make_new_expr(new_expr, expr):
+ cursor = 0
+ while cursor < len(expr):
+ l = 1
+ if expr[cursor] in '|"':
+ while cursor+l+1 < len(expr) and expr[cursor] != expr[cursor+l]:
+ l += 1
+ l += 1
+ elif expr[cursor] not in '() ':
+ while cursor+l < len(expr) and expr[cursor+l] not in '|"() ':
+ l += 1
+ word = expr[cursor:cursor+l]
+ if word in states_db:
+ used_states_db.add(word)
+ word += "_"
+ new_expr.append(word)
+ cursor += l
+ make_new_expr(new_antecedent_expr, antecedent_expr)
+ make_new_expr(new_consequent_expr, consequent_expr)
+ new_antecedent_expr = ["".join(new_antecedent_expr)]
+ new_consequent_expr = ["".join(new_consequent_expr)]
+ if states[0] in used_states_db:
+ new_antecedent_expr.append("(|%s_ex_state_eq| %s %s_)" % (topmod, states[0], states[0]))
+ for s in states:
+ if s in used_states_db:
+ new_antecedent_expr.append("(|%s_ex_input_eq| %s %s_)" % (topmod, s, s))
+ if len(new_antecedent_expr) == 0:
+ new_antecedent_expr = "true"
+ elif len(new_antecedent_expr) == 1:
+ new_antecedent_expr = new_antecedent_expr[0]
+ else:
+ new_antecedent_expr = "(and %s)" % (" ".join(new_antecedent_expr))
+ if len(new_consequent_expr) == 0:
+ new_consequent_expr = "true"
+ elif len(new_consequent_expr) == 1:
+ new_consequent_expr = new_consequent_expr[0]
+ else:
+ new_consequent_expr = "(and %s)" % (" ".join(new_consequent_expr))
+ assert_expr.append("(assert (forall (")
+ first_state = True
+ for s in states:
+ if s in used_states_db:
+ assert_expr.append("%s(%s_ |%s_s|)" % ("" if first_state else " ", s, topmod))
+ first_state = False
+ assert_expr.append(") (=> %s %s)))" % (new_antecedent_expr, new_consequent_expr))
+ smt.write("".join(assert_expr))
+def smt_push():
+ global asserts_cache_dirty
+ asserts_cache_dirty = True
+ asserts_antecedent_cache.append(list())
+ asserts_consequent_cache.append(list())
+ smt.write("(push 1)")
+def smt_pop():
+ global asserts_cache_dirty
+ asserts_cache_dirty = True
+ asserts_antecedent_cache.pop()
+ asserts_consequent_cache.pop()
+ smt.write("(pop 1)")
+def smt_check_sat():
+ if asserts_cache_dirty:
+ smt_forall_assert()
+ return smt.check_sat()
if tempind:
retstatus = False
skip_counter = step_size
for step in range(num_steps, -1, -1):
- smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () |%s_s|)" % (step, topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_u| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_h| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))
+ if smt.forall:
+ print_msg("Temporal induction not supported for exists-forall problems.")
+ break
+ smt_state(step)
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))
if step == num_steps:
- smt.write("(assert (not (and (|%s_a| s%d) %s)))" % (topmod, step, get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step)))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(not (and (|%s_a| s%d) %s))" % (topmod, step, get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step)))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_t| s%d s%d))" % (topmod, step, step+1))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_a| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, step, step+1))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step))
if step > num_steps-skip_steps:
print_msg("Skipping induction in step %d.." % (step))
skip_counter = 0
print_msg("Trying induction in step %d.." % (step))
- if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
+ if smt_check_sat() == "sat":
if step == 0:
- print("%s Temporal induction failed!" % smt.timestamp())
+ print_msg("Temporal induction failed!")
write_trace(step, num_steps+1, '%')
write_trace(step, num_steps+1, "%d" % step)
- print("%s Temporal induction successful." % smt.timestamp())
+ print_msg("Temporal induction successful.")
