TypeSet defaultValuesSet;
// Compute all default values already in use
- if (fullModel) {
+ //if (fullModel) {
for (size_t i=0; i<arrays.size(); ++i) {
TNode nrep = d_equalityEngine.getRepresentative(arrays[i]);
d_mayEqualEqualityEngine.addTerm(nrep); // add the term in case it isn't there already
defaultValuesSet.add(nrep.getType().getArrayConstituentType(), (*it).second);
- }
+ //}
// Loop through all array equivalence classes that need a representative computed
for (size_t i=0; i<arrays.size(); ++i) {
TNode n = arrays[i];
TNode nrep = d_equalityEngine.getRepresentative(n);
- if (fullModel) {
+ //if (fullModel) {
// Compute default value for this array - there is one default value for every mayEqual equivalence class
TNode mayRep = d_mayEqualEqualityEngine.getRepresentative(nrep);
it = d_defValues.find(mayRep);
// Build the STORE_ALL term with the default value
rep = nm->mkConst(ArrayStoreAll(nrep.getType().toType(), rep.toExpr()));
+ /*
else {
std::hash_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction>::iterator it = d_skolemCache.find(n);
rep = (*it).second;
// For each read, require that the rep stores the right value
vector<Node>& reads = selects[nrep];
if( !isStar && !ri.isConst() ){
- Trace("fmc-warn") << "Warning : model has non-constant argument in model " << ri << " (from " << c[i] << ")" << std::endl;
+ Trace("fmc-warn") << "Warning : model for " << op << " has non-constant argument in model " << ri << " (from " << c[i] << ")" << std::endl;
Assert( false );
Node n = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_UF, children );
Node nv = fm->getUsedRepresentative( v );
if( !nv.isConst() ){
- Trace("fmc-warn") << "Warning : model has non-constant value in model " << nv << std::endl;
+ Trace("fmc-warn") << "Warning : model for " << op << " has non-constant value in model " << nv << std::endl;
Assert( false );
Node en = (useSimpleModels() && hasNonStar) ? n : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_UF, entry_children );
Trace("fmc-debug-inst") << "** Instantiation was duplicate." << std::endl;
//this can happen if evaluation is unknown, or if we are generalizing a star that already has a value
- if( !hasStar && d_quant_models[f].d_value[i]==d_false ){
- Trace("fmc-warn") << "**** FMC warning: inconsistent duplicate instantiation." << std::endl;
- }
- Assert( hasStar || d_quant_models[f].d_value[i]!=d_false );
+ //if( !hasStar && d_quant_models[f].d_value[i]==d_false ){
+ // Trace("fmc-warn") << "**** FMC warning: inconsistent duplicate instantiation." << std::endl;
+ //}
+ //this assertion can happen if two instantiations from this round are identical
+ // (0,1)->false (1,0)->false for forall xy. f( x, y ) = f( y, x )
+ //Assert( hasStar || d_quant_models[f].d_value[i]!=d_false );
//might try it next effort level
Node curr = d_flat_form[a][count];
Node curr_c = d_eqc_to_const[curr];
+ Node ac = a[d_flat_form_index[a][count]];
std::vector< Node > lexp;
- Node lcurr = getLength( curr, lexp );
+ Node lcurr = getLength( ac, lexp );
for( unsigned i=1; i<it->second.size(); i++ ){
b = it->second[i];
if( std::find( inelig.begin(), inelig.end(), b )==inelig.end() ){
Node cc = d_flat_form[b][count];
if( cc!=curr ){
- Node ac = a[d_flat_form_index[a][count]];
Node bc = b[d_flat_form_index[b][count]];
inelig.push_back( b );
Assert( !areEqual( curr, cc ) );
//if lengths are the same, apply LengthEq
std::vector< Node > lexp2;
- Node lcc = getLength( cc, lexp2 );
+ Node lcc = getLength( bc, lexp2 );
if( areEqual( lcurr, lcc ) ){
Trace("strings-ff-debug") << "Infer " << ac << " == " << bc << " since " << lcurr << " == " << lcc << std::endl;
//exp_n.push_back( getLength( curr, true ).eqNode( getLength( cc, true ) ) );
+ Trace("strings-ff-debug") << "Explanation for " << lcurr << " is ";
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<lexp.size(); j++ ) { Trace("strings-ff-debug") << lexp[j] << std::endl; }
