-# This file is Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
# License: BSD
import os
# Constraints (.xdc) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _xdc_separator(msg):
+ r = "#"*80 + "\n"
+ r += "# " + msg + "\n"
+ r += "#"*80 + "\n"
+ return r
def _format_xdc_constraint(c):
if isinstance(c, Pins):
return "set_property LOC " + c.identifiers[0]
fmt_r = resname[0] + ":" + str(resname[1])
if resname[2] is not None:
fmt_r += "." + resname[2]
- r = " ## {}\n".format(fmt_r)
+ r = "# {}\n".format(fmt_r)
for c in fmt_c:
if c is not None:
r += c + " [get_ports " + signame + "]\n"
+ r += "\n"
return r
def _build_xdc(named_sc, named_pc):
- r = ""
+ r = _xdc_separator("IO constraints")
for sig, pins, others, resname in named_sc:
if len(pins) > 1:
for i, p in enumerate(pins):
r += _format_xdc(sig, resname, Pins(pins[0]), *others)
r += _format_xdc(sig, resname, *others)
+ r += _xdc_separator("Design constraints")
if named_pc:
r += "\n" + "\n\n".join(named_pc)
return r
tcl = []
# Create project
+ tcl.append("\n# Create Project\n")
tcl.append("create_project -force -name {} -part {}".format(build_name, platform.device))
tcl.append("set_msg_config -id {Common 17-55} -new_severity {Warning}")
# Enable Xilinx Parameterized Macros
if enable_xpm:
+ tcl.append("\n# Enable Xilinx Parameterized Macros\n")
tcl.append("set_property XPM_LIBRARIES {XPM_CDC XPM_MEMORY} [current_project]")
# Add sources (when Vivado used for synthesis)
if synth_mode == "vivado":
+ tcl.append("\n# Add Sources\n")
# "-include_dirs {}" crashes Vivado 2016.4
for filename, language, library in platform.sources:
filename_tcl = "{" + filename + "}"
tcl.append("add_files " + filename_tcl)
# Add EDIFs
+ tcl.append("\n# Add EDIFs\n")
for filename in platform.edifs:
filename_tcl = "{" + filename + "}"
tcl.append("read_edif " + filename_tcl)
- # Add Ips
+ # Add IPs
+ tcl.append("\n# Add IPs\n")
for filename in platform.ips:
filename_tcl = "{" + filename + "}"
ip = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
tcl.append("get_files -all -of_objects [get_files {}]".format(filename_tcl))
# Add constraints
+ tcl.append("\n# Add constraints\n")
tcl.append("read_xdc {}.xdc".format(build_name))
# Add pre-synthesis commands
+ tcl.append("\n# Add pre-synthesis commands\n")
tcl.extend(c.format(build_name=build_name) for c in self.pre_synthesis_commands)
# Synthesis
if synth_mode == "vivado":
+ tcl.append("\n# Synthesis\n")
synth_cmd = "synth_design -directive {} -top {} -part {}".format(self.vivado_synth_directive,
build_name, platform.device)
if platform.verilog_include_paths:
synth_cmd += " -include_dirs {{{}}}".format(" ".join(platform.verilog_include_paths))
elif synth_mode == "yosys":
+ tcl.append("\n# Read Yosys EDIF\n")
tcl.append("read_edif {}.edif".format(build_name))
tcl.append("link_design -top {} -part {}".format(build_name, platform.device))
raise OSError("Unknown synthesis mode! {}".format(synth_mode))
+ tcl.append("\n# Synthesis report\n")
tcl.append("report_timing_summary -file {}_timing_synth.rpt".format(build_name))
tcl.append("report_utilization -hierarchical -file {}_utilization_hierarchical_synth.rpt".format(build_name))
tcl.append("report_utilization -file {}_utilization_synth.rpt".format(build_name))
# Optimize
+ tcl.append("\n# Optimize design\n")
tcl.append("opt_design -directive {}".format(self.opt_directive))
+ # Incremental implementation
if self.incremental_implementation:
+ tcl.append("\n# Read design checkpoint\n")
tcl.append("read_checkpoint -incremental {}_route.dcp".format(build_name))
# Add pre-placement commands
+ tcl.append("\n# Add pre-placement commands\n")
tcl.extend(c.format(build_name=build_name) for c in self.pre_placement_commands)
# Placement
+ tcl.append("\n# Placement\n")
tcl.append("place_design -directive {}".format(self.vivado_place_directive))
if self.vivado_post_place_phys_opt_directive:
tcl.append("phys_opt_design -directive {}".format(self.vivado_post_place_phys_opt_directive))
+ tcl.append("\n# Placement report\n")
tcl.append("report_utilization -hierarchical -file {}_utilization_hierarchical_place.rpt".format(build_name))
tcl.append("report_utilization -file {}_utilization_place.rpt".format(build_name))
tcl.append("report_io -file {}_io.rpt".format(build_name))
tcl.append("report_clock_utilization -file {}_clock_utilization.rpt".format(build_name))
# Add pre-routing commands
+ tcl.append("\n# Add pre-routing commands\n")
tcl.extend(c.format(build_name=build_name) for c in self.pre_routing_commands)
# Routing
+ tcl.append("\n# Routing\n")
tcl.append("route_design -directive {}".format(self.vivado_route_directive))
tcl.append("phys_opt_design -directive {}".format(self.vivado_post_route_phys_opt_directive))
- tcl.append("report_timing_summary -no_header -no_detailed_paths")
tcl.append("write_checkpoint -force {}_route.dcp".format(build_name))
+ tcl.append("\n# Routing report\n")
+ tcl.append("report_timing_summary -no_header -no_detailed_paths")
tcl.append("report_route_status -file {}_route_status.rpt".format(build_name))
tcl.append("report_drc -file {}_drc.rpt".format(build_name))
tcl.append("report_timing_summary -datasheet -max_paths 10 -file {}_timing.rpt".format(build_name))
# Bitstream generation
+ tcl.append("\n# Bitstream generation\n")
tcl.append("write_bitstream -force {}.bit ".format(build_name))
for additional_command in self.additional_commands:
# Quit
+ tcl.append("\n# End\n")
tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".tcl", "\n".join(tcl))
def _build_clock_constraints(self, platform):
+ platform.add_platform_command(_xdc_separator("Clock constraints"))
for clk, period in sorted(self.clocks.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].duid):
"create_clock -name {clk} -period " + str(period) +
del self.false_paths
def _build_false_path_constraints(self, platform):
+ platform.add_platform_command(_xdc_separator("False path constraints"))
# The asynchronous input to a MultiReg is a false path
"set_false_path -quiet "