--- /dev/null
+# ___________________________________________________________________________
+# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2022
+# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
+# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
+# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
+# rights in this software.
+# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
+# ___________________________________________________________________________
+#: Python set used to identify numeric constants, boolean values, strings
+#: and instances of
+#: :class:`NonNumericValue <pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.NonNumericValue>`,
+#: which is commonly used in code that walks Pyomo expression trees.
+#: :data:`nonpyomo_leaf_types` =
+#: :data:`native_types <pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.native_types>` +
+#: { :data:`NonNumericValue <pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.NonNumericValue>` }
+nonpyomo_leaf_types = set()
+# It is *significantly* faster to build the list of types we want to
+# test against as a "static" set, and not to regenerate it locally for
+# every call. Plus, this allows us to dynamically augment the set
+# with new "native" types (e.g., from NumPy)
+# Note: These type sets are used in set_types.py for domain validation
+# For backward compatibility reasons, we include str in the set
+# of valid types for bool. We also avoid updating the numeric
+# and integer type sets when a new boolean type is registered
+# because not all boolean types exhibit numeric properties
+# (e.g., numpy.bool_)
+#: Python set used to identify numeric constants. This set includes
+#: native Python types as well as numeric types from Python packages
+#: like numpy, which may be registered by users.
+native_numeric_types = {int, float, complex}
+native_integer_types = {int}
+native_logical_types = {bool}
+_native_boolean_types = {int, bool, str, bytes}
+#: Python set used to identify numeric constants and related native
+#: types. This set includes
+#: native Python types as well as numeric types from Python packages
+#: like numpy.
+#: :data:`native_types` =
+#: :data:`native_numeric_types<pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.native_numeric_types>`
+#: + { str }
+native_types = set([bool, str, type(None), slice, bytes])
+def RegisterNumericType(new_type):
+ """
+ A utility function for updating the set of types that are
+ recognized to handle numeric values.
+ The argument should be a class (e.g, numpy.float64).
+ """
+ native_numeric_types.add(new_type)
+ native_types.add(new_type)
+ nonpyomo_leaf_types.add(new_type)
+def RegisterIntegerType(new_type):
+ """
+ A utility function for updating the set of types that are
+ recognized to handle integer values. This also registers the type
+ as numeric but does not register it as boolean.
+ The argument should be a class (e.g., numpy.int64).
+ """
+ native_numeric_types.add(new_type)
+ native_integer_types.add(new_type)
+ native_types.add(new_type)
+ nonpyomo_leaf_types.add(new_type)
+def RegisterLogicalType(new_type):
+ """
+ A utility function for updating the set of types that are
+ recognized as handling boolean values. This function does not
+ register the type of integer or numeric.
+ The argument should be a class (e.g., numpy.bool_).
+ """
+ _native_boolean_types.add(new_type)
+ native_logical_types.add(new_type)
+ native_types.add(new_type)
+ nonpyomo_leaf_types.add(new_type)
--- /dev/null
+# ___________________________________________________________________________
+# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2022
+# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
+# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
+# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
+# rights in this software.
+# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
+# ___________________________________________________________________________
+# Unit Tests for expression generation
+import os
+import platform
+import sys
+import unittest
+from openpower.logging_intercept import LoggingIntercept
+from openpower.numeric_types import native_types, nonpyomo_leaf_types
+from openpower.visitor import (
+ StreamBasedExpressionVisitor,
+ get_stack_depth,
+#from pyomo.common.log import LoggingIntercept
+from io import StringIO
+def sizeof_expression(e):
+ return len(e.flatten())
+class BaseExpression:
+ def __init__(self, name, exprs):
+ self.exprs = [name] + list(exprs)
+ self.name = name
+ self.args = list(exprs)
+ def is_expression_type(self):
+ return True
+ def flatten(self):
+ res = []
+ for x in self.exprs:
+ if hasattr(x, "exprs"):
+ res.append(x.exprs)
+ else:
+ res.append(x)
+ return res
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ', '.join(map(str, self.flatten()))
+ def __len__(self): return len(self.args)
+ def __getitem__(self, i): print (self, i); return self.args.__getitem__(i)
+class Expression(BaseExpression):
+ def __init__(self, I, rule):
+ super().__init__("expr", [I] + [rule])
+class SumExpression(BaseExpression):
+ def __init__(self, exprs):
+ super().__init__("sum", exprs)
+class ProductExpression(BaseExpression):
+ def __init__(self, exprs):
+ super().__init__("prod", exprs)
+class PowExpression(BaseExpression):
+ def __init__(self, exprs):
+ super().__init__("pow", exprs)
+class ConcreteModel:
+ name = "ConcreteModel"
+ def is_expression_type(self):
+ return False
+class Var:
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.name = name
+ def is_expression_type(self):
+ return False
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.name
+class Set(BaseExpression):
+ def __init__(self, initialize=None):
+ super().__init__("set", initialize)
+ def is_expression_type(self):
+ return False
+class BaseStreamBasedVisitorTests(object):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.m = m = ConcreteModel()
+ self.maxDiff = 5000
+ m.x = Var("x")
+ m.y = Var("y")
+ m.z = Var("z")
+ # Note: we do not use the operator overloading to generate the
+ # expression so that the structure is constant even when we make
