-/* This tracked state is unique in that the state it monitors varies
- * dynamically depending on the parameters tracked by the fragment and
- * vertex programs. This is the template used as a starting point,
- * each context will maintain a copy of this internally and update as
- * required.
- */
const struct brw_tracked_state brw_constant_buffer = {
.dirty = {
#include "intel_batchbuffer.h"
#include "intel_buffers.h"
-/* This is used to initialize brw->state.atoms[]. We could use this
- * list directly except for a single atom, brw_constant_buffer, which
- * has a .dirty value which changes according to the parameters of the
- * current fragment and vertex programs, and so cannot be a static
- * value.
- */
static const struct brw_tracked_state *gen4_atoms[] =