# Format
-*(Allocation of opcode TBD pending OPF ISA WG approval)*
+*(Allocation of opcode TBD pending OPF ISA WG approval)*,
+using EXT22 temporarily and fitting into the
+[[sv/bitmanip]] space
Form: SVL-Form (see [[isatables/fields.text]])
-| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16..23 | 24.25 | 26...30 |31| name |
-| -- | -- | --- | ------ | ------ | ------- |--| ------- |
-|OPCD| RT | RA | SVi / | vs ms | XO[0:4] |Rc| setvl |
+| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16..23 | 24.25 | 26.30 |31| name |
+| -- | -- | --- | ------ | ------ | ----- |--| ------- |
+|OPCD| RT | RA | SVi / | vs ms | 11110 |Rc| setvl |
Note that the immediate (`SVi`) spans 7 bits (16 to 22), and that bit 23 is reserved and must be zero. Setting bit 23 to 1 causes an illegal exception.