+\frametitle{VSELECT: stays or goes? Stays if MV.X exists...}
+def op_mv_x(rd, rs): # standard (hypothetical) RV MX.X
+ rs = regfile[rs] # level of indirection (MV.X)
+ regfile[rd] = regfile[rs] # straight regcopy
+Vectorised version aka "VSELECT":
+def op_mv_x(rd, rs): # SV version of MX.X
+ for i in range(VL):
+ rs1 = regfile[rs+i] # indirection
+ regfile[rd+i] = regfile[rs] # straight regcopy
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item However... MV.X does not exist in RV
+ \item If MX.X was added, SV would have VSELECT
+ \end{itemize}
\frame{\frametitle{Opcodes, compared to RVV}
- \item All integer and FP opcodes all removed (no CLIP!)\vspace{8pt}
- \item VMPOP, VFIRST etc. all removed (use xBitManip)\vspace{8pt}
- \item VSLIDE removed (use regfile overlaps)\vspace{8pt}
- \item C.MV covers VEXTRACT VINSERT and VSPLAT (and more)\vspace{8pt}
- \item VSETVL, VGETVL, VSELECT stay\vspace{8pt}
- \item Issue: VCLIP is not in RV* (add with custom ext?)\vspace{8pt}
- \item Vector (or scalar-vector) use C.MV (MV is a pseudo-op)\vspace{8pt}
- \item VMERGE: twin predicated C.MVs (one inverted. macro-op'd)\vspace{8pt}
+ \item All integer and FP opcodes all removed (no CLIP!)\vspace{4pt}
+ \item VMPOP, VFIRST etc. all removed (use xBitManip)\vspace{4pt}
+ \item VSLIDE removed (use regfile overlaps)\vspace{4pt}
+ \item C.MV covers VEXTRACT VINSERT and VSPLAT (and more)\vspace{4pt}
+ \item VSETVL, VGETVL stay\vspace{4pt}
+ \item VSELECT stays? no MV.X (add with custom ext?)\vspace{4pt}
+ \item Issue: VCLIP is not in RV* (add with custom ext?)\vspace{4pt}
+ \item Vector (or scalar-vector) use C.MV (MV is a pseudo-op)\vspace{4pt}
+ \item VMERGE: twin predicated C.MVs (one inverted. macro-op'd)\vspace{4pt}