return sext_cast<NewBits>()(*this);
+ // Bit replication is far more efficient than the equivalent concatenation.
+ template<size_t Count>
+ value<Bits * Count> repeat() const {
+ static_assert(Bits == 1, "repeat() is implemented only for 1-bit values");
+ return *this ? value<Bits * Count>().bit_not() : value<Bits * Count>();
+ }
// Operations with run-time parameters (offsets, amounts, etc).
// These operations are used for computations.
} else if (sig.is_chunk()) {
return dump_sigchunk(sig.as_chunk(), is_lhs, for_debug);
} else {
- dump_sigchunk(*sig.chunks().rbegin(), is_lhs, for_debug);
- for (auto it = sig.chunks().rbegin() + 1; it != sig.chunks().rend(); ++it) {
- f << ".concat(";
- dump_sigchunk(*it, is_lhs, for_debug);
- f << ")";
+ bool first = true;
+ auto chunks = sig.chunks();
+ for (auto it = chunks.rbegin(); it != chunks.rend(); it++) {
+ if (!first)
+ f << ".concat(";
+ bool is_complex = dump_sigchunk(*it, is_lhs, for_debug);
+ if (!is_lhs && it->width == 1) {
+ size_t repeat = 1;
+ while ((it + repeat) != chunks.rend() && *(it + repeat) == *it)
+ repeat++;
+ if (repeat > 1) {
+ if (is_complex)
+ f << ".val()";
+ f << ".repeat<" << repeat << ">()";
+ }
+ it += repeat - 1;
+ }
+ if (!first)
+ f << ")";
+ first = false;
return true;