retstatus = True
assert step_size == 1
while step < num_steps:
- smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () |%s_s|)" % (step, topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_u| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_h| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))
+ smt_state(step)
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))
if step == 0:
if noinit:
- smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_i| s0))" % (topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_is| s0))" % (topmod))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_i| s0)" % (topmod))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_is| s0)" % (topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_t| s%d s%d))" % (topmod, step-1, step))
- smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, step-1, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
while "1" in cover_mask:
print_msg("Checking cover reachability in step %d.." % (step))
- smt.write("(push 1)")
- smt.write("(assert (distinct (covers_%d s%d) #b%s))" % (coveridx, step, "0" * len(cover_desc)))
+ smt_push()
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(distinct (covers_%d s%d) #b%s)" % (coveridx, step, "0" * len(cover_desc)))
- if smt.check_sat() == "unsat":
- smt.write("(pop 1)")
+ if smt_check_sat() == "unsat":
+ smt_pop()
if append_steps > 0:
for i in range(step+1, step+1+append_steps):
print_msg("Appending additional step %d." % i)
- smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () |%s_s|)" % (i, topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_u| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_h| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_t| s%d s%d))" % (topmod, i-1, i))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i))
+ smt_state(i)
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, i))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, i))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, i-1, i))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i))
print_msg("Re-solving with appended steps..")
- assert smt.check_sat() == "sat"
+ assert smt_check_sat() == "sat"
reached_covers = smt.bv2bin(smt.get("(covers_%d s%d)" % (coveridx, step)))
assert len(reached_covers) == len(cover_desc)
coveridx += 1
- smt.write("(pop 1)")
+ smt_pop()
smt.write("(define-fun covers_%d ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) (bvand (covers_%d state) #b%s))" % (coveridx, topmod, len(cover_desc), coveridx-1, cover_mask))
if found_failed_assert:
step = 0
retstatus = True
while step < num_steps:
- smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () |%s_s|)" % (step, topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_u| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_h| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))
+ smt_state(step)
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))
if step == 0:
if noinit:
- smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_i| s0))" % (topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_is| s0))" % (topmod))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_i| s0)" % (topmod))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_is| s0)" % (topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_t| s%d s%d))" % (topmod, step-1, step))
- smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, step-1, step))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
if step < skip_steps:
if assume_skipped is not None and step >= assume_skipped:
print_msg("Skipping step %d (and assuming pass).." % (step))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_a| s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, step))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step))
print_msg("Skipping step %d.." % (step))
step += 1
last_check_step = step
for i in range(1, step_size):
if step+i < num_steps:
- smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () |%s_s|)" % (step+i, topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, step+i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_u| s%d))" % (topmod, step+i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_h| s%d))" % (topmod, step+i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_t| s%d s%d))" % (topmod, step+i-1, step+i))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step+i))
+ smt_state(step+i)
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step+i))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, step+i))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, step+i))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, step+i-1, step+i))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step+i))
last_check_step = step+i
if not gentrace:
print_msg("Checking assumptions in steps %d to %d.." % (step, last_check_step))
- if smt.check_sat() == "unsat":
+ if smt_check_sat() == "unsat":
print("%s Warmup failed!" % smt.timestamp())
retstatus = False
print_msg("Checking assertions in step %d.." % (step))
print_msg("Checking assertions in steps %d to %d.." % (step, last_check_step))
- smt.write("(push 1)")
+ smt_push()
- smt.write("(assert (not (and %s)))" % " ".join(["(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)] +
+ smt_assert_consequent("(not (and %s))" % " ".join(["(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)] +
[get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)]))
- if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
+ if smt_check_sat() == "sat":
print("%s BMC failed!" % smt.timestamp())
if append_steps > 0:
for i in range(last_check_step+1, last_check_step+1+append_steps):
print_msg("Appending additional step %d." % i)
- smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () |%s_s|)" % (i, topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_u| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_h| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_t| s%d s%d))" % (topmod, i-1, i))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i))
