While these signals should only be read when valid is true, they
are only a small number of bits and we want to reduce the amount of
U/X state bouncing around the chip.
Signed-off-by: Anton Blanchard <anton@linux.ibm.com>
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rst = '1' then
r1.req.valid <= '0';
+ r1.req.tlbie <= '0';
+ r1.req.is_slbia <= '0';
+ r1.req.instr_fault <= '0';
+ r1.req.load <= '0';
+ r1.req.priv_mode <= '0';
+ r1.req.sprn <= (others => '0');
+ r1.req.xerc <= xerc_init;
r2.req.valid <= '0';
+ r2.req.tlbie <= '0';
+ r2.req.is_slbia <= '0';
+ r2.req.instr_fault <= '0';
+ r2.req.load <= '0';
+ r2.req.priv_mode <= '0';
+ r2.req.sprn <= (others => '0');
+ r2.req.xerc <= xerc_init;
r2.wait_dc <= '0';
r2.wait_mmu <= '0';
r2.one_cycle <= '0';
r3.dar <= (others => '0');
r3.dsisr <= (others => '0');
r3.state <= IDLE;