global gdb_prompt
global binfile
- if ![isnative] then {
+ # Skip test if we cannot attach on the command line and use the run command.
+ # ??? Unclear what condition to use to return here when using gdbserver.
+ # ??? None of the below works.
+ # ![isnative] || [target_is_gdbserver]
+ # ![isnative] || [use_gdb_stub]
+ if { ![isnative] || [is_remote target] } then {
unsupported "commandline attach run test"
return 0
+# This is a test of 'set exec-file-mismatch' handling.
+proc_with_prefix do_attach_exec_mismatch_handling_tests {} {
+ global gdb_prompt
+ global binfile
+ global binfile2
+ clean_restart $binfile
+ # Start two programs that can be attached to.
+ # The first program contains a 'int bidule' variable, the second a 'float bidule'.
+ set test_spawn_id [spawn_wait_for_attach $binfile]
+ set testpid [spawn_id_get_pid $test_spawn_id]
+ set test_spawn_id2 [spawn_wait_for_attach $binfile2]
+ set testpid2 [spawn_id_get_pid $test_spawn_id2]
+ # Test with the default value of 'set exec-file-mismatch load".
+ set test "mismatch load"
+ gdb_test "attach $testpid" "Attaching to program.*" "$test attach1"
+ # Verify that we can "see" the variable "bidule" in the
+ # program, and that it is an integer.
+ gdb_test "ptype bidule" " = int" "$test after attach1, bidule is int"
+ # Detach the process.
+ gdb_test "detach" "Detaching from program: .* detached\\\]" "$test detach1"
+ gdb_test_multiple "attach $testpid2" "$test attach2" {
+ -re "Attaching to program.*exec-file-mismatch handling is currently \"ask\".*Load new symbol table from .*attach2\".*\(y or n\)" {
+ pass "$test attach2"
+ }
+ }
+ gdb_test "y" "Reading symbols from .*attach2.*" "$test load attach2"
+ # Verify that we can "see" the variable "bidule" in the
+ # program, and that it is a float.
+ gdb_test "ptype bidule" " = float" "$test after attach2 and load, bidule is float"
+ # Detach the process.
+ gdb_test "detach" "Detaching from program: .* detached\\\]" "$test detach attach2"
+ # Test with 'set exec-file-mismatch warn".
+ set test "mismatch warn"
+ gdb_test_no_output "set exec-file-mismatch warn"
+ gdb_test_multiple "attach $testpid" "$test attach" {
+ -re "Attaching to program.*exec-file-mismatch handling is currently \"warn\".*$gdb_prompt" {
+ pass "$test attach"
+ }
+ }
+ # Verify that we still (wrongly) "see" the variable "bidule" as a float,
+ # as we have not loaded the correct exec-file.
+ gdb_test "ptype bidule" " = float" "$test after attach and warn, bidule is float"
+ # Detach the process.
+ gdb_test "detach" "Detaching from program: .* detached\\\]" "$test detach attach"
+ # Same test but with 'set exec-file-mismatch off".
+ set test "mismatch off"
+ gdb_test_no_output "set exec-file-mismatch off"
+ gdb_test_multiple "attach $testpid" "$test attach" {
+ -re "Attaching to program.*$gdb_prompt" {
+ pass "$test attach"
+ }
+ }
+ # Verify that we still (wrongly) "see" the variable "bidule" as a float,
+ # as we have not warned the user and not loaded the correct exec-file
+ gdb_test "ptype bidule" " = float" "$test after attach and warn, bidule is float"
+ # Detach the process.
+ gdb_test "detach" "Detaching from program: .* detached\\\]" "$test detach attach"
+ # Don't leave a process around
+ kill_wait_spawned_process $test_spawn_id
+ kill_wait_spawned_process $test_spawn_id2
# Test "gdb --pid"
return 0