+ # adjustments to the expression generators
+ self.e = SumExpression(
+ [
+ PowExpression((m.x, 2)),
+ m.y,
+ ProductExpression((m.z, SumExpression([m.x, m.y]))),
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_bad_args(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+ RuntimeError, "Unrecognized keyword arguments: {'foo': None}"
+ ):
+ StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(foo=None)
+ def test_default(self):
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor()
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ ref = [[[], []], [], [[], [[], []]]]
+ self.assertEqual(ans, ref)
+ def test_beforeChild(self):
+ def before(node, child, child_idx):
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, [child]
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(beforeChild=before)
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ m = self.m
+ ref = [[[m.x], [2]], [m.y], [[m.z], [[m.x], [m.y]]]]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = []
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = []
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_initializeWalker_beforeChild(self):
+ def before(node, child, child_idx):
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, child
+ def initialize(expr):
+ ans = before(None, expr, 0)
+ if ans is None:
+ return True, expr
+ else:
+ return ans
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ beforeChild=before, initializeWalker=initialize
+ )
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ m = self.m
+ ref = [[m.x, 2], m.y, [m.z, [m.x, m.y]]]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = m.x
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = 2
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_beforeChild_exitNode(self):
+ def before(node, child, child_idx):
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, [child]
+ def exit(node, data):
+ if hasattr(node, 'getname'):
+ data.insert(0, node.getname())
+ else:
+ data.insert(0, str(node))
+ return data
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(beforeChild=before, exitNode=exit)
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ m = self.m
+ ref = [
+ 'sum',
+ ['pow', [m.x], [2]],
+ [m.y],
+ ['prod', [m.z], ['sum', [m.x], [m.y]]],
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = ['x']
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = ['2']
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_beforeChild_enterNode_exitNode(self):
+ i = [0]
+ def before(node, child, child_idx):
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, [child]
+ def enter(node):
+ i[0] += 1
+ return None, [i[0]]
+ def exit(node, data):
+ if hasattr(node, 'getname'):
+ data.insert(0, node.getname())
+ else:
+ data.insert(0, str(node))
+ return data
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ beforeChild=before, enterNode=enter, exitNode=exit
+ )
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ m = self.m
+ ref = [
+ 'sum',
+ 1,
+ ['pow', 2, [m.x], [2]],
+ [m.y],
+ ['prod', 3, [m.z], ['sum', 4, [m.x], [m.y]]],
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = ['x', 5]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = ['2', 6]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_old_beforeChild(self):
+ def before(node, child):
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, [child]
+ os = StringIO()
+ with LoggingIntercept(os, 'pyomo'):
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(beforeChild=before)
+ #output = os.getvalue()
+ #self.assertIn(
+ # "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor "
+ # "has changed to include the child index for the beforeChild() "
+ # "method",
+ # output.replace('\n', ' '),
+ #)
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ m = self.m
+ ref = [[[m.x], [2]], [m.y], [[m.z], [[m.x], [m.y]]]]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = []
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = []
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_reduce_in_accept(self):
+ def enter(node):
+ return None, 1
+ def accept(node, data, child_result, child_idx):
+ return data + child_result
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(enterNode=enter, acceptChildResult=accept)
+ # 4 operators, 6 leaf nodes
+ self.assertEqual(self.walk(walker, self.e), 10)
+ def test_sizeof_expression(self):
+ self.assertEqual(sizeof_expression(self.e), 10)
+ def test_enterNode(self):
+ # This is an alternative way to implement the beforeChild test:
+ def enter(node):
+ if type(node) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not node.is_expression_type():
+ return (), [node]
+ return node.args, []
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(enterNode=enter)
+ m = self.m
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ ref = [[[m.x], [2]], [m.y], [[m.z], [[m.x], [m.y]]]]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = [m.x]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = [2]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_enterNode_noLeafList(self):
+ # This is an alternative way to implement the beforeChild test:
+ def enter(node):
+ if type(node) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not node.is_expression_type():
+ return (), node
+ return node.args, []
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(enterNode=enter)
+ m = self.m
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ ref = [[m.x, 2], m.y, [m.z, [m.x, m.y]]]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = m.x
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = 2
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_enterNode_withFinalize(self):
+ # This is an alternative way to implement the beforeChild test:
+ def enter(node):
+ if type(node) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not node.is_expression_type():
+ return (), node
+ return node.args, []
+ def finalize(result):
+ if type(result) is list:
+ return result
+ else:
+ return [result]
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(enterNode=enter, finalizeResult=finalize)
+ m = self.m
