return D3D_OK;
+/* When this function is called, we have already checked
+ * The copy regions fit the volumes */
-NineVolume9_CopyVolume( struct NineVolume9 *This,
- struct NineVolume9 *From,
- unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz,
- struct pipe_box *pSrcBox )
+NineVolume9_CopyMemToDefault( struct NineVolume9 *This,
+ struct NineVolume9 *From,
+ unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz,
+ struct pipe_box *pSrcBox )
struct pipe_context *pipe = This->pipe;
struct pipe_resource *r_dst = This->resource;
- struct pipe_resource *r_src = From->resource;
- struct pipe_transfer *transfer;
struct pipe_box src_box;
struct pipe_box dst_box;
- uint8_t *p_dst;
const uint8_t *p_src;
DBG("This=%p From=%p dstx=%u dsty=%u dstz=%u pSrcBox=%p\n",
This, From, dstx, dsty, dstz, pSrcBox);
- assert(This->desc.Pool != D3DPOOL_MANAGED &&
- From->desc.Pool != D3DPOOL_MANAGED);
- user_assert(This->desc.Format == From->desc.Format, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);
+ assert(This->desc.Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT &&
+ From->desc.Pool == D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM);
dst_box.x = dstx;
dst_box.y = dsty;
dst_box.z = dstz;
if (pSrcBox) {
- /* make sure it doesn't range outside the source volume */
- user_assert(pSrcBox->x >= 0 &&
- (pSrcBox->width - pSrcBox->x) <= From->desc.Width &&
- pSrcBox->y >= 0 &&
- (pSrcBox->height - pSrcBox->y) <= From->desc.Height &&
- pSrcBox->z >= 0 &&
- (pSrcBox->depth - pSrcBox->z) <= From->desc.Depth,
src_box = *pSrcBox;
} else {
src_box.x = 0;
src_box.height = From->desc.Height;
src_box.depth = From->desc.Depth;
- /* limits */
- dst_box.width = This->desc.Width - dst_box.x;
- dst_box.height = This->desc.Height - dst_box.y;
- dst_box.depth = This->desc.Depth - dst_box.z;
- user_assert(src_box.width <= dst_box.width &&
- src_box.height <= dst_box.height &&
- src_box.depth <= dst_box.depth, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);
dst_box.width = src_box.width;
dst_box.height = src_box.height;
dst_box.depth = src_box.depth;
- if (r_dst && r_src) {
- pipe->resource_copy_region(pipe,
- r_dst, This->level,
- dst_box.x, dst_box.y, dst_box.z,
- r_src, From->level,
- &src_box);
- } else
- if (r_dst) {
- p_src = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(From,
- src_box.x, src_box.y, src_box.z);
- pipe->transfer_inline_write(pipe, r_dst, This->level,
- 0, /* WRITE|DISCARD are implicit */
- &dst_box, p_src,
- From->stride, From->layer_stride);
- } else
- if (r_src) {
- p_dst = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(This, 0, 0, 0);
- p_src = pipe->transfer_map(pipe, r_src, From->level,
- &src_box, &transfer);
- if (!p_src)
- util_copy_box(p_dst, This->info.format,
- This->stride, This->layer_stride,
- dst_box.x, dst_box.y, dst_box.z,
- dst_box.width, dst_box.height, dst_box.depth,
- p_src,
- transfer->stride, transfer->layer_stride,
- src_box.x, src_box.y, src_box.z);
+ p_src = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(From,
+ src_box.x, src_box.y, src_box.z);
- pipe->transfer_unmap(pipe, transfer);
- } else {
- p_dst = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(This, 0, 0, 0);
- p_src = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(From, 0, 0, 0);
- util_copy_box(p_dst, This->info.format,
- This->stride, This->layer_stride,
- dst_box.x, dst_box.y, dst_box.z,
- dst_box.width, dst_box.height, dst_box.depth,
- p_src,
- From->stride, From->layer_stride,
- src_box.x, src_box.y, src_box.z);
- }
+ pipe->transfer_inline_write(pipe, r_dst, This->level,
+ 0, /* WRITE|DISCARD are implicit */
+ &dst_box, p_src,
+ From->stride, From->layer_stride);
- if (This->desc.Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT)
- NineVolume9_MarkContainerDirty(This);
- if (!r_dst && This->resource)
- NineVolume9_AddDirtyRegion(This, &dst_box);
+ NineVolume9_MarkContainerDirty(This);
return D3D_OK;