+ Trace("strings-ff-debug") << "Explanation for " << lcc << " is ";
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<lexp2.size(); j++ ) { Trace("strings-ff-debug") << lexp2[j] << std::endl; }
exp.insert( exp.end(), lexp.begin(), lexp.end() );
exp.insert( exp.end(), lexp2.begin(), lexp2.end() );
addToExplanation( lcurr, lcc, exp );
for( unsigned i=0; i<exp_n.size(); i++ ){
Trace("strings-infer-debug") << " N:" << exp_n[i] << std::endl;
+ //Trace("strings-infer-debug") << "as lemma : " << asLemma << std::endl;
bool doSendLemma = ( asLemma || eq==d_false || eq.getKind()==kind::OR || options::stringInferAsLemmas() );
if( doSendLemma ){
StrongSolverTheoryUF::SortModel::SortModel( Node n, context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u, StrongSolverTheoryUF* thss ) : d_type( n.getType() ),
d_thss( thss ), d_regions_index( c, 0 ), d_regions_map( c ), d_split_score( c ), d_disequalities_index( c, 0 ),
d_reps( c, 0 ), d_conflict( c, false ), d_cardinality( c, 1 ), d_aloc_cardinality( u, 0 ),
- d_cardinality_assertions( c ), d_hasCard( c, false ), d_maxNegCard( c, 0 ), d_initialized( u, false ), d_lemma_cache( u ){
+ d_hasCard( c, false ), d_maxNegCard( c, 0 ), d_initialized( u, false ), d_lemma_cache( u ){
d_cardinality_term = n;
//if( d_type.isSort() ){
// TypeEnumerator te(tn);
if( !d_hasCard || i<d_cardinality ){
Node cn = d_cardinality_literal[ i ];
Assert( !cn.isNull() );
- if( d_cardinality_assertions.find( cn )==d_cardinality_assertions.end() ){
+ bool value;
+ if( !d_thss->getTheory()->d_valuation.hasSatValue( cn, value ) ){
Trace("uf-ss-dec") << "UFSS : Get next decision " << d_type << " " << i << std::endl;
return cn;
- Trace("uf-ss-dec-debug") << " dec : " << cn << " already asserted " << d_cardinality_assertions[cn].get() << std::endl;
+ Trace("uf-ss-dec-debug") << " dec : " << cn << " already asserted " << value << std::endl;
+ Assert( !value );
Trace("uf-ss-assert") << d_thss->getTheory()->d_valuation.getAssertionLevel() << std::endl;
Assert( c>0 );
Node cl = getCardinalityLiteral( c );
- d_cardinality_assertions[ cl ] = val;
if( val ){
bool doCheckRegions = !d_hasCard;
bool prevHasCard = d_hasCard;
bool needsCard = true;
for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = d_cardinality_literal.begin(); it!=d_cardinality_literal.end(); ++it ){
if( it->first<=d_aloc_cardinality.get() ){
- if( d_cardinality_assertions.find( it->second )==d_cardinality_assertions.end() ){
- Debug("fmf-card-debug") << "..does not need allocate because of " << it->second << std::endl;
+ bool value;
+ if( !d_thss->getTheory()->d_valuation.hasSatValue( it->second, value ) ){
+ Debug("fmf-card-debug") << "..does not need allocate because we are waiting for " << it->second << std::endl;
needsCard = false;
//allocate the lowest such that it is not asserted
Node cl;
+ bool increment;
do {
+ increment = false;
d_aloc_cardinality = d_aloc_cardinality + 1;
cl = getCardinalityLiteral( d_aloc_cardinality );
- }while( d_cardinality_assertions.find( cl )!=d_cardinality_assertions.end() && !d_cardinality_assertions[cl] );
- //if one is already asserted postively, abort
- if( d_cardinality_assertions.find( cl )!=d_cardinality_assertions.end() ){
- return;
- }
+ bool value;
+ if( d_thss->getTheory()->d_valuation.hasSatValue( cl, value ) ){
+ if( value ){
+ //if one is already asserted postively, abort
+ return;
+ }else{
+ increment = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }while( increment );
//check for abort case
if( options::ufssAbortCardinality()==d_aloc_cardinality ){
std::map< int, Node > d_cardinality_literal;
/** cardinality lemmas */
std::map< int, Node > d_cardinality_lemma;
- /** cardinality assertions (indexed by cardinality literals ) */
- NodeBoolMap d_cardinality_assertions;
/** whether a positive cardinality constraint has been asserted */
context::CDO< bool > d_hasCard;