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ ref = [[m.x, 2], m.y, [m.z, [m.x, m.y]]]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = [m.x]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = [2]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_exitNode(self):
+ # This is an alternative way to implement the beforeChild test:
+ def exit(node, data):
+ if data:
+ return data
+ else:
+ return [node]
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(exitNode=exit)
+ m = self.m
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ ref = [[[m.x], [2]], [m.y], [[m.z], [[m.x], [m.y]]]]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, m.x)
+ ref = [m.x]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ ans = self.walk(walker, 2)
+ ref = [2]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_beforeChild_acceptChildResult_afterChild(self):
+ counts = [0, 0, 0]
+ def before(node, child, child_idx):
+ counts[0] += 1
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, None
+ def accept(node, data, child_result, child_idx):
+ counts[1] += 1
+ def after(node, child, child_idx):
+ counts[2] += 1
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ beforeChild=before, acceptChildResult=accept, afterChild=after
+ )
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ m = self.m
+ self.assertEqual(ans, None)
+ self.assertEqual(counts, [9, 9, 9])
+ def test_OLD_beforeChild_acceptChildResult_afterChild(self):
+ counts = [0, 0, 0]
+ def before(node, child):
+ counts[0] += 1
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, None
+ def accept(node, data, child_result):
+ counts[1] += 1
+ def after(node, child):
+ counts[2] += 1
+ os = StringIO()
+ with LoggingIntercept(os, 'pyomo'):
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ beforeChild=before, acceptChildResult=accept, afterChild=after
+ )
+ #self.assertIn(
+ # "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor "
+ # "has changed to include the child index for the "
+ # "beforeChild() method",
+ # os.getvalue().replace('\n', ' '),
+ #)
+ #self.assertIn(
+ # "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor "
+ # "has changed to include the child index for the "
+ # "acceptChildResult() method",
+ # os.getvalue().replace('\n', ' '),
+ #)
+ #self.assertIn(
+ # "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor "
+ # "has changed to include the child index for the "
+ # "afterChild() method",
+ # os.getvalue().replace('\n', ' '),
+ #)
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ m = self.m
+ self.assertEqual(ans, None)
+ self.assertEqual(counts, [9, 9, 9])
+ def test_enterNode_acceptChildResult_beforeChild(self):
+ ans = []
+ def before(node, child, child_idx):
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, child
+ def accept(node, data, child_result, child_idx):
+ if data is not child_result:
+ data.append(child_result)
+ return data
+ def enter(node):
+ return node.args, ans
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ enterNode=enter, beforeChild=before, acceptChildResult=accept
+ )
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ m = self.m
+ ref = [m.x, 2, m.y, m.z, m.x, m.y]
+ self.assertEqual(str(ans), str(ref))
+ def test_finalize(self):
+ ans = []
+ def before(node, child, child_idx):
+ if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, child
+ def accept(node, data, child_result, child_idx):
+ if data is not child_result:
+ data.append(child_result)
+ return data
+ def enter(node):
+ return node.args, ans
+ def finalize(result):
+ return len(result)
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ enterNode=enter,
+ beforeChild=before,
+ acceptChildResult=accept,
+ finalizeResult=finalize,
+ )
+ ans = self.walk(walker, self.e)
+ self.assertEqual(ans, 6)
+ def test_all_function_pointers(self):
+ ans = []
+ def name(x):
+ if type(x) in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
+ return str(x)
+ else:
+ return x.name
+ def initialize(expr):
+ ans.append("Initialize")
+ return True, None
+ def enter(node):
+ ans.append("Enter %s" % (name(node)))
+ def exit(node, data):
+ ans.append("Exit %s" % (name(node)))
+ def before(node, child, child_idx):
+ ans.append("Before %s (from %s)" % (name(child), name(node)))
+ def accept(node, data, child_result, child_idx):
+ ans.append("Accept into %s" % (name(node)))
+ def after(node, child, child_idx):
+ ans.append("After %s (from %s)" % (name(child), name(node)))
+ def finalize(result):
+ ans.append("Finalize")
+ walker = StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ initializeWalker=initialize,
+ enterNode=enter,
+ exitNode=exit,
+ beforeChild=before,
+ acceptChildResult=accept,
+ afterChild=after,
+ finalizeResult=finalize,
+ )
+ self.assertIsNone(self.walk(walker, self.e))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "\n".join(ans),
+ """Initialize
+Enter sum
+Before pow (from sum)
+Enter pow
+Before x (from pow)
+Enter x
+Exit x
+Accept into pow
+After x (from pow)
+Before 2 (from pow)
+Enter 2
+Exit 2
+Accept into pow
+After 2 (from pow)
+Exit pow
+Accept into sum
+After pow (from sum)
+Before y (from sum)
+Enter y
+Exit y
+Accept into sum
+After y (from sum)
+Before prod (from sum)
+Enter prod
+Before z (from prod)
+Enter z
+Exit z
+Accept into prod
+After z (from prod)
+Before sum (from prod)
+Enter sum
+Before x (from sum)
+Enter x
+Exit x
+Accept into sum
+After x (from sum)
+Before y (from sum)
+Enter y
+Exit y
+Accept into sum
+After y (from sum)
+Exit sum
+Accept into prod
+After sum (from prod)
+Exit prod
+Accept into sum
+After prod (from sum)
+Exit sum
+ )
+ def test_all_derived_class(self):
+ def name(x):
+ if type(x) in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
+ return str(x)
+ else:
+ return x.name
+ class all_callbacks(StreamBasedExpressionVisitor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ans = []
+ super(all_callbacks, self).__init__()
+ def initializeWalker(self, expr):
+ self.ans.append("Initialize")
+ return True, None
+ def enterNode(self, node):
+ self.ans.append("Enter %s" % (name(node)))
+ def exitNode(self, node, data):
+ self.ans.append("Exit %s" % (name(node)))
