where the original hardcoded cascade can be seen.
-The docstring for power_decoder.py gives mire details: each levrl in the hierarchy, just as in the original decode1.vhdl, will take slices of the instruction bitpattern, match against it, and if successful will continue with further subdecoders until a line is met that contains the Operand Information (a PowerOp) exactly as shown at the top of this page.
+The docstring for power_decoder.py gives more details: each level in the hierarchy, just as in the original decode1.vhdl, will take slices of the instruction bitpattern, match against it, and if successful will continue with further subdecoders until a line is met that contains the required Operand Information (a PowerOp) exactly as shown at the top of this page.
In this way, different sections of the instruction are successively decoded (major opcode, then minor opcode, then sub-patterns under those) until the required instruction is fully recognised, and the hierarchical cascade of switch patterns results in a flat interpretation being produced that is useful internally.