(assert (forall ((x Int)) (or (= (f x) (h (to_real x))) (= (f x) (to_int (g x))))))
(assert (not (= (f 3) (h 3.0))))
(assert (not (= (f 5) (to_int (g 5)))))
-(assert (= (f 4) (g 8)))
-(assert (= (h 5.0) 0.0))
+(assert (= (to_real (f 4)) (g 8)))
+(assert (= (to_real (h 5.0)) 0.0))
; Sort inference fails to infer that x can be uninterpreted in this example,
; however, fmf is able to reason that all instances are sat.
(set-logic ALL)
(set-info :status sat)
(declare-fun v () Real)
-(assert (xor (= 0 (/ v 0)) (distinct 1 (/ 0 0))))
-(assert (forall ((V Real)) (distinct 0 (sin 1.0))))
+(assert (xor (= 0.0 (/ v 0.0)) (distinct 1.0 (/ 0 0))))
+(assert (forall ((V Real)) (distinct 0.0 (sin 1.0))))