+ def beforeChild(self, node, child, child_idx):
+ self.ans.append("Before %s (from %s)" % (name(child), name(node)))
+ def acceptChildResult(self, node, data, child_result, child_idx):
+ self.ans.append("Accept into %s" % (name(node)))
+ def afterChild(self, node, child, child_idx):
+ self.ans.append("After %s (from %s)" % (name(child), name(node)))
+ def finalizeResult(self, result):
+ self.ans.append("Finalize")
+ walker = all_callbacks()
+ self.assertIsNone(self.walk(walker, self.e))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "\n".join(walker.ans),
+ """Initialize
+Enter sum
+Before pow (from sum)
+Enter pow
+Before x (from pow)
+Enter x
+Exit x
+Accept into pow
+After x (from pow)
+Before 2 (from pow)
+Enter 2
+Exit 2
+Accept into pow
+After 2 (from pow)
+Exit pow
+Accept into sum
+After pow (from sum)
+Before y (from sum)
+Enter y
+Exit y
+Accept into sum
+After y (from sum)
+Before prod (from sum)
+Enter prod
+Before z (from prod)
+Enter z
+Exit z
+Accept into prod
+After z (from prod)
+Before sum (from prod)
+Enter sum
+Before x (from sum)
+Enter x
+Exit x
+Accept into sum
+After x (from sum)
+Before y (from sum)
+Enter y
+Exit y
+Accept into sum
+After y (from sum)
+Exit sum
+Accept into prod
+After sum (from prod)
+Exit prod
+Accept into sum
+After prod (from sum)
+Exit sum
+ )
+ def test_all_derived_class_oldAPI(self):
+ def name(x):
+ if type(x) in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
+ return str(x)
+ else:
+ return x.name
+ class all_callbacks(StreamBasedExpressionVisitor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ans = []
+ super(all_callbacks, self).__init__()
+ def enterNode(self, node):
+ self.ans.append("Enter %s" % (name(node)))
+ def exitNode(self, node, data):
+ self.ans.append("Exit %s" % (name(node)))
+ def beforeChild(self, node, child):
+ self.ans.append("Before %s (from %s)" % (name(child), name(node)))
+ def acceptChildResult(self, node, data, child_result):
+ self.ans.append("Accept into %s" % (name(node)))
+ def afterChild(self, node, child):
+ self.ans.append("After %s (from %s)" % (name(child), name(node)))
+ def finalizeResult(self, result):
+ self.ans.append("Finalize")
+ os = StringIO()
+ with LoggingIntercept(os, 'pyomo'):
+ walker = all_callbacks()
+ #self.assertIn(
+ # "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor "
+ # "has changed to include the child index for the "
+ # "beforeChild() method",
+ # os.getvalue().replace('\n', ' '),
+ #)
+ #self.assertIn(
+ # "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor "
+ # "has changed to include the child index for the "
+ # "acceptChildResult() method",
+ # os.getvalue().replace('\n', ' '),
+ #)
+ #self.assertIn(
+ # "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor "
+ # "has changed to include the child index for the "
+ # "afterChild() method",
+ # os.getvalue().replace('\n', ' '),
+ #)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.walk(walker, self.e))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "\n".join(walker.ans),
+ """Enter sum
+Before pow (from sum)
+Enter pow
+Before x (from pow)
+Enter x
+Exit x
+Accept into pow
+After x (from pow)
+Before 2 (from pow)
+Enter 2
+Exit 2
+Accept into pow
+After 2 (from pow)
+Exit pow
+Accept into sum
+After pow (from sum)
+Before y (from sum)
+Enter y
+Exit y
+Accept into sum
+After y (from sum)
+Before prod (from sum)
+Enter prod
+Before z (from prod)
+Enter z
+Exit z
+Accept into prod
+After z (from prod)
+Before sum (from prod)
+Enter sum
+Before x (from sum)
+Enter x
+Exit x
+Accept into sum
+After x (from sum)
+Before y (from sum)
+Enter y
+Exit y
+Accept into sum
+After y (from sum)
+Exit sum
+Accept into prod
+After sum (from prod)
+Exit prod
+Accept into sum
+After prod (from sum)
+Exit sum
+ )
+class TestStreamBasedExpressionVisitor_Recursive(
+ BaseStreamBasedVisitorTests, unittest.TestCase
+ def walk(self, walker, expr):
+ return walker.walk_expression(expr)
+class TestStreamBasedExpressionVisitor_NonRecursive(
+ BaseStreamBasedVisitorTests, unittest.TestCase
+ def walk(self, walker, expr):
+ return walker.walk_expression_nonrecursive(expr)
+def fill_stack(n, fcn, *args):
+ if n:
+ return fill_stack(n - 1, fcn, *args)
+ else:
+ return fcn(*args)
+class TestStreamBasedExpressionVisitor_Deep(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.m = m = ConcreteModel()
+ m.x = Var("x")
+ m.I = Set(initialize=range(2 * RECURSION_LIMIT))
+ def _rule(m, i):
+ if i:
+ return m.e[i - 1]
+ else:
+ return m.x
+ m.e = Expression(m.I, rule=_rule)
+ def evaluate_bx(self):
+ def before(node, child, idx):
+ if type(child) in native_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, value(child)
+ return True, None
+ def exit(node, data):
+ return data[0] + 1
+ return StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(beforeChild=before, exitNode=exit)
+ def evaluate_bex(self):
+ def before(node, child, idx):
+ if type(child) in native_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, value(child)
+ return True, None
+ def enter(node):
+ return None, []
+ def exit(node, data):
+ return data[0] + 1
+ return StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ beforeChild=before, enterNode=enter, exitNode=exit
+ )
+ def evaluate_abex(self):
+ def before(node, child, idx):
+ if type(child) in native_types or not child.is_expression_type():
+ return False, value(child)
+ return True, None
+ def enter(node):
+ return None, 0
+ def accept(node, data, child_result, child_idx):
+ return data + child_result
+ def exit(node, data):
+ return data + 1
+ return StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
+ beforeChild=before, acceptChildResult=accept, enterNode=enter, exitNode=exit
+ )
+ def run_walker(self, walker):
+ m = self.m
+ m.x = 10
+ self.assertEqual(
+ walker.walk_expression(m.e[2 * RECURSION_LIMIT - 1]),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ walker.walk_expression_nonrecursive(m.e[2 * RECURSION_LIMIT - 1]),
+ )
+ # This is a "magic parameter" that quantifies the overhead
+ # needed by the system to convert the recursive walker to a
+ # nonrecursive one.
