SPI_FLASH_DEF_QUAD : boolean := true;
LOG_LENGTH : natural := 512;
USE_LITEETH : boolean := false;
+ USE_TERCEL : boolean := false;
UART_IS_16550 : boolean := false;
HAS_UART1 : boolean := true
signal wb_ext_is_dram_csr : std_ulogic;
signal wb_ext_is_dram_init : std_ulogic;
signal wb_ext_is_eth : std_ulogic;
+ signal wb_ext_is_tercel : std_ulogic;
-- DRAM main data wishbone connection
signal wb_dram_in : wishbone_master_out;
signal spi_sdat_oe : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal spi_sdat_i : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ -- SPI main data wishbone connection
+ signal wb_spiflash_in : wb_io_master_out;
+ signal wb_spiflash_out : wb_io_slave_out;
-- Fixup various memory sizes based on generics
function get_bram_size return natural is
uart1_txd => uart_pmod_tx,
uart1_rxd => uart_pmod_rx,
- -- SPI signals
- spi_flash_sck => spi_sck,
- spi_flash_cs_n => spi_cs_n,
- spi_flash_sdat_o => spi_sdat_o,
- spi_flash_sdat_oe => spi_sdat_oe,
- spi_flash_sdat_i => spi_sdat_i,
-- External interrupts
ext_irq_eth => ext_irq_eth,
wb_ext_is_dram_csr => wb_ext_is_dram_csr,
wb_ext_is_dram_init => wb_ext_is_dram_init,
wb_ext_is_eth => wb_ext_is_eth,
- alt_reset => core_alt_reset
+ wb_ext_is_tercel => wb_ext_is_tercel,
+ alt_reset => core_alt_reset,
+ -- SPI wishbone
+ wb_spiflash_in => wb_spiflash_in,
+ wb_spiflash_out => wb_spiflash_out
uart_pmod_rts_n <= '0';
ext_irq_eth <= '0';
end generate;
+ has_tercel : if USE_TERCEL generate
+ component tercel_core port (
+ sys_clk_freq : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ peripheral_clock : in std_ulogic;
+ peripheral_reset : in std_ulogic;
+ spi_clock : out std_ulogic;
+ spi_d_out : out std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ spi_d_direction : out std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ spi_d_in : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ spi_ss_n : out std_ulogic;
+ wishbone_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(29 downto 0);
+ wishbone_dat_w : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ wishbone_dat_r : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ wishbone_sel : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ wishbone_cyc : in std_ulogic;
+ wishbone_stb : in std_ulogic;
+ wishbone_ack : out std_ulogic;
+ wishbone_we : in std_ulogic;
+ wishbone_err : out std_ulogic;
+ cfg_wishbone_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(29 downto 0);
+ cfg_wishbone_dat_w : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ cfg_wishbone_dat_r : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ cfg_wishbone_sel : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ cfg_wishbone_cyc : in std_ulogic;
+ cfg_wishbone_stb : in std_ulogic;
+ cfg_wishbone_ack : out std_ulogic;
+ cfg_wishbone_we : in std_ulogic;
+ cfg_wishbone_err : out std_ulogic
+ );
+ end component;
+ signal wb_tercel_cyc : std_ulogic;
+ begin
+ tercel : tercel_core
+ port map(
+ sys_clk_freq => std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(CLK_FREQUENCY, 32)),
+ peripheral_clock => system_clk,
+ peripheral_reset => soc_rst,
+ spi_clock => spi_sck,
+ spi_d_out => spi_sdat_o,
+ spi_d_direction => spi_sdat_oe,
+ spi_d_in => spi_sdat_i,
+ spi_ss_n => spi_cs_n,
+ wishbone_adr => wb_spiflash_in.adr,
+ wishbone_dat_w => wb_spiflash_in.dat,
+ wishbone_dat_r => wb_spiflash_out.dat,
+ wishbone_sel => wb_spiflash_in.sel,
+ wishbone_cyc => wb_spiflash_in.cyc,
+ wishbone_stb => wb_spiflash_in.stb,
+ wishbone_ack => wb_spiflash_out.ack,
+ wishbone_we => wb_spiflash_in.we,
+ wishbone_err => open,
+ cfg_wishbone_adr => wb_ext_io_in.adr,
+ cfg_wishbone_dat_w => wb_ext_io_in.dat,
+ cfg_wishbone_dat_r => wb_tercel_out.dat,
+ cfg_wishbone_sel => wb_ext_io_in.sel,
+ cfg_wishbone_cyc => wb_tercel_cyc,
+ cfg_wishbone_stb => wb_ext_io_in.stb,
+ cfg_wishbone_ack => wb_tercel_out.ack,
+ cfg_wishbone_we => wb_ext_io_in.we,
+ cfg_wishbone_err => open
+ );
+ -- Gate cyc with "chip select" from soc
+ wb_tercel_cyc <= wb_ext_io_in.cyc and wb_ext_is_tercel;
+ -- Tercel isn't pipelined
+ wb_tercel_out.stall <= not wb_tercel_out.ack;
+ end generate;
-- Mux WB response on the IO bus
- wb_ext_io_out <= wb_eth_out when wb_ext_is_eth = '1' else wb_dram_ctrl_out;
+ wb_ext_io_out <= wb_eth_out when wb_ext_is_eth = '1' else
+ wb_tercel_out when wb_ext_is_tercel = '1' else
+ wb_dram_ctrl_out;
leds_pwm : process(system_clk)