/** clique lemmas that have been asserted */
--- /dev/null
+; COMMAND-LINE: --finite-model-find
+; EXPECT: sat
+(set-logic ALL_SUPPORTED)
+(set-info :status sat)
+(declare-datatypes () ((array!896 (array!896!897 (size!898 (_ BitVec 32)) (content!899 (Array (_ BitVec 32) (_ BitVec 32)))))))
+(declare-datatypes () ((tuple2!900 (tuple2!900!901 (_1!902 array!896) (_2!903 (_ BitVec 32))))))
+(declare-fun error_value!904 () (_ BitVec 32))
+(declare-fun error_value!905 () (_ BitVec 32))
+(declare-fun error_value!906 () array!896)
+(declare-fun error_value!907 () (_ BitVec 32))
+(declare-fun error_value!908 () array!896)
+(declare-fun error_value!909 () (_ BitVec 32))
+(declare-fun while0!216 (array!896 (_ BitVec 32) array!896) tuple2!900)
+(declare-fun isPositive!206 (array!896 (_ BitVec 32)) Bool)
+(declare-fun rec!210 ((_ BitVec 32) array!896 (_ BitVec 32)) Bool)
+(declare-fun arrayconst!910 () (Array (_ BitVec 32) (_ BitVec 32)))
+(declare-sort I_while0!216 0)
+(declare-fun while0!216_arg_0_1 (I_while0!216) array!896)
+(declare-fun while0!216_arg_1_2 (I_while0!216) (_ BitVec 32))
+(declare-fun while0!216_arg_2_3 (I_while0!216) array!896)
+(declare-sort I_isPositive!206 0)
+(declare-fun isPositive!206_arg_0_4 (I_isPositive!206) array!896)
+(declare-fun isPositive!206_arg_1_5 (I_isPositive!206) (_ BitVec 32))
+(declare-sort I_rec!210 0)
+(declare-fun rec!210_arg_0_6 (I_rec!210) (_ BitVec 32))
+(declare-fun rec!210_arg_1_7 (I_rec!210) array!896)
+(declare-fun rec!210_arg_2_8 (I_rec!210) (_ BitVec 32))
+(assert (forall ((?i I_while0!216)) (and (= (while0!216 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)) (ite (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i))) (while0!216 (ite (bvslt (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (select (content!899 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i)) error_value!904) (_ bv0 32)) (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (array!896!897 (size!898 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i)) (store (content!899 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (bvneg (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (select (content!899 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i)) error_value!905)))) error_value!906) (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (array!896!897 (size!898 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i)) (store (content!899 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (select (content!899 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i)) error_value!907))) error_value!908)) (bvadd (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv1 32)) (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)) (tuple2!900!901 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i)))) (ite (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i))) (not (forall ((?z I_while0!216)) (not (and (= (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?z) (ite (bvslt (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (select (content!899 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i)) error_value!904) (_ bv0 32)) (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (array!896!897 (size!898 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i)) (store (content!899 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (bvneg (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (select (content!899 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i)) error_value!905)))) error_value!906) (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (array!896!897 (size!898 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i)) (store (content!899 (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (ite (and (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (size!898 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i))) (not (bvslt (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (select (content!899 (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)) (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i)) error_value!907))) error_value!908))) (= (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?z) (bvadd (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?i) (_ bv1 32))) (= (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?z) (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?i)))) )) true)) ))