+ #
+ # Note: this needs to be 13 if pytest is run as a script, and 14
+ # if pytest is run as "python -m". We will use 14, and then add
+ # 2 (instead of 1) to generate the recursion error. Note that
+ # the stack handling is different on GHA, and we need to fill an
+ # additional frame (for a total of 3) to trigger the recursion
+ # error.
+ #
+ warn_msg = "Unexpected RecursionError walking an expression tree.\n"
+ if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy':
+ # We have not yet determined how to trigger the
+ # RecursionError on PyPy
+ cases = [(0, "")]
+ elif os.environ.get('GITHUB_ACTIONS', '') and sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ # The test for handling RecursionError appears to fail
+ # inexplicably on GHA/Windows under pytest: the
+ # RecursionError that is supposed to be raised is not
+ # raised, and instead the system actually dies on stack
+ # overflow error
+ cases = []
+ else:
+ # 3 sufficed through Python 3.10, but appeared to need to be
+ # raised to 5 for recent 3.11 builds (3.11.2)
+ cases = [(0, ""), (5, warn_msg)]
+ head_room = sys.getrecursionlimit() - get_stack_depth()
+ for n, msg in cases:
+ with LoggingIntercept() as LOG:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ fill_stack(
+ walker.walk_expression,
+ m.e[2 * RECURSION_LIMIT - 1],
+ ),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(msg, LOG.getvalue())
+ def test_evaluate_bx(self):
+ return self.run_walker(self.evaluate_bx())
+ def test_evaluate_bex(self):
+ return self.run_walker(self.evaluate_bex())
+ def test_evaluate_abex(self):
+ return self.run_walker(self.evaluate_abex())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+# ___________________________________________________________________________
+# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2022
+# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
+# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
+# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
+# rights in this software.
+# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
+# ___________________________________________________________________________
+from __future__ import division
+import inspect
+import logging
+import sys
+from copy import deepcopy
+from collections import deque
+logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')
+from openpower.numeric_types import nonpyomo_leaf_types
+ # sys._getframe is slightly faster than inspect's currentframe, but
+ # is not guaranteed to exist everywhere
+ currentframe = sys._getframe
+except AttributeError:
+ currentframe = inspect.currentframe
+def get_stack_depth():
+ n = -1 # skip *this* frame in the count
+ f = currentframe()
+ while f is not None:
+ n += 1
+ f = f.f_back
+ return n
+# For efficiency, we want to run recursively, but don't want to hit
+# Python's recursion limit (because that would be difficult to recover
+# from cleanly). However, there is a non-trivial cost to determine the
+# current stack depth - and we don't want to hit that for every call.
+# Instead, we will assume that the walker is always called with at
+# least RECURSION_LIMIT frames available on the stack. When we hit the
+# end of that limit, we will actually check how much space is left on
+# the stack and run recursively until only 2*RECURSION_LIMIT frames are
+# left. For the vast majority of well-formed expressions this approach
+# avoids a somewhat costly call to get_stack_depth, but still catches
+# the vast majority of cases that could generate a recursion error.
+class RevertToNonrecursive(Exception):
+ pass
+# NOTE: This module also has dependencies on numeric_expr; however, to
+# avoid circular dependencies, we will NOT import them here. Instead,
+# until we can resolve the circular dependencies, they will be injected
+# into this module by the .current module (which must be imported
+# *after* numeric_expr, logocal_expr, and this module.
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# Visitor Logic
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+class StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(object):
+ """This class implements a generic stream-based expression walker.
+ This visitor walks an expression tree using a depth-first strategy
+ and generates a full event stream similar to other tree visitors
+ (e.g., the expat XML parser). The following events are triggered
+ through callback functions as the traversal enters and leaves nodes
+ in the tree:
+ initializeWalker(expr) -> walk, result
+ enterNode(N1) -> args, data
+ {for N2 in args:}
+ beforeChild(N1, N2) -> descend, child_result
+ enterNode(N2) -> N2_args, N2_data
+ [...]
+ exitNode(N2, n2_data) -> child_result
+ acceptChildResult(N1, data, child_result) -> data
+ afterChild(N1, N2) -> None
+ exitNode(N1, data) -> N1_result
+ finalizeWalker(result) -> result
+ Individual event callbacks match the following signatures:
+ walk, result = initializeWalker(self, expr):
+ initializeWalker() is called to set the walker up and perform
+ any preliminary processing on the root node. The method returns
+ a flag indicating if the tree should be walked and a result. If
+ `walk` is True, then result is ignored. If `walk` is False,
+ then `result` is returned as the final result from the walker,
+ bypassing all other callbacks (including finalizeResult).
+ args, data = enterNode(self, node):
+ enterNode() is called when the walker first enters a node (from
+ above), and is passed the node being entered. It is expected to
+ return a tuple of child `args` (as either a tuple or list) and a
+ user-specified data structure for collecting results. If None
+ is returned for args, the node's args attribute is used for
+ expression types and the empty tuple for leaf nodes. Returning
+ None is equivalent to returning (None,None). If the callback is
+ not defined, the default behavior is equivalent to returning
+ (None, []).
+ node_result = exitNode(self, node, data):
+ exitNode() is called after the node is completely processed (as
+ the walker returns up the tree to the parent node). It is
+ passed the node and the results data structure (defined by
+ enterNode() and possibly further modified by
+ acceptChildResult()), and is expected to return the "result" for
+ this node. If not specified, the default action is to return
+ the data object from enterNode().
