-- floating-point implementations.
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Interfaces;
with System.Unsigned_Types;
pragma Warnings (Off, "non-static constant in preelaborated unit");
-- Every constant is static given our instantiation model
package body System.Fat_Gen is
+ use type Interfaces.Unsigned_64;
pragma Assert (T'Machine_Radix = 2);
-- This version does not handle radix 16
Invrad : constant T := 1.0 / Rad;
-- Smallest positive mantissa in the canonical form (RM A.5.3(4))
- Small : constant T := Rad ** (T'Machine_Emin - 1);
- pragma Unreferenced (Small);
+ -- Small : constant T := Rad ** (T'Machine_Emin - 1);
-- Smallest positive normalized number
- Tiny : constant T := Rad ** (T'Machine_Emin - Mantissa);
+ -- Tiny : constant T := Rad ** (T'Machine_Emin - Mantissa);
-- Smallest positive denormalized number
+ Tiny16 : constant Interfaces.Unsigned_16 := 1;
+ Tiny32 : constant Interfaces.Unsigned_32 := 1;
+ Tiny64 : constant Interfaces.Unsigned_64 := 1;
+ Tiny80 : constant array (1 .. 2) of Interfaces.Unsigned_64 :=
+ (1 * Standard'Default_Bit_Order,
+ 2**48 * (1 - Standard'Default_Bit_Order));
+ -- We cannot use the direct declaration because it cannot be translated
+ -- into C90, as the hexadecimal floating constants were introduced in C99.
+ -- So we work around this by using an overlay of the integer constant.
RM1 : constant T := Rad ** (Mantissa - 1);
-- Smallest positive member of the large consecutive integers. It is equal
-- to the ratio Small / Tiny, which means that multiplying by it normalizes
function Pred (X : T) return T is
+ Tiny : constant T;
+ pragma Import (Ada, Tiny);
+ for Tiny'Address use (if T'Size = 16 then Tiny16'Address
+ elsif T'Size = 32 then Tiny32'Address
+ elsif T'Size = 64 then Tiny64'Address
+ elsif Mantissa = 64 then Tiny80'Address
+ else raise Program_Error);
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
function Succ (X : T) return T is
+ Tiny : constant T;
+ pragma Import (Ada, Tiny);
+ for Tiny'Address use (if T'Size = 16 then Tiny16'Address
+ elsif T'Size = 32 then Tiny32'Address
+ elsif T'Size = 64 then Tiny64'Address
+ elsif Mantissa = 64 then Tiny80'Address
+ else raise Program_Error);
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;