--pivot-rule=RULE change the pivot rule (see --pivot-rule help)\n\
--random-freq=P sets the frequency of random decisions in the sat solver(P=0.0 by default)\n\
--random-seed=S sets the random seed for the sat solver\n\
- --variable-removal-enables enable permanent removal of variables in arithmetic (UNSAFE! experts only)\n\
+ --enable-variable-removal enable permanent removal of variables in arithmetic (UNSAFE! experts only)\n\
--enable-arithmetic-propagation turns on arithmetic propagation\n\
--incremental enable incremental solving\n";
{ "pivot-rule" , required_argument, NULL, PIVOT_RULE },
{ "random-freq" , required_argument, NULL, RANDOM_FREQUENCY },
{ "random-seed" , required_argument, NULL, RANDOM_SEED },
- { "enable-variable-removel", no_argument, NULL, ENABLE_VARIABLE_REMOVAL },
+ { "enable-variable-removal", no_argument, NULL, ENABLE_VARIABLE_REMOVAL },
{ "enable-arithmetic-propagation", no_argument, NULL, ARITHMETIC_PROPAGATION },
{ NULL , no_argument , NULL, '\0' }
};/* if you add things to the above, please remember to update usage.h! */