- assert smt.check_sat() == "sat"
+ smt_state(i)
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, i))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, i))
+ smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, i-1, i))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i))
+ assert smt_check_sat() == "sat"
for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
retstatus = False
- smt.write("(pop 1)")
+ smt_pop()
if (constr_final_start is not None) or (last_check_step+1 != num_steps):
for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_a| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, i))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i))
if constr_final_start is not None:
for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
print_msg("Checking final constraints in step %d.." % (i))
- smt.write("(push 1)")
+ smt_push()
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i, final=True))
- smt.write("(assert (not %s))" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i, final=True))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i, final=True))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(not %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i, final=True))
- if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
+ if smt_check_sat() == "sat":
print("%s BMC failed!" % smt.timestamp())
print_failed_asserts(i, final=True)
retstatus = False
- smt.write("(pop 1)")
+ smt_pop()
if not retstatus:
else: # gentrace
for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_a| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i))
+ smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, i))
+ smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i))
print_msg("Solving for step %d.." % (last_check_step))
- if smt.check_sat() != "sat":
+ if smt_check_sat() != "sat":
print("%s No solution found!" % smt.timestamp())
retstatus = False
self.covers = dict()
self.anyconsts = dict()
self.anyseqs = dict()
+ self.allconsts = dict()
+ self.allseqs = dict()
+ self.asize = dict()
class SmtIo:
self.logic_uf = True
self.logic_bv = True
self.logic_dt = False
+ self.forall = False
self.produce_models = True
self.smt2cache = [list()]
self.p = None
def setup(self):
assert not self.setup_done
+ if self.forall:
+ self.unroll = False
if self.solver == "yices":
self.popen_vargs = ['yices-smt2', '--incremental'] + self.solver_opts
if self.unroll:
+ assert not self.forall
self.logic_uf = False
self.unroll_idcnt = 0
self.unroll_buffer = ""
if self.logic is None:
self.logic_dt = True
+ if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-forall":
+ if self.logic is None:
+ self.logic_qf = False
+ self.forall = True
if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-module":
self.curmod = fields[2]
self.modinfo[self.curmod] = SmtModInfo()
self.modinfo[self.curmod].covers["%s_c %s" % (self.curmod, fields[2])] = fields[3]
if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-anyconst":
- self.modinfo[self.curmod].anyconsts[fields[2]] = (fields[3], None if len(fields) <= 4 else fields[4])
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].anyconsts[fields[2]] = (fields[4], None if len(fields) <= 5 else fields[5])
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].asize[fields[2]] = int(fields[3])
if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-anyseq":
- self.modinfo[self.curmod].anyseqs[fields[2]] = (fields[3], None if len(fields) <= 4 else fields[4])
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].anyseqs[fields[2]] = (fields[4], None if len(fields) <= 5 else fields[5])
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].asize[fields[2]] = int(fields[3])
+ if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-allconst":
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].allconsts[fields[2]] = (fields[4], None if len(fields) <= 5 else fields[5])
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].asize[fields[2]] = int(fields[3])
+ if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-allseq":
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].allseqs[fields[2]] = (fields[4], None if len(fields) <= 5 else fields[5])
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].asize[fields[2]] = int(fields[3])
def hiernets(self, top, regs_only=False):
def hiernets_worker(nets, mod, cursor):
def hieranyconsts(self, top):
def worker(results, mod, cursor):
for name, value in sorted(self.modinfo[mod].anyconsts.items()):
- results.append((cursor, name, value[0], value[1]))
+ width = self.modinfo[mod].asize[name]
+ results.append((cursor, name, value[0], value[1], width))
for cellname, celltype in sorted(self.modinfo[mod].cells.items()):
worker(results, celltype, cursor + [cellname])
def hieranyseqs(self, top):
def worker(results, mod, cursor):
for name, value in sorted(self.modinfo[mod].anyseqs.items()):
- results.append((cursor, name, value[0], value[1]))
+ width = self.modinfo[mod].asize[name]
+ results.append((cursor, name, value[0], value[1], width))
+ for cellname, celltype in sorted(self.modinfo[mod].cells.items()):
+ worker(results, celltype, cursor + [cellname])
+ results = list()
+ worker(results, top, [])
+ return results
+ def hierallconsts(self, top):
+ def worker(results, mod, cursor):
+ for name, value in sorted(self.modinfo[mod].allconsts.items()):
+ width = self.modinfo[mod].asize[name]
+ results.append((cursor, name, value[0], value[1], width))
+ for cellname, celltype in sorted(self.modinfo[mod].cells.items()):
+ worker(results, celltype, cursor + [cellname])
+ results = list()
+ worker(results, top, [])
+ return results
+ def hierallseqs(self, top):
+ def worker(results, mod, cursor):
+ for name, value in sorted(self.modinfo[mod].allseqs.items()):
+ width = self.modinfo[mod].asize[name]
+ results.append((cursor, name, value[0], value[1], width))
for cellname, celltype in sorted(self.modinfo[mod].cells.items()):
worker(results, celltype, cursor + [cellname])