<!-- instructions do not change the SO, OV, OV32, CA, and CA32 bits in the XER. -->
-# AND Immediate
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/andi." raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/ori" raw="yes"]]
-* andi. RA,RS,UI
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/andis." raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/oris" raw="yes"]]
- RA <- (RS) & EXTZ(UI)
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/xoris" raw="yes"]]
-Special Registers Altered:
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/xori" raw="yes"]]
- CR0
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/and" raw="yes"]]
-# OR Immediate
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/or" raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/xor" raw="yes"]]
-* ori RA,RS,UI
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/nand" raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/nor" raw="yes"]]
- RA <- (RS) | EXTZ(UI)
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/eqv" raw="yes"]]
-Special Registers Altered:
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/andc" raw="yes"]]
- None
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/orc" raw="yes"]]
-# AND Immediate Shifted
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/extsb" raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/extsh" raw="yes"]]
-* andis. RA,RS,UI
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/cntlzw" raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/cnttzw" raw="yes"]]
- RA <- (RS) & EXTZ(UI || [0]*16)
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/cmpb" raw="yes"]]
-Special Registers Altered:
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/popcntb" raw="yes"]]
- CR0
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/popcntw" raw="yes"]]
-# OR Immediate Shifted
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/prtyd" raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/prtyw" raw="yes"]]
-* oris RA,RS,UI
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/extsw" raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/popcntd" raw="yes"]]
- RA <- (RS) | EXTZ(UI || [0]*16)
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/cntlzd" raw="yes"]]
-Special Registers Altered:
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/cnttzd" raw="yes"]]
- None
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/cntlzdm" raw="yes"]]
-# XOR Immediate Shifted
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/cnttzdm" raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/bpermd" raw="yes"]]
-* xoris RA,RS,UI
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/cfuged" raw="yes"]]
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/pextd" raw="yes"]]
- RA <- (RS) ^ EXTZ(UI || [0]*16)
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# XOR Immediate
-* xori RA,RS,UI
- RA <- (RS) ^ EXTZ(UI)
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# AND
-* and RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
-* and. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
- RA <- (RS) & (RB)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# OR
-* or RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
-* or. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
- RA <- (RS) | (RB)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# XOR
-* xor RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
-* xor. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
- RA <- (RS) ^ (RB)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-* nand RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
-* nand. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
- RA <- ¬((RS) & (RB))
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# NOR
-* nor RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
-* nor. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
- RA <- ¬((RS) | (RB))
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Equivalent
-* eqv RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
-* eqv. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
- RA <- ¬((RS) ^ (RB))
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# AND with Complement
-* andc RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
-* andc. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
- RA <- (RS) & ¬(RB)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# OR with Complement
