clear_image(cmd, image, (const VkClearValue*) pDepthStencil, pRanges + i);
-static void
-tu_clear_sysmem_attachments_2d(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmd,
- uint32_t attachment_count,
- const VkClearAttachment *attachments,
- uint32_t rect_count,
- const VkClearRect *rects)
- const struct tu_subpass *subpass = cmd->state.subpass;
- /* note: cannot use shader path here.. there is a special shader path
- * in tu_clear_sysmem_attachments()
- */
- const struct blit_ops *ops = &r2d_ops;
- struct tu_cs *cs = &cmd->draw_cs;
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < attachment_count; j++) {
- /* The vulkan spec, section 17.2 "Clearing Images Inside a Render
- * Pass Instance" says that:
- *
- * Unlike other clear commands, vkCmdClearAttachments executes as
- * a drawing command, rather than a transfer command, with writes
- * performed by it executing in rasterization order. Clears to
- * color attachments are executed as color attachment writes, by
- * Clears to depth/stencil attachments are executed as depth
- * writes and writes by the
- *
- * However, the 2d path here is executed the same way as a
- * transfer command, using the CCU color cache exclusively with
- * a special depth-as-color format for depth clears. This means that
- * we can't rely on the normal pipeline barrier mechanism here, and
- * have to manually flush whenever using a different cache domain
- * from what the 3d path would've used. This happens when we clear
- * depth/stencil, since normally depth attachments use CCU depth, but
- * we clear it using a special depth-as-color format. Since the clear
- * potentially uses a different attachment state we also need to
- * invalidate color beforehand and flush it afterwards.
- */
- uint32_t a;
- if (attachments[j].aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) {
- a = subpass->color_attachments[attachments[j].colorAttachment].attachment;
- tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_COLOR_TS);
- } else {
- a = subpass->depth_stencil_attachment.attachment;
- tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_DEPTH_TS);
- tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_COLOR_TS);
- tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_INVALIDATE_COLOR);
- }
- continue;
- const struct tu_image_view *iview =
- cmd->state.framebuffer->attachments[a].attachment;
- ops->setup(cmd, cs, iview->image->vk_format, attachments[j].aspectMask,
- ROTATE_0, true, iview->ubwc_enabled);
- ops->clear_value(cs, iview->image->vk_format, &attachments[j].clearValue);
- /* Wait for the flushes we triggered manually to complete */
- tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rect_count; i++) {
- ops->coords(cs, &rects[i].rect.offset, NULL, &rects[i].rect.extent);
- for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < rects[i].layerCount; layer++) {
- ops->dst(cs, iview, rects[i].baseArrayLayer + layer);
- ops->run(cmd, cs);
- }
- }
- if (attachments[j].aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) {
- tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_COLOR_TS);
- tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_INVALIDATE_COLOR);
- } else {
- /* sync color into depth */
- tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_COLOR_TS);
- tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_INVALIDATE_DEPTH);
- }
- }
static void
tu_clear_sysmem_attachments(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmd,
uint32_t attachment_count,
max_samples = MAX2(max_samples, pass->attachments[a].samples);
- /* prefer to use 2D path for clears
- * 2D can't clear separate depth/stencil and msaa, needs known framebuffer
- */
- if (max_samples == 1 && cmd->state.framebuffer) {
- tu_clear_sysmem_attachments_2d(cmd, attachment_count, attachments, rect_count, rects);
- return;
- }
/* disable all draw states so they don't interfere
- * TODO: use and re-use draw states for this path
+ * TODO: use and re-use draw states
* we have to disable draw states individually to preserve
* input attachment states, because a secondary command buffer
* won't be able to restore them