Useful for figuring out how much of a perf impact the glBitmap fps
display has on a given driver.
+ /* also print out a periodic fps to stdout. useful for trying to
+ * figure out the performance impact of rendering the string above
+ * with glBitmap.
+ */
+ {
+ static GLint T0 = 0;
+ static GLint Frames = 0;
+ GLint t = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
+ Frames++;
+ if (t - T0 >= 5000) {
+ GLfloat seconds = (t - T0) / 1000.0;
+ GLfloat fps = Frames / seconds;
+ printf("%d frames in %6.3f seconds = %6.3f FPS\n", Frames, seconds, fps);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ T0 = t;
+ Frames = 0;
+ }
+ }