-- level is known not to be statically deeper than the result type of the
-- function.
- function BIP_Suffix_Kind (E : Entity_Id) return BIP_Formal_Kind;
- -- Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): Returns the kind of the given extra formal.
function Caller_Known_Size
(Func_Call : Node_Id;
Result_Subt : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Insert the Post_Call list previously produced by routine Expand_Actuals
-- or Expand_Call_Helper into the tree.
- function Is_Build_In_Place_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): Returns True if E is a BIP entity.
procedure Replace_Renaming_Declaration_Id
(New_Decl : Node_Id;
Orig_Decl : Node_Id);
-- Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): Returns a string to be used as the suffix of names
-- for build-in-place formal parameters of the given kind.
+ function BIP_Suffix_Kind (E : Entity_Id) return BIP_Formal_Kind;
+ -- Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): Returns the kind of the given BIP extra formal.
function Build_In_Place_Formal
(Func : Entity_Id;
Kind : BIP_Formal_Kind) return Entity_Id;
-- The returned node is the root of the procedure body which will replace
-- the original function body, which is not needed for the C program.
+ function Is_Build_In_Place_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): Returns True if E is a BIP entity.
function Is_Build_In_Place_Result_Type (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): Returns True if functions returning the type use
-- build-in-place protocols. For inherently limited types, this must be
Old_Formal := Extra_Formal (Last_Formal);
New_Formal := New_Copy (Old_Formal);
+ Set_Scope (New_Formal, Subp_Typ);
Set_Extra_Formal (Last_Formal, New_Formal);
Set_Extra_Formals (Subp_Typ, New_Formal);
function Is_Secondary_Stack_BIP_Func_Call (Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean is
- Alloc_Nam : Name_Id := No_Name;
Actual : Node_Id;
Call : Node_Id := Expr;
Formal : Node_Id;
Formal := Selector_Name (Param);
Actual := Explicit_Actual_Parameter (Param);
- -- Construct the name of formal BIPalloc. It is much easier to
- -- extract the name of the function using an arbitrary formal's
- -- scope rather than the Name field of Call.
- if Alloc_Nam = No_Name and then Present (Entity (Formal)) then
- Alloc_Nam :=
- New_External_Name
- (Chars (Scope (Entity (Formal))),
- BIP_Formal_Suffix (BIP_Alloc_Form));
- end if;
-- A match for BIPalloc => 2 has been found
- if Chars (Formal) = Alloc_Nam
+ if Is_Build_In_Place_Entity (Formal)
+ and then BIP_Suffix_Kind (Formal) = BIP_Alloc_Form
and then Nkind (Actual) = N_Integer_Literal
and then Intval (Actual) = Uint_2
while Present (Formal) loop
New_Formal := New_Copy (Formal);
+ -- Extra formals are not inherited from a limited interface parent
+ -- since limitedness is not inherited in such case (AI-419) and this
+ -- affects the extra formals.
+ if Is_Limited_Interface (Parent_Type) then
+ Set_Extra_Formal (New_Formal, Empty);
+ Set_Extra_Accessibility (New_Formal, Empty);
+ end if;
-- Normally we do not go copying parents, but in the case of
-- formals, we need to link up to the declaration (which is the
-- parameter specification), and it is fine to link up to the
end loop;
-- Extra formals are shared between the parent subprogram and the
- -- derived subprogram (implicit in the above copy of formals), and
- -- hence we must inherit also the reference to the first extra formal.
+ -- derived subprogram (implicit in the above copy of formals), unless
+ -- the parent type is a limited interface type; hence we must inherit
+ -- also the reference to the first extra formal. When the parent type is
+ -- an interface the extra formals will be added when the subprogram is
+ -- frozen (see Freeze.Freeze_Subprogram).
- Set_Extra_Formals (New_Subp, Extra_Formals (Parent_Subp));
+ if not Is_Limited_Interface (Parent_Type) then
+ Set_Extra_Formals (New_Subp, Extra_Formals (Parent_Subp));
- if Ekind (New_Subp) = E_Function then
- Set_Extra_Accessibility_Of_Result (New_Subp,
- Extra_Accessibility_Of_Result (Parent_Subp));
+ if Ekind (New_Subp) = E_Function then
+ Set_Extra_Accessibility_Of_Result (New_Subp,
+ Extra_Accessibility_Of_Result (Parent_Subp));
+ end if;
end if;
-- If this derivation corresponds to a tagged generic actual, then
Write_Str (", ");
end loop;
+ if Present (Extra_Formals (Typ)) then
+ Param := Extra_Formals (Typ);
+ while Present (Param) loop
+ Write_Str (", ");
+ Write_Id (Param);
+ Write_Str (" : ");
+ Write_Id (Etype (Param));
+ Param := Extra_Formal (Param);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Write_Char (')');
+ end;
+ elsif Present (Extra_Formals (Typ)) then
+ declare
+ Param : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ Write_Str (" (");
+ Param := Extra_Formals (Typ);
+ while Present (Param) loop
+ Write_Id (Param);
+ Write_Str (" : ");
+ Write_Id (Etype (Param));
+ if Present (Extra_Formal (Param)) then
+ Write_Str (", ");
+ end if;
+ Param := Extra_Formal (Param);
+ end loop;
Write_Char (')');
end if;