; Both are detailed in this paper, along with their differences:
; http://fmv.jku.at/papers/RebolaPardoBiere-POS18.pdf
-; This signature checks **Specified DRAT**.
+; This signature contains implementations for a checker for each.
+; **Specified DRAT** is first.
; A DRAT proof itself: a list of addition or deletion instructions.
(declare DRATProof type)
; Functional Programs ;
; ==================== ;
-; Are two clauses equal (in the set sense)
+; Are two clauses equal (i.e., if interpretted as sets of literals, are those
+; sets equal?)
; Assumes that marks 1,2,3,4 are clear for the constituent variables, and
; leaves them clear afterwards.
; the mark 2 means (seen as - in c1, but not yet in c2)
; the mark 4 means (seen as - in c1)
-; This implementation is robust to literal order, repeated literals, and
-; literals of opposite polarity in the same clause. It is true equality on sets
-; literals.
+; This implementation **does not**:
+; 1. assume that clauses do not have duplicates
+; (so the clause [x v x v ~y] is an accceptable input)
+; 2. assume that clauses are non-tautological
+; (so the clause [x v ~x] is an acceptable input)
; TODO(aozdemir) This implementation could be further optimized b/c once c1 is
; drained, we need not continue to pattern match on it.