--- /dev/null
+"""First-in first-out queues."""
+from .. import *
+__all__ = ["FIFOInterface", "SyncFIFO", "SyncFIFOBuffered"]
+class FIFOInterface:
+ _doc_template = """
+ {description}
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ width : int
+ Bit width of data entries.
+ depth : int
+ Depth of the queue.
+ {parameters}
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ din : in, width
+ Input data.
+ writable : out
+ Asserted if there is space in the queue, i.e. ``we`` can be asserted to write a new entry.
+ we : in
+ Write strobe. Latches ``din`` into the queue. Does nothing if ``writable`` is not asserted.
+ {w_attributes}
+ dout : out, width
+ Output data. {dout_valid}
+ readable : out
+ Asserted if there is an entry in the queue, i.e. ``re`` can be asserted to read this entry.
+ re : in
+ Read strobe. Makes the next entry (if any) available on ``dout`` at the next cycle.
+ Does nothing if ``readable`` is not asserted.
+ {r_attributes}
+ """
+ __doc__ = _doc_template.format(description="""
+ Data written to the input interface (``din``, ``we``, ``writable``) is buffered and can be
+ read at the output interface (``dout``, ``re``, ``readable`). The data entry written first
+ to the input also appears first on the output.
+ """,
+ parameters="",
+ dout_valid="The conditions in which ``dout`` is valid depends on the type of the queue.",
+ w_attributes="",
+ r_attributes="")
+ def __init__(self, width, depth):
+ self.width = width
+ self.depth = depth
+ self.din = Signal(width, reset_less=True)
+ self.writable = Signal() # not full
+ self.we = Signal()
+ self.dout = Signal(width, reset_less=True)
+ self.readable = Signal() # not empty
+ self.re = Signal()
+ def read(self):
+ """Read method for simulation."""
+ assert (yield self.readable)
+ value = (yield self.dout)
+ yield self.re.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield self.re.eq(0)
+ yield
+ return value
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Write method for simulation."""
+ assert (yield self.writable)
+ yield self.din.eq(data)
+ yield self.we.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield self.we.eq(0)
+ yield
+def _incr(signal, modulo):
+ if modulo == 2 ** len(signal):
+ return signal + 1
+ else:
+ return Mux(signal == modulo - 1, 0, signal + 1)
+def _decr(signal, modulo):
+ if modulo == 2 ** len(signal):
+ return signal - 1
+ else:
+ return Mux(signal == 0, modulo - 1, signal - 1)
+class SyncFIFO(FIFOInterface):
+ __doc__ = FIFOInterface._doc_template.format(
+ description="""
+ Synchronous first in, first out queue.
+ Read and write interfaces are accessed from the same clock domain. If different clock domains
+ are needed, use :class:`AsyncFIFO`.
+ """.strip(),
+ parameters="""
+ fwft : bool
+ First-word fallthrough. If set, when the queue is empty and an entry is written into it,
+ that entry becomes available on the output on the same clock cycle. Otherwise, it is
+ necessary to assert ``re`` for ``dout`` to become valid.
+ """.strip(),
+ dout_valid="""
+ For FWFT queues, valid if ``readable`` is asserted. For non-FWFT queues, valid on the next
+ cycle after ``readable`` and ``re`` have been asserted.
+ """.strip(),
+ r_attributes="""
+ level : out
+ Number of unread entries.
+ """.strip(),
+ w_attributes="""
+ replace : in
+ If asserted at the same time as ``we``, replaces the last entry written into the queue
+ with ``din``. For FWFT queues, if ``level`` is 1, this replaces the value at ``dout``
+ as well. Does nothing if the queue is empty.
+ """.strip())
+ def __init__(self, width, depth, fwft=True):
+ super().__init__(width, depth)
+ self.fwft = fwft
+ self.level = Signal(max=depth + 1)
+ self.replace = Signal()
+ def get_fragment(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.writable.eq(self.level != self.depth),
+ self.readable.eq(self.level != 0)
+ ]
+ do_read = self.readable & self.re
+ do_write = self.writable & self.we & ~self.replace
+ storage = Memory(self.width, self.depth)
+ wrport = m.submodules.wrport = storage.write_port()
+ rdport = m.submodules.rdport = storage.read_port(
+ synchronous=not self.fwft, transparent=self.fwft)
+ produce = Signal(max=self.depth)
+ consume = Signal(max=self.depth)
+ m.d.comb += [
+ wrport.addr.eq(produce),
+ wrport.data.eq(self.din),
+ wrport.en.eq(self.we & (self.writable | self.replace))
+ ]
+ with m.If(self.replace):
+ m.d.comb += wrport.addr.eq(_decr(produce, self.depth))
+ with m.If(do_write):
+ m.d.sync += produce.eq(_incr(produce, self.depth))
+ m.d.comb += [
+ rdport.addr.eq(consume),
+ self.dout.eq(rdport.data),
+ ]
+ if not self.fwft:
+ m.d.comb += rdport.en.eq(self.re)
+ with m.If(do_read):
+ m.d.sync += consume.eq(_incr(consume, self.depth))
+ with m.If(do_write & ~do_read):
+ m.d.sync += self.level.eq(self.level + 1)
+ with m.If(do_read & ~do_write):
+ m.d.sync += self.level.eq(self.level - 1)
+ if platform == "formal":
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assert(produce < self.depth),
+ Assert(consume < self.depth),
+ ]
+ with m.If(produce == consume):
+ m.d.comb += Assert((self.level == 0) | (self.level == self.depth))
+ with m.If(produce > consume):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(self.level == (produce - consume))
+ with m.If(produce < consume):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(self.level == (self.depth + produce - consume))
+ return m.lower(platform)
+class SyncFIFOBuffered(FIFOInterface):
+ """
+ Buffered synchronous first in, first out queue.
+ This queue's interface is identical to :class:`SyncFIFO` configured as ``fwft=True``, but it
+ does not use asynchronous memory reads, which are incompatible with FPGA block RAMs.
+ In exchange, the latency between an entry being written to an empty queue and that entry
+ becoming available on the output is increased to one cycle.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, width, depth):
+ super().__init__(width, depth)
+ self.fwft = True
+ self.level = Signal(max=depth + 1)
+ def get_fragment(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # Effectively, this queue treats the output register of the non-FWFT inner queue as
+ # an additional storage element.
+ m.submodules.unbuffered = fifo = SyncFIFO(self.width, self.depth - 1, fwft=False)
+ m.d.comb += [
+ fifo.din.eq(self.din),
+ fifo.we.eq(self.we),
+ self.writable.eq(fifo.writable),
+ fifo.replace.eq(0),
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.dout.eq(fifo.dout),
+ fifo.re.eq(fifo.readable & (~self.readable | self.re)),
+ ]
+ with m.If(fifo.re):
+ m.d.sync += self.readable.eq(1)
+ with m.Elif(self.re):
+ m.d.sync += self.readable.eq(0)
+ m.d.comb += self.level.eq(fifo.level + self.readable)
+ return m.lower(platform)