-* orc RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
-* orc. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
- RA <- (RS) | ¬(RB)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Extend Sign Byte
-* extsb RA,RS (Rc=0)
-* extsb. RA,RS (Rc=1)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Extend Sign Halfword
-* extsh RA,RS (Rc=0)
-* extsh. RA,RS (Rc=1)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Count Leading Zeros Word
-* cntlzw RA,RS (Rc=0)
-* cntlzw. RA,RS (Rc=1)
- n <- (XLEN/2)
- do while n < XLEN
- if (RS)[n] = 1 then
- leave
- n <- n + 1
- RA <- n - (XLEN/2)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Count Trailing Zeros Word
-* cnttzw RA,RS (Rc=0)
-* cnttzw. RA,RS (Rc=1)
- n <- 0
- do while n < XLEN/2
- if (RS)[XLEN-1-n] = 0b1 then
- leave
- n <- n + 1
- RA <- EXTZ(n)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Compare Bytes
-* cmpb RA,RS,RB
- do n = 0 to ((XLEN/8)-1)
- if RS[8*n:8* n+7] = (RB)[8*n:8*n+7] then
- RA[8*n:8* n+7] <- [1]*8
- else
- RA[8*n:8* n+7] <- [0]*8
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Population Count Bytes
-* popcntb RA,RS
- do i = 0 to ((XLEN/8)-1)
- n <- 0
- do j = 0 to 7
- if (RS)[(i*8)+j] = 1 then
- n <- n+1
- RA[(i*8):(i*8)+7] <- n
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Population Count Words
-* popcntw RA,RS
- e <- (XLEN/2)-1
- do i = 0 to 1
- s <- i*XLEN/2
- n <- 0
- do j = 0 to e
- if (RS)[s+j] = 1 then
- n <- n+1
- RA[s:s+e] <- n
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Parity Doubleword
-* prtyd RA,RS
- s <- 0
- do i = 0 to ((XLEN/8)-1)
- s <- s ^ (RS)[i*8+7]
- RA <- [0] * (XLEN-1) || s
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Parity Word
-* prtyw RA,RS
- s <- 0
- t <- 0
- do i = 0 to ((XLEN/8/2)-1)
- s <- s ^ (RS)[i*8+7]
- do i = 4 to ((XLEN/8)-1)
- t <- t ^ (RS)[i*8+7]
- RA[0:(XLEN/2)-1] <- [0]*((XLEN/2)-1) || s
- RA[XLEN/2:XLEN-1] <- [0]*((XLEN/2)-1) || t
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Extend Sign Word
-* extsw RA,RS (Rc=0)
-* extsw. RA,RS (Rc=1)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Population Count Doubleword
-* popcntd RA,RS
- n <- 0
- do i = 0 to (XLEN-1)
- if (RS)[i] = 1 then
- n <- n+1
- RA <- n
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Count Leading Zeros Doubleword
-* cntlzd RA,RS (Rc=0)
-* cntlzd. RA,RS (Rc=1)
- n <- 0
- do while n < XLEN
- if (RS)[n] = 1 then
- leave
- n <- n + 1
- RA <- n
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Count Trailing Zeros Doubleword
-* cnttzd RA,RS (Rc=0)
-* cnttzd. RA,RS (Rc=1)
- n <- 0
- do while n < XLEN
- if (RS)[XLEN-1-n] = 0b1 then
- leave
- n <- n + 1
- RA <- EXTZ(n)
-Special Registers Altered:
- CR0 (if Rc=1)
-# Count Leading Zeros Doubleword under bit Mask
-* cntlzdm RA,RS,RB
- count <- 0
- do i = 0 to 63
- if (RB)[i] = 1 then
- if (RS)[i] = 1 then leave
- count <- count + 1
- RA <- EXTZ64(count)
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Count Trailing Zeros Doubleword under bit Mask
-* cnttzdm RA,RS,RB
- count <- 0
- do i = 0 to 63
- if (RB)[63-i] = 1 then
- if (RS)[63-i] = 1 then leave
- count <- count + 1
- RA <- EXTZ64(count)
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Bit Permute Doubleword
-* bpermd RA,RS,RB
- perm <- [0] * (XLEN/8)
- for i = 0 to ((XLEN/8)-1)
- index <- (RS)[8*i:8*i+7]
- if index <u XLEN then
- perm[i] <- (RB)[index]
- else
- perm[i] <- 0
- RA <- [0]*(XLEN*7/8) || perm
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Centrifuge Doubleword
-* cfuged RA,RS,RB
- ptr0 <- 0
- ptr1 <- 0
- result[0:63] <- 0
- do i = 0 to 63
- if (RB)[i] = 0 then
- result[ptr0] <- (RS)[i]
- ptr0 <- ptr0 + 1
- if (RB)[63-i] = 1 then
- result[63-ptr1] <- (RS)[63-i]
- ptr1 <- ptr1 + 1
- RA <- result
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Parallel Bits Extract Doubleword
-* pextd RA,RS,RB
- result[0:63] <- 0
- mask <- (RB)
- m <- 0
- k <- 0
- do while m < 64
- if (RB)[63-m] = 1 then
- result[63-k] <- (RS)[63-m]
- k <- k + 1
- m <- m + 1
- RA <- result
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
-# Parallel Bits Deposit Doubleword
-* pdepd RA,RS,RB
- result[0:63] <- 0
- mask <- (RB)
- m <- 0
- k <- 0
- do while m < 64
- if (RB)[63-m] = 1 then
- result[63-m] <- (RS)[63-k]
- k <- k + 1
- m <- m + 1
- RA <- result
-Special Registers Altered:
- None
+[[!inline pagenames="openpower/isa/fixedlogical/pdepd" raw="yes"]]