+ descend, child_result = beforeChild(self, node, child, child_idx):
+ beforeChild() is called by a node for every child before
+ entering the child node. The node, child node, and child index
+ (position in the args list from enterNode()) are passed as
+ arguments. beforeChild should return a tuple (descend,
+ child_result). If descend is False, the child node will not be
+ entered and the value returned to child_result will be passed to
+ the node's acceptChildResult callback. Returning None is
+ equivalent to (True, None). The default behavior if not
+ specified is equivalent to (True, None).
+ data = acceptChildResult(self, node, data, child_result, child_idx):
+ acceptChildResult() is called for each child result being
+ returned to a node. This callback is responsible for recording
+ the result for later processing or passing up the tree. It is
+ passed the node, result data structure (see enterNode()), child
+ result, and the child index (position in args from enterNode()).
+ The data structure (possibly modified or replaced) must be
+ returned. If acceptChildResult is not specified, it does
+ nothing if data is None, otherwise it calls data.append(result).
+ afterChild(self, node, child, child_idx):
+ afterChild() is called by a node for every child node
+ immediately after processing the node is complete before control
+ moves to the next child or up to the parent node. The node,
+ child node, an child index (position in args from enterNode())
+ are passed, and nothing is returned. If afterChild is not
+ specified, no action takes place.
+ finalizeResult(self, result):
+ finalizeResult() is called once after the entire expression tree
+ has been walked. It is passed the result returned by the root
+ node exitNode() callback. If finalizeResult is not specified,
+ the walker returns the result obtained from the exitNode
+ callback on the root node.
+ Clients interact with this class by either deriving from it and
+ implementing the necessary callbacks (see above), assigning callable
+ functions to an instance of this class, or passing the callback
+ functions as arguments to this class' constructor.
+ """
+ # The list of event methods that can either be implemented by
+ # derived classes or specified as callback functions to the class
+ # constructor.
+ #
+ # This is a dict mapping the callback name to a single character
+ # that we can use to classify the set of callbacks used by a
+ # particular Visitor (we define special-purpose node processors for
+ # certain common combinations). For example, a 'bex' visitor is one
+ # that supports beforeChild, enterNode, and exitNode, but NOT
+ # afterChild or acceptChildResult.
+ client_methods = {
+ 'enterNode': 'e',
+ 'exitNode': 'x',
+ 'beforeChild': 'b',
+ 'afterChild': 'a',
+ 'acceptChildResult': 'c',
+ 'initializeWalker': '',
+ 'finalizeResult': '',
+ }
+ def __init__(self, **kwds):
+ # This is slightly tricky: We want derived classes to be able to
+ # override the "None" defaults here, and for keyword arguments
+ # to override both. The hasattr check prevents the "None"
+ # defaults from overriding attributes or methods defined on
+ # derived classes.
+ for field in self.client_methods:
+ if field in kwds:
+ setattr(self, field, kwds.pop(field))
+ elif not hasattr(self, field):
+ setattr(self, field, None)
+ if kwds:
+ raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized keyword arguments: %s" % (kwds,))
+ # Handle deprecated APIs
+ _fcns = (('beforeChild', 2), ('acceptChildResult', 3), ('afterChild', 2))
+ for name, nargs in _fcns:
+ fcn = getattr(self, name)
+ if fcn is None:
+ continue
+ _args = inspect.getfullargspec(fcn)
+ _self_arg = 1 if inspect.ismethod(fcn) else 0
+ if len(_args.args) == nargs + _self_arg and _args.varargs is None:
+ print(
+ "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor " \
+ "has changed to include the child index for the %s() " \
+ "method" % (name,))#, file=sys.stderr)
+ def wrap(fcn, nargs):
+ def wrapper(*args):
+ return fcn(*args[:nargs])
+ return wrapper
+ setattr(self, name, wrap(fcn, nargs))
+ self.recursion_stack = None
+ # Set up the custom recursive node handler function (customized
+ # for the specific set of callbacks that are defined for this
+ # class instance).
+ recursive_node_handler = '_process_node_' + ''.join(
+ sorted(
+ '' if getattr(self, f[0]) is None else f[1]
+ for f in self.client_methods.items()
+ )
+ )
+ self._process_node = getattr(
+ self, recursive_node_handler, self._process_node_general
+ )
+ def walk_expression(self, expr):
+ """Walk an expression, calling registered callbacks."""
+ if self.initializeWalker is not None:
+ walk, root = self.initializeWalker(expr)
+ if not walk:
+ return root
+ elif root is None:
+ root = expr
+ else:
+ root = expr
+ try:
+ result = self._process_node(root, RECURSION_LIMIT)
+ _nonrecursive = None
+ except RevertToNonrecursive:
+ ptr = (None,) + self.recursion_stack.pop()
+ while self.recursion_stack:
+ ptr = (ptr,) + self.recursion_stack.pop()
+ self.recursion_stack = None
+ _nonrecursive = self._nonrecursive_walker_loop, ptr
+ except RecursionError:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Unexpected RecursionError walking an expression tree.',
+ extra={'id': 'W1003'},
+ )
+ _nonrecursive = self.walk_expression_nonrecursive, expr
+ if _nonrecursive is not None:
+ return _nonrecursive[0](_nonrecursive[1])
+ if self.finalizeResult is not None:
+ return self.finalizeResult(result)
+ else:
+ return result
+ def _compute_actual_recursion_limit(self):
+ recursion_limit = (
+ sys.getrecursionlimit() - get_stack_depth() - 2 * RECURSION_LIMIT
+ )
+ if recursion_limit <= RECURSION_LIMIT:
+ self.recursion_stack = []
+ raise RevertToNonrecursive()
+ return recursion_limit
+ def _process_node_general(self, node, recursion_limit):
+ """Recursive routine for processing nodes with general callbacks
+ This is the "general" implementation of the
+ StreamBasedExpressionVisitor node processor that can handle any
+ combination of registered callback functions.
