render_area.offset.y +
render_area.extent.height)) {
clear_with_hiz = false;
+ } else if (clear_att.clearValue.depthStencil.depth !=
+ /* Don't enable fast depth clears for any color not equal to
+ */
+ clear_with_hiz = false;
surf.aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_HIZ;
- surf.clear_color.u32[0] = (uint32_t)
- cmd_state->attachments[ds].clear_value.depthStencil.depth;
+ surf.clear_color.u32[0] = (uint32_t) ANV_HZ_FC_VAL;
blorp_gen6_hiz_op(&batch, &surf, 0, 0, op);
extern "C" {
+/* Allowing different clear colors requires us to perform a depth resolve at
+ * the end of certain render passes. This is because while slow clears store
+ * the clear color in the HiZ buffer, fast clears (without a resolve) don't.
+ * See the PRMs for examples describing when additional resolves would be
+ * necessary. To enable fast clears without requiring extra resolves, we set
+ * the clear value to a globally-defined one. We could allow different values
+ * if the user doesn't expect coherent data during or after a render passes
+ * (VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE), but such users (aside from the CTS)
+ * don't seem to exist yet. In almost all Vulkan applications tested thus far,
+ * 1.0f seems to be the only value used. The only application that doesn't set
+ * this value does so through the usage of an seemingly uninitialized clear
+ * value.
+ */
+#define ANV_HZ_FC_VAL 1.0f
#define MAX_VBS 32
#define MAX_SETS 8
#define MAX_RTS 8
anv_batch_emit(&cmd_buffer->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_CLEAR_PARAMS), cp) {
if (has_hiz) {
cp.DepthClearValueValid = true;
- const uint32_t ds =
- cmd_buffer->state.subpass->depth_stencil_attachment;
- cp.DepthClearValue =
- cmd_buffer->state.attachments[ds].clear_value.depthStencil.depth;
+ cp.DepthClearValue = ANV_HZ_FC_VAL;