+(assert (forall ((?i I_isPositive!206)) (and (= (isPositive!206 (isPositive!206_arg_0_4 ?i) (isPositive!206_arg_1_5 ?i)) (rec!210 (_ bv0 32) (isPositive!206_arg_0_4 ?i) (isPositive!206_arg_1_5 ?i))) (not (forall ((?z I_rec!210)) (not (and (= (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?z) (_ bv0 32)) (= (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?z) (isPositive!206_arg_0_4 ?i)) (= (rec!210_arg_2_8 ?z) (isPositive!206_arg_1_5 ?i)))) ))) ))
+(assert (forall ((?i I_rec!210)) (and (= (rec!210 (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?i) (rec!210_arg_2_8 ?i)) (ite (not (bvslt (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (rec!210_arg_2_8 ?i))) true (ite (bvslt (ite (and (bvslt (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (size!898 (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?i))) (not (bvslt (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (select (content!899 (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?i)) (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i)) error_value!909) (_ bv0 32)) false (rec!210 (bvadd (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (_ bv1 32)) (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?i) (rec!210_arg_2_8 ?i))))) (ite (not (bvslt (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (rec!210_arg_2_8 ?i))) true (ite (bvslt (ite (and (bvslt (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (size!898 (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?i))) (not (bvslt (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (_ bv0 32)))) (select (content!899 (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?i)) (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i)) error_value!909) (_ bv0 32)) true (not (forall ((?z I_rec!210)) (not (and (= (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?z) (bvadd (rec!210_arg_0_6 ?i) (_ bv1 32))) (= (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?z) (rec!210_arg_1_7 ?i)) (= (rec!210_arg_2_8 ?z) (rec!210_arg_2_8 ?i)))) ))))) ))
+(assert (not (forall ((tab!211 array!896)) (or (or (bvslt (size!898 (_1!902 (while0!216 (array!896!897 (size!898 tab!211) arrayconst!910) (_ bv0 32) tab!211))) (_ bv0 32)) (forall ((?z I_while0!216)) (not (and (= (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?z) (array!896!897 (size!898 tab!211) arrayconst!910)) (= (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?z) (_ bv0 32)) (= (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?z) tab!211))) )) (or (isPositive!206 (_1!902 (while0!216 (array!896!897 (size!898 tab!211) arrayconst!910) (_ bv0 32) tab!211)) (size!898 tab!211)) (forall ((?z I_isPositive!206)) (not (and (= (isPositive!206_arg_0_4 ?z) (_1!902 (while0!216 (array!896!897 (size!898 tab!211) arrayconst!910) (_ bv0 32) tab!211))) (= (isPositive!206_arg_1_5 ?z) (size!898 tab!211)))) ) (forall ((?z I_while0!216)) (not (and (= (while0!216_arg_0_1 ?z) (array!896!897 (size!898 tab!211) arrayconst!910)) (= (while0!216_arg_1_2 ?z) (_ bv0 32)) (= (while0!216_arg_2_3 ?z) tab!211))) ))) )))
nun-0208-to.smt2 \
datatypes-ufinite.smt2 \
datatypes-ufinite-nested.smt2 \
- ForElimination-scala-9.smt2
+ ForElimination-scala-9.smt2 \
+ agree466.smt2 \
+ LeftistHeap.scala-8-ncm.smt2
# error.cvc
-# agree466.smt2 timeout after commit on 1/14 due to Array+FMF model construction
# synonyms for "check" in this directory
.PHONY: regress regress0 test