+ """
+ if not recursion_limit:
+ recursion_limit = self._compute_actual_recursion_limit()
+ else:
+ recursion_limit -= 1
+ if self.enterNode is not None:
+ tmp = self.enterNode(node)
+ if tmp is None:
+ args = data = None
+ else:
+ args, data = tmp
+ else:
+ args = None
+ data = []
+ if args is None:
+ if type(node) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not node.is_expression_type():
+ args = ()
+ else:
+ args = node.args
+ # Because we do not require the args to be a context manager, we
+ # will mock up the "with args" using a try-finally.
+ context_manager = hasattr(args, '__enter__')
+ if context_manager:
+ args.__enter__()
+ try:
+ descend = True
+ child_idx = -1
+ # Note: this relies on iter(iterator) returning the
+ # iterator. This seems to hold for all common iterators
+ # (list, tuple, generator, etc)
+ arg_iter = iter(args)
+ for child in arg_iter:
+ child_idx += 1
+ if self.beforeChild is not None:
+ tmp = self.beforeChild(node, child, child_idx)
+ if tmp is None:
+ descend = True
+ else:
+ descend, child_result = tmp
+ if descend:
+ child_result = self._process_node(child, recursion_limit)
+ if self.acceptChildResult is not None:
+ data = self.acceptChildResult(node, data, child_result, child_idx)
+ elif data is not None:
+ data.append(child_result)
+ if self.afterChild is not None:
+ self.afterChild(node, child, child_idx)
+ except RevertToNonrecursive:
+ self._recursive_frame_to_nonrecursive_stack(locals())
+ context_manager = False
+ raise
+ finally:
+ if context_manager:
+ args.__exit__(None, None, None)
+ # We are done with this node. Call exitNode to compute
+ # any result
+ if self.exitNode is not None:
+ return self.exitNode(node, data)
+ else:
+ return data
+ def _process_node_bex(self, node, recursion_limit):
+ """Recursive routine for processing nodes with only 'bex' callbacks
+ This is a special-case implementation of the "general"
+ StreamBasedExpressionVisitor node processor for the case that
+ only beforeChild, enterNode, and exitNode are defined (see
+ also the definition of the client_methods dict).
+ """
+ if not recursion_limit:
+ recursion_limit = self._compute_actual_recursion_limit()
+ else:
+ recursion_limit -= 1
+ tmp = self.enterNode(node)
+ if tmp is None:
+ args = data = None
+ else:
+ args, data = tmp
+ if args is None:
+ if type(node) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not node.is_expression_type():
+ args = ()
+ else:
+ args = node.args
+ # Because we do not require the args to be a context manager, we
+ # will mock up the "with args" using a try-finally.
+ context_manager = hasattr(args, '__enter__')
+ if context_manager:
+ args.__enter__()
+ try:
+ child_idx = -1
+ # Note: this relies on iter(iterator) returning the
+ # iterator. This seems to hold for all common iterators
+ # (list, tuple, generator, etc)
+ arg_iter = iter(args)
+ for child in arg_iter:
+ child_idx += 1
+ tmp = self.beforeChild(node, child, child_idx)
+ if tmp is None:
+ descend = True
+ else:
+ descend, child_result = tmp
+ if descend:
+ data.append(self._process_node(child, recursion_limit))
+ else:
+ data.append(child_result)
+ except RevertToNonrecursive:
+ self._recursive_frame_to_nonrecursive_stack(locals())
+ context_manager = False
+ raise
+ finally:
+ if context_manager:
+ args.__exit__(None, None, None)
+ # We are done with this node. Call exitNode to compute
+ # any result
+ return self.exitNode(node, data)
+ def _process_node_bx(self, node, recursion_limit):
+ """Recursive routine for processing nodes with only 'bx' callbacks
+ This is a special-case implementation of the "general"
+ StreamBasedExpressionVisitor node processor for the case that
+ only beforeChild and exitNode are defined (see also the
+ definition of the client_methods dict).
+ """
+ if not recursion_limit:
+ recursion_limit = self._compute_actual_recursion_limit()
+ else:
+ recursion_limit -= 1
+ if type(node) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not node.is_expression_type():
+ args = ()
+ else:
+ args = node.args
+ data = []
+ try:
+ child_idx = -1
+ # Note: this relies on iter(iterator) returning the
+ # iterator. This seems to hold for all common iterators
+ # (list, tuple, generator, etc)
+ arg_iter = iter(args)
+ for child in arg_iter:
+ child_idx += 1
+ tmp = self.beforeChild(node, child, child_idx)
+ if tmp is None:
+ descend = True
+ else:
+ descend, child_result = tmp
+ if descend:
+ data.append(self._process_node(child, recursion_limit))
+ else:
+ data.append(child_result)
+ except RevertToNonrecursive:
+ self._recursive_frame_to_nonrecursive_stack(locals())
+ raise
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # We are done with this node. Call exitNode to compute
+ # any result
+ return self.exitNode(node, data)
+ def _recursive_frame_to_nonrecursive_stack(self, local):
+ child_idx = local['child_idx']
+ _arg_list = [None] * child_idx
+ _arg_list.append(local['child'])
+ _arg_list.extend(local['arg_iter'])
+ if not self.recursion_stack:
+ # For the deepest stack frame, the recursion limit hit
+ # as we started to enter the child. As we haven't
+ # started processing it yet, we need to decrement
+ # child_idx so that it is revisited
+ child_idx -= 1
+ self.recursion_stack.append(
+ (local['node'], _arg_list, len(_arg_list) - 1, local['data'], child_idx)
+ )
+ def walk_expression_nonrecursive(self, expr):
+ """Walk an expression, calling registered callbacks."""
