+void *
+AntlrInput::recoverFromMismatchedToken(pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER recognizer,
+ ANTLR3_UINT32 ttype,
+ pANTLR3_BITSET_LIST follow) {
+ pANTLR3_PARSER parser = (pANTLR3_PARSER) (recognizer->super);
+ pANTLR3_INT_STREAM is = parser->tstream->istream;
+ void *matchedSymbol;
+ // Create an exception if we need one
+ //
+ if(recognizer->state->exception == NULL) {
+ antlr3RecognitionExceptionNew(recognizer);
+ }
+ if(recognizer->mismatchIsUnwantedToken(recognizer, is, ttype) == ANTLR3_TRUE) {
+ recognizer->state->exception->type = ANTLR3_UNWANTED_TOKEN_EXCEPTION;
+ recognizer->state->exception->message
+ }
+ if(recognizer->mismatchIsMissingToken(recognizer, is, follow)) {
+ // We can fake the missing token and proceed
+ //
+ matchedSymbol = recognizer->getMissingSymbol(recognizer, is,
+ recognizer->state->exception,
+ ttype, follow);
+ recognizer->state->exception->type = ANTLR3_MISSING_TOKEN_EXCEPTION;
+ recognizer->state->exception->message = (void*)ANTLR3_MISSING_TOKEN_EXCEPTION_NAME;
+ recognizer->state->exception->token = matchedSymbol;
+ recognizer->state->exception->expecting = ttype;
+ // Print out the error after we insert so that ANTLRWorks sees the
+ // token in the exception.
+ //
+ }
+ reportError(recognizer);
+ Unreachable("reportError should have thrown exception in AntlrInput::recoverFromMismatchedToken");
void AntlrInput::reportError(pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER recognizer) {
pANTLR3_EXCEPTION ex = recognizer->state->exception;
pANTLR3_UINT8 * tokenNames = recognizer->state->tokenNames;
// pass it in as an address anyway.
d_parser->super = getParserState();
d_parser->rec->reportError = &reportError;
+ d_parser->rec->recoverFromMismatchedToken = &recoverFromMismatchedToken;
/** Turns an ANTLR3 exception into a message for the user and calls <code>parseError</code>. */
static void reportError(pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER recognizer);
+ /** Collects information from a parse error and calls reportError. Replaces the default
+ * implementation, which tries to recover from the error.
+ */
+ static void *
+ recoverFromMismatchedToken(pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER recognizer,
+ ANTLR3_UINT32 ttype, pANTLR3_BITSET_LIST follow);
/** Create a file input.