+ #
+ # This walker uses a linked list to store the stack (instead of
+ # an array). The nodes of the linked list are 6-member tuples:
+ #
+ # ( pointer to parent,
+ # expression node,
+ # tuple/list of child nodes (arguments),
+ # number of child nodes (arguments),
+ # data object to aggregate results from child nodes,
+ # current child node index )
+ #
+ # The walker only needs a single pointer to the end of the list
+ # (ptr). The beginning of the list is indicated by a None
+ # parent pointer.
+ #
+ if self.initializeWalker is not None:
+ walk, result = self.initializeWalker(expr)
+ if not walk:
+ return result
+ elif result is not None:
+ expr = result
+ if self.enterNode is not None:
+ tmp = self.enterNode(expr)
+ if tmp is None:
+ args = data = None
+ else:
+ args, data = tmp
+ else:
+ args = None
+ data = []
+ if args is None:
+ if type(expr) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not expr.is_expression_type():
+ args = ()
+ else:
+ args = expr.args
+ if hasattr(args, '__enter__'):
+ args.__enter__()
+ node = expr
+ # Note that because we increment child_idx just before fetching
+ # the child node, it must be initialized to -1, and ptr[3] must
+ # always be *one less than* the number of arguments
+ return self._nonrecursive_walker_loop(
+ (None, node, args, len(args) - 1, data, -1)
+ )
+ def _nonrecursive_walker_loop(self, ptr):
+ _, node, args, _, data, child_idx = ptr
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ if child_idx < ptr[3]:
+ # Increment the child index pointer here for
+ # consistency. Note that this means that for the bulk
+ # of the time, 'child_idx' will not match the value of
+ # ptr[5]. This provides a modest performance
+ # improvement, as we only have to recreate the ptr tuple
+ # just before we descend further into the tree (i.e., we
+ # avoid recreating the tuples for the special case where
+ # beforeChild indicates that we should not descend
+ # further).
+ child_idx += 1
+ # This node still has children to process
+ child = ptr[2][child_idx]
+ # Notify this node that we are about to descend into a
+ # child.
+ if self.beforeChild is not None:
+ tmp = self.beforeChild(node, child, child_idx)
+ if tmp is None:
+ descend = True
+ child_result = None
+ else:
+ descend, child_result = tmp
+ if not descend:
+ # We are aborting processing of this child node.
+ # Tell this node to accept the child result and
+ # we will move along
+ if self.acceptChildResult is not None:
+ data = self.acceptChildResult(
+ node, data, child_result, child_idx
+ )
+ elif data is not None:
+ data.append(child_result)
+ # And let the node know that we are done with a
+ # child node
+ if self.afterChild is not None:
+ self.afterChild(node, child, child_idx)
+ # Jump to the top to continue processing the
+ # next child node
+ continue
+ # Update the child argument counter in the stack.
+ # Because we are using tuples, we need to recreate the
+ # "ptr" object (linked list node)
+ ptr = ptr[:4] + (data, child_idx)
+ # We are now going to actually enter this node. The
+ # node will tell us the list of its child nodes that we
+ # need to process
+ if self.enterNode is not None:
+ tmp = self.enterNode(child)
+ if tmp is None:
+ args = data = None
+ else:
+ args, data = tmp
+ else:
+ args = None
+ data = []
+ if args is None:
+ if (
+ type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types
+ or not child.is_expression_type()
+ ):
+ # Leaves (either non-pyomo types or
+ # non-Expressions) have no child arguments, so
+ # are just put on the stack
+ args = ()
+ else:
+ args = child.args
+ if hasattr(args, '__enter__'):
+ args.__enter__()
+ node = child
+ child_idx = -1
+ ptr = (ptr, node, args, len(args) - 1, data, child_idx)
+ else: # child_idx == ptr[3]:
+ # We are done with this node. Call exitNode to compute
+ # any result
+ if hasattr(ptr[2], '__exit__'):
+ ptr[2].__exit__(None, None, None)
+ if self.exitNode is not None:
+ node_result = self.exitNode(node, data)
+ else:
+ node_result = data
+ # Pop the node off the linked list
+ ptr = ptr[0]
+ # If we have returned to the beginning, return the final
+ # answer
+ if ptr is None:
+ if self.finalizeResult is not None:
+ return self.finalizeResult(node_result)
+ else:
+ return node_result
+ # Not done yet, update node to point to the new active
+ # node
+ node, child = ptr[1], node
+ data = ptr[4]
+ child_idx = ptr[5]
+ # We need to alert the node to accept the child's result:
+ if self.acceptChildResult is not None:
+ data = self.acceptChildResult(
+ node, data, node_result, child_idx
+ )
+ elif data is not None:
+ data.append(node_result)
+ # And let the node know that we are done with a child node
+ if self.afterChild is not None:
+ self.afterChild(node, child, child_idx)
+ finally:
+ while ptr is not None:
+ if hasattr(ptr[2], '__exit__'):
+ ptr[2].__exit__(None, None, None)
+ ptr = ptr[0]